Biographical Sketch of Harvey C. Means

HARVEY C. MEANS. – This flourishing merchant of the town of Umatilla was born in Missouri in 1858, and while yet a boy, in 1863, crossed the plains with his parents to Oregon, stopping in Umatilla county. During those early days he had the severe experiences of a pioneer life in this country, acquiring a hardihood and force, both of frame and character, which has ever stood him in good stead. He enjoyed the advantages off a good common-school education, and in 1880 came to the town to find a business opening, first engaging in draying, jobbing and clerking. In … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harrison H. Hungate

HARRISON H. HUNGATE. – The large horse ranch of this gentleman is situated eleven miles east of Walla Walla, Washington, and contains twenty-five hundred acres of land in the beautiful Spring valley. Any visitor to Walla Walla will be abundantly repaid by a trip to this farm, not only for inspecting the stock, but also for the fine scenery surrounding. Although his ranch is some distance from Walla Walla, Mr. Hungate lives in town, having one of the most costly and beautiful of many fine residences. Mr. Hungate is a native of Illinois, where he was born in 1836, coming … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. W. Stratton

H. W. STRATTON, the subject of this sketch, after a number of years spent in business in Ohio, was ordained to the ministry in 1866 over the same church of which his father had been pastor nearly a quarter of a century. Soon afterwards he began preaching in Kansas, continuing five years, and in 1871 came to Oregon, ministering to the Presbyterian and Congregational churches united at Albany. Leaving that field at the instance of his presbytery, he served a church as synodical missionary for one year, among other things organizing the first Presbyterian churches east of the Cascade Mountains … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. A. Myers

H.A. MYERS. – Mr. Myers, for twenty-five years one of the “pillars of the community” in the beautiful north end of the Grande Ronde, was born in Kentucky in 1820, and nine years later removed with his parents to Missouri, where he grew to manhood and received what education might be obtained at the common schools of that state. In 1864 he made the journey across the plains immediately to the Grande Ronde, Oregon, and located a claim three miles west of Summerville. For six years he was engaged in farming and stock-raising, and afterwards for six years lived in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gustave Rosenthal

GUSTAVE ROSENTHAL. – This well-known merchant was born in Bavaria on the 4th of July, 1840. He continued to live in his native country until 1856. In that year he emigrated to America. The first three years of his stay he spent in Boston. Then, removing to the city of New York, he was engaged in mercantile business until 1861. In September of that year he came by the Panama route to California; and two years later he resumed his journeyings, coming to a final pause at Olympia, Washington Territory. There he soon embarked in the business of general merchandising … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Governor George Abernethy

GOVERNOR GEORGE ABERNETHY . – Oregon’s first governor will of necessity occupy an important place in her annals. This is due both to the intrinsic character of the man and to his official position. So frequently, however, does he appear in the narration of the body of events described in this work that it is not necessary to do more here than give the mere outlines of his career. He was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1807. The family moved to the United States soon after; and the future governor spent the first thirty-two years of his life in New … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Walling

GEORGE W. WALLING. – George W. Walling was born in Ohio on December 18, 1818. He moved with his parents to Iowa in 1828, and remained there ten years. He came thence to Oregon in 1847, crossing the plains by ox-team with his parents. He was married in Iowa to Miss Frances Nye. His first son was born at a place called Mud Springs, on the summit of the Rocky Mountains. He arrived in Oregon City on the 10th of September, 1847, and remained there one year, when he moved to the place he now occupies about two miles from … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Swagart

GEORGE W. SWAGART. – Mr. Swagart, identified since 1853 with the interests of our coast, and now one of the “cattle kings” of Eastern Oregon, was born May 1, 1848, near Galena, in Joe Davis county, Illinois. In 1853 he came with his parents to Oregon, locating in Lane county, where he received a common-school education, and became inured to the hardships of an early pioneer life, in the saddle, and to the arduous labors of farming, until, in 1865, he branched out for himself in the stock business, driving a band of sheep across the Cascade Mountains to the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Prosser

GEORGE W. PROSSER. – George W. Prosser was born in Des Moines, Iowa, December 20, 1846, and crossed the plains in 1852-53 with his father and mother. They wintered at old Fort Hall, and left there the following spring, arriving in Clackamas county, Oregon, on the 25th of June, 1853. He with his father first settled eleven miles east of East Portland. they abandoned that claim, and took up a claim three miles west of Oswego; and the subject of this sketch discovered and opened the iron mines now owned by the Oregon Iron & Steel Company, on said claim. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Harris

GEORGE W. HARRIS. – This successful business man of Morrow county was born at Pittsfield, Pike county, Illinois, February 18, 1858. During his minor years he followed the fortunes of his parents, who moved to Iowa in 1860, and four years later crossed the plains to California with ox-teams, locating at Red Bluff. In 1865 they came to Oregon and located at Monmouth. From that date many changes and removals were undergone, including a return to California, a residence at Corvallis and again at Eugene; also a trip across the continent to Missouri, Texas and Iowa, and a return to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Murphy

GEORGE MURPHY. – The firm of Murphy & Burns occupies an important place in the business of Sprague, Washington. Their book and stationery business, including also novelties and jewelry, now aggregates some twenty thousand dollars a year and is rapidly increasing. This is a dept for these articles to the Big Bend and Okanagan countries. Mr. Murphy is a native of Ireland, and was born at Limerick. He is a veteran of the United States navy. He came to New York in 1858, and in 1862 joined the United States marine corps, serving under Commander E.Y. McConley for three years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Humphrey

GEORGE HUMPHREY. – Mr. Humphrey was esteemed by everyone as an honorable gentleman, a man of large brain, and of an excellent capacity and understanding. Although in his youth he suffered from poverty and the lack of educational facilities, he nevertheless succeeded in obtaining a large property and an honored and enduring name. His estimable wife, Cynthia A. Humphrey, was “one of the best of women,” so described by all who knew her and were allowed to make the acquaintance of her great mental intelligence and vigor, and to know of her benevolence and christian character. Mr. Humphrey was born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George F. Schorr

GEO. F. SCHORR. – The Northwest Tribune is the oldest newspaper in Eastern Washington north of the Snake river, having been established at Colfax in 1879. It has moved to Cheney in 1883, and to Spokane Falls in 1886. It gives its readers a full telegraphic summary of public events, and has a special department devoted to agriculture and stock-raising, thus making it of great value to the farming population, among whom it enjoys a large circulation. It avoids the stale old party cries and affiliations, giving the news, valuable information, and advocates right and justice without fear or favor. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George E. Hartson

GEORGE E. HARTSON. – The subject of this sketch, editor and proprietor of the Skagit News, was born in Troy, New York, in 1855. While but an infant his parents made a new home in Wisconsin, and nine years later in Iowa. In 1869 they came to California, but almost immediately continued their travels up the coast, coming to a final halt at Coupville, Washington Territory. Young Hartson accompanied them, and at this place made such good use of the public school as to be able at the age of seventeen to engage as teacher; but in 1872 he made … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Brackett

GEORGE BRACKETT. – Mr. Brackett, whose portrait appears in this work, was born in Canada East, May 22, 1842. There he resided until eighteen years of age. He then with his parents moved to Maine, his father being a native of that state. There they lived for six years, and then moved Eu Clare, Wisconsin, and embarked in the lumber business, which he followed until December, 1869.Then George came west to Washington Territory, and first found employment in Pierce county. In 1870 he came to Seattle, and in 1872 began logging on Salmon Bay, which business he followed until 1877, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Ackles

GEORGE ACKLES. – Mr. Ackles was born on a farm in Clearmont county, Ohio, in 1832, and received a common-school education. At the age of twenty-two he removed to Iowa, where he married Miss Louisa Walker of Jefferson county, and lived on a farm. He was engaged in like agricultural pursuits in Illinois and Missouri until 1865, when he made the great journey across the plains to Grande Ronde valley, and located on a beautiful tract of land where he now resides and owns 476 acres with a neat residence and comfortable outbuildings, fine stock, and a nice orchard. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George A. Herbert

GEORGE A. HERBERT. – The parents of George A. Herbert crossed the plains in 1850, locating in Wasco county, where our subject was born January 22, 1860, on Fifteen-mile creek. The early years of George’s life were spent on the farm of his father until he reached the age of sixteen years. Previous to this time his opportunities for securing an education were very limited; but afterwards he was able to attend The Dalles Public School during the winter, while he still rode the ranges during the summer. In 1879 he commenced a regular course of study at the Oregon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gen. George Wright

GENERAL GEORGE WRIGHT. – The work of this stern and skillful soldier in quelling some of the Indian wars of the Pacific Northwest was so conspicuous that the reader who has learned the story of his campaigns will be anxious to know the general features of his life. Born in Vermont in 1803, he received an appointment to West Point, from which he graduated in 1822. He was early introduced to the Indian warfare of the frontier, spending the first nine years of his army life at various places in the great West. In 1831 he went to Louisiana, where … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred Furth

FRED FURTH. – One looks for saddles and harnesses in Spokane Falls under the sign bearing the name of the above. The gentleman thus designated is from Germany, where he was born in 1839. He came to America in 1855. Stopping but a short time in St. Louis, he came to San Francisco in 1856 via Panama, and went thence to Washoe and Virginia City, Nevada, merchandising. He located in Colusa county, California, in 1869, and came thence to Spokane Falls, engaging in his present occupation. Mr. Furth is of the opinion that Spokane Falls is, and will be the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred D. Cleaves

FRED D. CLEAVES. – Although among the young men, Mr. Cleaves has for a number of years held responsible public positions. He was born in Stockbridge, Wisconsin, in 1852, residing in that village and at Fond du Lac until ten years of age, and coming in 1864 to this coast with his father’s family. Here is one of the few cases in which we find one of the early settlers returning to the East. After a year’s residence at Whidby Island, and two years at Albany, Oregon, the elder Cleaves recrossed the plains to his old home in Wisconsin. The … Read more