Biographical Sketch of G. W. Latham

G. W. LATHAM, a wealthy and prominent farmer of Todd County, Ky., is the eldest of six children-three living-born to John and Susan (Brock) Latham, natives of North Carolina and South Carolina, respectively, of English descent. His grandparents on his mother’s side were David and Betsey (Gibson) Brock. Subject’s early education was neglected, never having attended school in his life. He was reared on a farm; his father died when he (subject) was but fourteen years old, hence the care of the family devolved upon him. He hired out by the month and worked this way till he was married, September 17, 1849, to Miss Emily L. Gibson, of Todd County, Ky., daughter of Nicholas and L. (West) Gibson, natives of South and North Carolina, respectively, of English descent. Subject had born to him by this union thirteen children, viz.: George N. T. (second), Ledona (now Jones), John W., Fannie S., David S., Emily B. (now Shanklin), Georgiana (deceased), Robert A. (ninth), Richard T. (deceased), Lovina (deceased), Tilford M., Alexander T., Edda J. W. (deceased). Mr. Latham takes a deep interest in the education of his children. After his marriage he commenced farming for himself, and has continued so doing ever since. He is now owner of 750 acres of land, 300 under cultivation, improved with comfortable buildings, etc. Starting in life without a dollar, he has by hard-earned efforts accumulated a fair fortune. He has had charge of the County Farm for ten years. Mr. and Mrs. Latham are members of’ the Methodist Episcopal Church.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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