Biography of John W. Lewark

JOHN W. LEWARK. Madison County’s citizenship contains few members whose careers have illustrated so well the varied battle with fortune and with circumstance as that of Mr. John W. Lewark, of Pendleton. Mr. Lewark came to Madison County a runaway boy, obtained his education between periods of hard work, went from this County to the Union ranks in the great war between the states, and since returning a veteran from that conflict has been one of the honored citizens and business men of Pendleton. John W. Lewark was born in the city of Anderson on Ninth Street, April 20, 1842, … Read more

Biography of John W. Lambert

JOHN W. LAMBERT, originator of the famous Lambert Patented Friction Transmission, and treasurer and general manager of the Buckeye Manufacturing Company. The “Sage of East Aurora” has said: “To achieve fame, seek out an unpopular cause that you kn0w is right; then work for it, live for it, die for it.” There is something reflecting this thought underlying the struggles of those pioneers of industrial progress who have had the hardihood to disagree with established ideas and processes and substitute for them new methods and revolutionary inventions. Through years of discouragement and ridicule, Alexander Bell brought his telephone to final … Read more

Biography of John T. Starr

JOHN T. STARR. Adams Township can boast of some of the best regulated farms in Madison County, and here are also to be found some of the most progressive agriculturists of this part of the state. Many of these men have been the architects of their own fortunes, and, appreciating their success because it has been self-gained, take a pardonable degree of pride in their own achievements and those of their community, and are striving earnestly in behalf of the public welfare. Prominent among this class stands John comas Starr, who has not only won an enviable position in agriculture, … Read more

Biography of John Meckel

JOHN MECKEL. With the pre-conceived ability to design and execute plans for buildings, possessed of marked artistic talent and that hardheaded practicality which puts ideas and ideals to the test of materiality, and the capacity for co-operation with others, John Meckel, architect of Anderson, has accomplished a work in the planning of structures that is of such a character as to leave its impress on the city for many years to come. With a mind fertile in means, resources and expedients, he has fully mastered the multitudinous details of his complex and many-sided profession, and has risen to deserved prominence … Read more

Biography of John M. Lamey

JOHN M. LAMEY, Among the citizens of Madison County who have won material success through the exercise of their own industry and native talent, John M. Lamey, of Anderson, is deserving of more than passing mention, Compelled to face the world and make his own way when but still a lad, he has so perseveringly pursued the vocation that he early chose as his life work, that today he finds himself one of the substantial men of his community, and the general esteem in which he is held is ample evidence of the fact that his activities have been governed … Read more

Biography of John L. Givens

JOHN L. GIVENS. A resident of Madison County for sixty-five years, Mr. Givens represents the progressive rural citizenship of Stony Creek Township, where he has a fine farm of sixty-two acres, with excellent improvements and a comfortable home for himself and family. John L. Givens was born in Green Township, Madison County, November 30, 1848, a son of Andrew and Elizabeth (Shawl) Givens. Andrew Givens, the father was born in the state of Michigan, came to Indiana and was married in Madison County, his wife being a native of this state. He continued to reside in Madison County until his … Read more

Biography of John H. Raymer

JOHN H. RAYMER. No more honored and respected citizen might be pointed out in Green Township than John H. Raymer, who has been a resident of the County since about 1860, or since he was eighteen years of age. He was born in Maryland, on September 20, 1843, and is the son of W. P. and Lena (Prior) Raymer, both of whom were born and reared in Maryland. They came to Montgomery County, Ohio, where they passed the remainder of their lives, which had been devoted to the business of farming. W. P. Raymer was a \ran of prominence in … Read more

Biography of John H. Lail, M. D.

JOHN H. LAIL, M. D. It is widely recognized, in a comparison of the relative value to mankind of the various professions and pursuits to which men devote their time and energies, that none is more important than the science of medicine, Human destiny is largely in the hands of the physician from the cradle to the grave, not alone on account of the effect of his ministrations may have upon the physical system, but upon men’s moral and mental nature as well, A cheerful presence, a sympathetic disposition and a kindly nature often contribute to a patient’s recovery in … Read more

Biography of John H. Koons

JOHN H. KOONS, The eminence of Anderson among the industrial centers of Indiana has been due to the presence here of a group of men possessed of special genius as inventors and manufacturers and of fine capabilities as organizers and business builders. Capital has been less conspicuous in the net results than personal ability, and it is with pride that the city regards its lists of industrial executives, One of these is Mr. Koons, the inventor. and consulting engineer of the Koons Oil Furnace Company, designers and manufacturers of the Koons Hot Blast low pressure oil burning system, for all … Read more

Biography of John George Hinderer

JOHN GEORGE HINDERER, Since 1889 a resident of Anderson, Mr. Hinderer has contributed in no small measure to the creative industry of this city, Though he has spent many years and is known to many local people chiefly as a market gardener, who supplies tables in hundreds of homes with choicest of vegetables, he has a special genius in mechanics, is an inventor of no mean ability, has manufactured musical instruments in Anderson and elsewhere, and at his plant in the suburbs is now making and distributing over a large territory some of the most practical devices used in poultry … Read more

Biography of John E. Davis

JOHN E. DAVIS. For many years one of the well known business men of Anderson, Mr. Davis has spent nearly sixty years of his life time in Madison County, and has been very familiar by experience with the development of the country east of Anderson from pioneer times to the present, During the many years of his residence in the County, he has prospered, has enjoyed many of the good things of life, and has well provided for his family, and is still active and vigorous in business affairs at the County seat. John E. Davis was born on a … Read more

Biography of John C. Yule

JOHN C. YULE. A resident of Alexandria since 1899, when he came to this city to enter the employ of the Alexandria Paper Company, John C. Yule has been closely identified with the business interests of this flourishing commercial center during the past fifteen years and has fairly won the right to be named among those who have aided in this locality ‘s advancement. As sales manager for these mills, Mr. Yule has greatly extended the scope of the company’s business and as a citizen his adopted community has found in him one who has had its best interests at … Read more

Biography of John C. Johnson

JOHN C. JOHNSON. Honesty and stability of character are the foundation stone of a young man’s life, and in the formative period, when fitting himself for the battle of life, with those attributes of character, together with a fair measure of ambition, one is sure to arrive at the goal of his desires. Mr. Johnson is a native son of Madison County, Indiana, and has here resided all his life, His days here have been as an open volume to the citizens of Van Buren Township and the contiguous territory, and the people of his Township have conferred upon him … Read more

Biography of John B. Pritchard

JOHN B. PRITCHARD. The present superintendent of police at Anderson has recently completed a record of twenty years with the police force, in which he began as a patrolman, and by efficiency and faithful service has been promoted and under several different city administrations has held his present place. He belongs to one of the old families of Madison County, the Pritchards having been identified with this County for upwards of seventy years. John B. Pritchard was born in Madison, Kansas, December 17, 1863, a son of Nelson T. and Magdalene (Nelson) Pritchard. His father belonged to an old North … Read more

Biography of John B. Cragen

JOHN B. CRAGEN. Every branch of commercial and industrial activity is represented at Lapel, for this locality is not only a flourishing community, but furnishes a large contiguous territory that looks to it as a base of supply, For this reason many progressive men who seek the best locality for the prosecution of their lines of endeavor have settled here, confident in the future of the place and in their ability to make their mark upon its advancement. The men who succeed here, as elsewhere, in forging their way to the front ranks have to possess more than the average … Read more

Biography of John A. Smethers

JOHN A. SMETHERS, A farmer and lifelong citizen of Greene Township, in Madison County, John A. Smethers has lived a life of usefulness and worthy influence in his native community, and is well deserving of the position he holds in the minds of those who know him. He was born here on August 20, 1867, and is the son of James W. and Mary R. ( Schweikhardt ) Smethers. James W. Smethers was born in this Township also, and is now a resident of Ingalls, He has been twice married, His first wife died on April 7, 1889, leaving him … Read more

Biography of John A. Moon

JOHN A. MOON, the proprietor of a picture-framing establishment at No, 1418 Main street, has been a resident of Elwood for more than twenty years, and during this time has gained a substantial position among the business men of the city and a place in the confidence of those with whom he has been associated, He has witnessed the marvelous growth and development which has made this city one of the principal commercial and industrial centers of this part of the state, and has been an active participant in many of the movements which have brought this great progress about, … Read more

Biography of Joel M. Jones

JOEL M. JONES, In Boone Township, located on the rural delivery route No. 22 out of Alexandria, Mr. Jones is one of tee prosperous young farmers, and is engaged in the operation of one hundred and twenty-five acres in his home place and owns considerable other land in this Township, He started out without much capital, did hard work as his preparation for his successful career, and in later years has come into a plane of quiet prosperity and the esteem of his community. Joel M. Jones was born March 8, 1872, in Monroe Township of Madison County, His parents … Read more

Biography of Joel B. Benefiel

JOEL B. BENEFIEL. In Madison County where he has spent his entire life, and where his ability as a farmer and business man and citizen is highly appreciated, Joel B. Benefiel is now serving as incumbent of the important County office of auditor. His residence is in Pendleton, and his name has been known in the southwestern section of the County since 1889. Of all the old and respected families of Madison County, it is doubtful if any has played a more important part than the Benefiels, in the settlement, development and the business and civic activities of this section. … Read more

Biography of Jesse Rothrock

JESSE ROTHROCK, An industry which during the past several decades has grown and flourished in eastern Indiana, is the operation of farm lands for the production of dairy goods, Ever since the necessity for pure milk has been recognized, many of the most progressive farmers and business men have devoted their activities to dairying, One of the best sources of good milk in the city of Anderson is supplied by Jesse Rothrock, who has a thoroughly equipped modern dairy farm in north Anderson. Jesse Rothrock was born on a farm six miles south of Columbus in Bartholomew County, Indiana, April … Read more