Will Of Roger Haskell, Of Beverly

Copied from time original on file in Essex County Probate Office. “The 27: of May: 1667. I Roger Haskell being sick in body, but of perfect memorye, doe make this my last will & testament- I doe bequeathe & give to my wife two cowes, the one being at our son in lawes, William Dodges, and one at home named Coll- I likewise doe bequeathe & give to my three youngest sons Roger, Josiah & Samuel three other cowes, as young white face, velvett & Colly-likewise I give to my daughters Hannah & Sarah 2 heifers, a red one named … Read more

First and Second Churches in Marblehead Massachusetts

The first church in Marblehead was built in 1649. “From the earliest records of this town, it appears that as early as 1648, when ‘the Planta­tion,’ as it was called, contained forty-four families, there was preaching among them by Mr. Walton.” “Mr. Walton continued to officiate as a public teacher, though without ordination, about twenty years, till he was removed by death, in August or September, 1668, but a few weeks before the commencement of Mr. Cleever’s labors.’’ May 24, 1684. The brethren at Marblehead, finding a great incon­veniency in going to Salem, with the unanimous concurrence of the con­gregation, … Read more