Biographical Sketch of George F. Schorr

GEO. F. SCHORR. – The Northwest Tribune is the oldest newspaper in Eastern Washington north of the Snake river, having been established at Colfax in 1879. It has moved to Cheney in 1883, and to Spokane Falls in 1886. It gives its readers a full telegraphic summary of public events, and has a special department devoted to agriculture and stock-raising, thus making it of great value to the farming population, among whom it enjoys a large circulation. It avoids the stale old party cries and affiliations, giving the news, valuable information, and advocates right and justice without fear or favor. It is a success financially, as well as from a literary point of view.

Its editor, Mr. Schorr, is from California, having been born in that sunny state in 1856, and having lived upon his father’s farm in the Sacramento valley until he was eighteen, when he went to the Bay city and learned the printer’s trade. To qualify himself for the best work, he entered the college of letters at the State University at Berkeley. He distinguished himself there in the literary societies, and as editor of a college paper. Receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts, he taught school with great acceptance in Butte and Kern counties, and in 1884 came to Cheney, Washington Territory, securing the chief position on the Tribune, and adding to it its present fame and value.

In 1885 he took a trip to California marrying Miss Carrie Bried, daughter of Rev. W.W. Bried, a pioneer minister in the state. This amiable and accomplished young lady was a classmate of his at the University. At Spokane Falls, Washington, Mr. Schorr occupies a position of influence, which is second to none, and which he uses wisely and conscientiously.


Biography, Newspapers,

History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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