Laws Affecting the Five Civilized Tribes

United States. Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes. Laws, Decisions and Regulations Affecting the work of the Commissioners to Five Civilized Tribes, 1893-1906. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1906.

Decision Rendered in Richard B. Coleman, et al

Last Updated on March 28, 2013 by Dennis Office of the Secretary Washington, D. G., March 27, 1905 Commission To The Five Civilized Tribes Muscogee, Ind. T. GENTLEMEN: August 25, 1904, you transmitted the record in the consolidated case embracing the applications of Richard B. Coleman, Ida C. Walker, Bettie W. Cooper, Bennetta Coleman, Henry

Decision Rendered in Richard B. Coleman, et al Read More »

Dawes Commissioners Salary Act of March 3, 1901

Last Updated on March 28, 2013 by Dennis 31 Stat. L. 1073 For salaries of four commissioners, appointed under acts of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, and March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, to negotiate with the Five Civilized Tribes in the Indian Territory, twenty thousand dollars : Provided, That the number

Dawes Commissioners Salary Act of March 3, 1901 Read More »

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