Biographical Sketch of Franklin T. Dick

FRANKLIN T. DICK, – The present postmaster of La Grande was born in Westport, Kentucky, May 7, 1840, where he remained until 1861, receiving a common-school education. In 1863 he removed to Burlington, Iowa, and in the latter part of the year went to Nevada. In 1864 we find him at the Silver City mines, Idaho; and from this point in 1866 he found his way to La Grande, where he has remained ever since. In 1870 he began domestic life, marrying Miss Marquise Lewis; and they now have a family of three boys and one girl. After coming to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Mitchell

FRANK MITCHELL. – This gentleman is a brother of Mr. Matthew Mitchell, mentioned elsewhere. Born in Missouri in 1839, he was one of the ten children who crossed the plains with the parents and made their home in the lovely Looking Glass valley, Douglas county. Removing with his father in 1863 to The Cove, he assisted him in keeping the ferry, and later, the toll-bridge on the Ruckle road. The young man brought a few head of cattle of his own, and by good management soon had a fine herd. In1869 he drove three hundred animals to Nevada, and in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eugene L. Barnett

EUGENE L. BARNETT. – This is one of the native sons of Oregon; and his career sheds luster upon his state. He was born in Linn County in 1855, and is therefore still a young man, whose greatest achievements undoubtedly lie before him. The death of his father and mother, during his early manhood, left him without home ties, and in 1881 he sought a place in the promising city of Centerville. Two years he was in the mercantile business, and upon abandoning this took up the occupation of keeping and running a livery stable. In this he has been … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward K. Matlock

EDWARD K. MATLOCK. – This young gentleman, a leading druggist of Mount Vernon, Washington, was born in Ohio in 1858. His father was a Methodist minister. The son traveled with him extensively; but at the age of eighteen, beginning to do for himself, he went South and found employment at a sugar refinery at Bellevue, Louisiana, and there, and at another sugar town, spent four years. The Southern climate, however, becoming disagreeable, he determined to try the famous atmosphere of Washington Territory. Coming as far as San Francisco on his way, he stopped at the metropolis of our coast a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward B. Morelock

EDWARD B. MORELOCK. – Mr. Morelock was born in Missouri in 1845. While but a child of two years he suffered the loss of his father, who, as sheriff of Sullivan County, was killed by the owner of property that he was selling under execution. Upon the outbreak of the Rebellion, Edward, a youth of sixteen, joined the Missouri state militia, and in 1863 and enlisted in the Forty-second Missouri Volunteer Infantry, wherein he served until the end of the war. In 1865 he crossed the plains to Oregon, locating near Summerville in Union county, where he took a claim … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. P. McDaniel

E.P. MCDANIEL. – E.P. McDaniel, the junior partner of Cowles and McDaniel, was born in Missouri in 1839, and was raised on his father’s farm. In 1856 he emigrated to Kansas, where he engaged in farming and trading. In 1861 he crossed the plains to Portland, Oregon, and engaged in work at his trade of carpenter. In 1863 he came to Grande Ronde valley, and was engaged in packing, clerking and in the livery business. July 4th, 1865, he was married to Miss Fanny Cowles, and the next spring joined her uncle in conducting the farm, upon which they planted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. M. Kinnear

E.M. KINNEAR. – The mercantile house of Mr. Kinnear is one of the largest and most patronized in this part of the territory. Its owner and founder is a native of Ohio, where he was born in 1856. He came to Washington Territory in 1871 and located on the Touchet, engaging in merchandising. From 1878 to 1880 he was in business at Colfax, but removed in the latter year to Sprague for his permanent home. There he has bought quite a property, conducts a large business and is one of its most prominent citizens. He has served as city councilman … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. William Proebstel

DR. WILLIAM PROEBSTEL. – Few among our early residents have been more serviceable to society than the gentleman whose name appears above. He was born in Germany in 1829, and is the son of a wine-grower. He received his primary education in the old country, and at the age of thirteen migrated to America, locating in Missouri, remaining there ten years, and receiving from the common schools the rudiments of an English education. He also took a course in dentistry. In 1852 he crossed the plains to Oregon, locating at Portland. The next spring, with two brothers, he purchased the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Horace P. Downs

DR. HORACE P. DOWNS. – Doctor Downs is one of those highly educated gentlemen who have deliberately chosen a new country in which to exercise abilities that are ever in demand in the older communities. He was born in Freedom, New Hampshire, in 1840. The family made a number of removals. It was at great Falls that he received his first comprehensive instructions; and at Exeter he pursued his academic course, and graduated from the medical department of Bowdoin College in 1865. Entering at once upon the practice of his profession, he chose a location at Tamworth, New Hampshire, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Henry A. Smith

DR. HENRY A. SMITH. – Doctor Smith was born in Wooster, Ohio, April 11, 1830, and is the son of Nicholas and Abagail (Teaff) Smith. His father, who was a Baptist minister, died when he wa but nine years of age, and left his mother a widow with eleven children, Henry being the youngest son. When he was about sixteen years old he moved with his mother and one sister to Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Soon afterwards he entered Alleghany College, Pennsylvania, and studied medicine. In the spring of 1852, in company with his mother and one sister, he started west … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. F. C. Campbell

DR. F.C. CAMPBELL. – Literary ability is not so common on this coast as to be a drug in the market. It is agreeable to find it in professional men. Doctor Campbell is one of these persons. He was born in Ashtabula county, Ohio, in the year 1854. He received a good common-school education in the Rock Creek graded school, and commenced the study of dentistry in the office of Doctor N.S. Burns, of Ashtabula, in 1872, completing his dental education in Monroe, Michigan, in 1875, since which time he has practiced in nearly every state and territory in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Ford

DAVID FORD. – This highly esteemed citizen, a portrait of whom is placed in this history, was born in Indiana July 27,1837. After his marriage to Miss Mary Medler, October 11, 1857, he was occupied at his home until the war of the Rebellion, in which he served as a soldier in the Union army, bearing an honorable part, and making a brave record up to the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, where he received a wound which made him unfit for service. He belonged to Company A, Eighty-fourth Indiana Volunteers. In 1872 he came to Missouri, and five years later … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. Solis Cohen

D. SOLIS COHEN. – Prominent among the younger of the business men who have materially advanced the mercantile interest of Oregon is he whose name appears above, who was born in Philadelphia, where he resided consecutively until leaving for Oregon about twelve years ago, and where his family still remain as among the oldest residents, having resided in that city from early times. Previous to leaving his native city, Mr. Cohen had given up mercantile business for the pen, and was connected with various local papers, writing under a nom de plume which is still popularly remembered in the Quaker … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Clark Ferguson

CLARK FERGUSON. – This gentleman was born in Putnam county, New York, October 13, 1835, and lived at his birthplace until the age of twenty. In April, 1855, he came with his brother Yates via the Nicaragua route to the land of gold, arriving in San Francisco in May. After two years of life in California, he returned to his Eastern home, but one year later again came west via the overland route. On reaching Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and receiving the intelligence of the Mormon troubles, he located in that place, remaining two years. He then came to the mines … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles T. Kineth

CHARLES T. KINETH. – Mr. Kineth is a native of Washington, having been born near Coupeville, on Widby Island, November 3, 1855. His father, John Kineth, was a resident of Springfield, Illinois, when our martyred President Lincoln was studying his profession in that city. He moved to Oregon in 1848, and was a saddler at Lafayette during the Rogue river war, moving in the fall of 1852 to Whidby Island. The subject of this sketch was married to Miss Jessie Drake in 1879, and has two children, Jennie and Agnes. Having an ambition to be the architect of his own … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Carpenter

CHARLES CARPENTER. – Mr. Carpenter was born in Chattendon county, Vermont, February 1, 1838. He was the third son in a family of eight. Orrin and Jane (Basut) Carpenter were his parents. When thirteen years old he went with his parents to Franklin county, New York, and there received his education. In 1859 he came in company with his brothers J.W. and Henry, to California. They came via the Isthmus of Panama, and on the Pacific side took passage in the older steamer John L. Stevens for San Francisco. While in California Mr. Carpenter was engaged in various occupations, according … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. Henry E. Morgan

CAPT. HENRY E. MORGAN. – This well-known pioneer of 1849 is a native of Groton, Connecticut, and was born October 30, 1825. He moved with his parents to Meriden, in the same state, residing there until April, 1849, when he set forth for California in a bark via Cape Horn, arriving in San Francisco the following September. A short time afterwards he began a sea-faring life, and for fifteen years sailed the ocean. During that time he entered nearly all the noted foreign ports, and later purchased a vessel of his own and followed a coasting trade. In 1858 he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Caleb N. White

CALEB N. WHITE. – Mr. White is a representative of that class of our citizens who have gained from their own strength and application a share in the advantages and wealth of our Western communities. He was born in Illinois in 1850. He 1864 his parents took the first steps of the journey across the plains, but, the father dying at Fort Bridger, the family was compelled to remain there over winter. While thus waiting, cattle to the value of one thousand dollars were stolen from them. With the opening of the following season, however, the journey was resumed; and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. S. Perrin

C.S. PERRIN. – Mr. Perrin was born on a farm near Newton, Jasper county, Iowa, in 1857. He crossed the plains with his parents in 1871, locating near Salem, Oregon, engaging with them in agriculture. There he received his education at the Willamette University and the Chemeketa Academy, teaching public school during the summer season and attending upon a course of study during the winter, until 1878. After receiving his education, he followed teaching as a profession until 1881, coming in that year to Eastern Oregon and locating within the present limits of Gilliam county, near Arlington, engaging in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. M. Mallory

C.M. MALLORY. – Mr. Mallory, a leading merchant of Heppner, Oregon, is recognized as also a representative man of his section. He was born October 18, 1851, in Steuben county, New York, receiving in his native district a substantial, practical education. In 1868 he acted upon an enterprising impulse, and sought the newest side of the new world, coming via the Isthmus to Oregon, and selecting first a location near Salem. In 1870 he sought a still newer and fresher field in the Inland Empire, laying a claim near the present site of Heppner. While waiting for a city to … Read more