Biography of Martin M. Beeson

MARTIN M. BEESON, In America, pre-eminently a land of self-made men, opportunities for achieving success are to be found as in no other land. The youth of energetic spirit, ambitious nature and industrious habits may here establish a position for himself in any of the various vocations of life, provided that he respect the principles of integrity and honorable dealing, for his fellow-citizens will quickly recognize and appreciate the force of character and persistent determination which have enabled him to work his way from a humble position to one of independence and prominence, Madison County is fortunate in that it … Read more

Biography of Martin Luther Goodykoontz

Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Goodykoontz

MARTIN LUTHER GOODYKOONTZ. A native son of Anderson Township who has spent his entire career in this section of Madison County, Mr. Goodykoontz stands in the front rank of the agriculturists of his community, and through his work in developing his present fine property of one hundred and forty-five acres is entitled to mention among the men who have contributed to the prosperity of their Township and County. He was born on the 25th of March, 1858, just one mile east of his present farm, on a property which his grandfather, Jacob Goodykoontz, had entered from the government. He is … Read more

Biography of Martin L. Cromer

MARTIN L. CROMER. Probably there is no better known citizen in Anderson than Martin L. Cromer, who for more than twelve years has served in the capacity of assistant postmaster here, and whose efficient, courteous and obliging services have not only been of great value to his adopted city, but have served to gain hint widespread popularity. Mr. Cromer entered upon his career as a member of the legal profession, but since his appointment to his official position he has given the greater part of his attention to the disarge of its duties. He is a native of the Hoosier … Read more

Biography of Martin C. Norton

Thomas M. Norton

MARTIN C. NORTON. By various services and diversified gifts, men contribute to the building up of a city, and it is in connection with the opening up of the avenues of commerce and the furnishing of facilities for the transactions of trade that Martin C. Norton has bent his energies to the common weal, As president of the T. M. Norton Brewing Company, at Anderson, he is the directing head of one of the largest industries of its kind in this part of Indiana, while his connection with various other enterprises of an extensive nature has been such as to … Read more

Biography of Mark E. Winings

MARK E. WININGS, The proprietor of the undertaking parlors at 1610 Main Street in Elwood, Mr. Winings is a young business man whose conscientious work in his profession has been much appreciated in Elwood, where he has been a resident for the past ten years, and has enjoyed a progressive success in his business, He was born, reared and spent most of his life in Indiana, and Mr. Winings has enjoyed probably a larger share of world travel than any of his contemporaries in business at Elwood, and his career has had many diversified and interesting experiences. He was born … Read more

Biography of Lewis Johnson

LEWIS JOHNSON. Prominent among the highly esteemed agriculturists of Madison County who have won success through the medium of energy, industry and well-applied exertion, Lewis Johnson, of Adams Township is deserving of more than passing mention in a work of this nature. He has been a lifelong resident of this Township, and has witnessed and participated in the remarkable growth and development of its interests, which have changed it during this time from what was little more than a wilderness into one of the most flourishing and prosperous sections of the Hoosier State. Mr. Johnson was born in Adams Township, … Read more

Biography of Lewis Heffner

LEWIS HEFFNER. A substantial business citizen whose history has been commensurate with that of Elwood from the time this flourishing and prosperous city was but a small, struggling village, Lewis Heffner has played no small part in the great growth and development here during the past forty years, during which time he has been intimately identified with some of the city’s largest business interests, His life has been one of industry and perseverance, and the systematic and honorable business methods which he has followed have won him the support and confidence of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Heffner was born in Berks … Read more

Biography of Lewis F. Mobley, M. D.

LEWIS F. MOBLEY, M. D. For twelve years in the successful practice of his profession at Summitville, Dr. Mobley is one of the able doctors in the northern part of Madison County, and has built up a splendid practice both in and about the town of Summitville. L. F. Mobley was born August 6, 1875, in Hartsville, Bartholomew County, Indiana, a son of Warren W. and Mary (Ryan) Mobley. The maternal grandfather Ryan was a physician, one of the early members of the profession in this state, and was also a Methodist minister, an old-time circuit rider, who exercised a … Read more

Biography of Lewis D. Kinnard

LEWIS D. KINNARD. Few of the farmers of Fall Creek Township, in Madison County, Indiana, have made a better showing from a similar beginning than Lewis Dunwoody Kinnard. He has gained prominence in the agricultural sections of the County as a farmer and stock raiser, as well as being a feeder and shipper of some extent, and has a fine place of one hundred and sixty acres under cultivation. He takes his place among the representative citizens of the Township, and enjoys the esteem and friendship of a large circle of the best citizenship of the Township. Lewis D. Kinnard … Read more

Biography of Levi P. Brown

LEVI P. BROWN. Especially worthy of note among the active and progressive men who have contributed so largely towards the development and advancement of the agricultural prosperity of Madison County is Levi P. Brown, a well-known farmer of Van Buren Township. A son of the late John G. Brown, he was born on the farm where he now resides, his birth having occurred on October 31, 1857. Born in Rush County, John G. Brown obtained the rudiments of his education in the public schools of his native district, and completed his studies in the rural schools of Madison County, Subsequently … Read more

Biography of Lafe J. Burr

LAFE J. BURR, Among the substantial business firms of Anderson, Indiana, that of the Jackson-Burr Company, dealers in insurance and real estate, holds prominent place. Established over a quarter of a century ago, the career of the concern has been one of constant development in size and prominence, and its members are widely known in the commercial circles of the city, Lafe J. Burr, president of the Jackson-Burr Company, has been a resident of Anderson for more than forty years, and during this time has so closely identified himself with its interests as to make himself a place among the … Read more

Biography of Joseph R. Cain

Joseph R. Cain

JOSEPH R. CAIN was long numbered among the honored merchants of Anderson and as one who saw service in all the grades of its industrial activity, He began his business connection here during the Civil war, and at the close of his long and useful life he enjoyed the quiet fruits of his previous industry and good management. Joseph R. Cain, who for more than half a century was a resident of Anderson, was born in Clinton County, Ohio, near the Butler County line, August 12, 1831, He belonged to an old family with a distinctive military record, His grandfather … Read more

Biography of Joseph H. Elliott

JOSEPH H. ELLIOTT. A business man of Anderson, where he has had his residence since 1904, Mr. Elliott has had a career of varied activity, has gained a satisfying degree of material prosperity, and stands high in the public esteem of local citizenship in his adopted city. Joseph H. Elliott was born in ‘Adams County, Ohio. His father was James Elliott, who was born in the same County, and the grandfather was William Elliott, a native of North Carolina, Great-grandfather Elliott, so far as known, was also born in North Carolina, and from that state took his family to Ohio, … Read more

Biography of Joseph E. Hennings

JOSEPH E. HENNINGS. One time owner of the Grand Hotel of Anderson and now manager of the Grand Opera House and the Anderson Posting Advertising Company, Joseph E. Hennings has been identified with the business interests of this city since 1890. His first connection with the commercial affairs of Anderson was as salesman and solicitor, and he gained a local reputation for progressive ideas and genuine business capacity that has stood him in excellent stead through all the years of his operation. Born in New York City, May 10, 1865, Joseph’ E. Hennings received his early training in the schools … Read more

Biography of Joseph E. Bradley

JOSEPH E. BRADLEY. Industriously engaged in the prosecution of a calling upon which the wealth and prosperity of our nation largely depend, Joseph E. Bradley, a well-known farmer of Madison County, has owned and occupied his present farm since 1900, and in its management has met with signal success, He was born August 19, 1851, in Brown County, Ohio, a son of William Bradley, Jr. He is of English ancestry on the paternal side, his grandfather, William Bradley, Sr., having emigrated from London, England, to the United States, settling in Ohio. William Bradley, Jr., was born and reared in Brown … Read more

Biography of Joseph Draper

JOSEPH DRAPER. In the eighty-fifth year of his life, Joseph Draper, whose home is in what is known as Scotts addition, and who is the owner of a section of land in Monroe Township, is one of the venerable old men of Madison County, has been a farmer, has grown many thousands of bushels of corn and wheat and other grain crops during his career, and his record is one of which his family and fellow citizens may well be proud, Joseph Draper was born December 18, 1828, in South Hampton, Virginia, the old Dominion state, a son of Thomas … Read more

Biography of Joseph Chambers

JOSEPH CHAMBERS, The oldest living representative of one of the pioneer families of Madison County, Joseph Chambers, who lives retired at his home in Lafayette Township, has had many varied and interesting experiences during nearly seventy years of residence in this vicinity. His home is a fine farm of two hundred acres, about five miles northwest of the city of Anderson, Concerning the Chambers family and his early reminiscences in this County, Mr. Chambers has furnished some valuable data which in succeeding paragraphs will be incorporated for preservation in this work, A brief outline of facts concerning his life and … Read more

Biography of Jonathan A. Busby

JONATHAN A. BUSBY. On section nineteen of Stony Creek Township is located the valuable and attractive homestead of Jonathan A. Busby. His farm of two hundred and twenty-three acres represents the life work and achievements of a citizen who was horn in the Township and has lived all his life here a quiet industrious farmer, and ‘nail of thorough integrity in all his business and personal relations. Jonathan A. Busby was born in Stony Creek Township, November 3, 1858, a son of Isaac and Sarah A. (Conrad) Busby. The father was a 1 native of Greenbriar County. West Virginia, and … Read more

Biography of Jonas Stewart, M. D.

Jonas Stewart

JONAS STEWART, M. D. Now one of the oldest members of the medical profession in Madison County, and prominently known to the medical fraternity throughout the state, having served some years ago as the first president of the Indiana State Medical Association, after it was reorganized and changed from the old title of Medical Society, Dr. Stewart has been identified by residence and by business and professional activities in Anderson since 1870. Jonas Stewart is a native of Indiana, having been born in Delaware County, January 26, 1843, a son of Lewis and Mary (Crampton) Stewart. The father, who was … Read more

Biography of John Willits Jones

JOHN WILLITS JONES. Madison County from its early pioneer history to the present time has had the benefit and the productive labors of different members of the Jones family, one of whose best known members is Mr. John W. Jones of Fall Creek Township. The industrial and social character of a community is the result of its citizenship, and among the many family groups which have contributed in this important regard to the development of Madison County, none could claim more credit than the Jones family, through its various representative since early pioneer times. Mr. John W. Jones the Fall … Read more