Biographical Sketch of Jonah W. Hale

JONAH W. HALE was born October 14, 1824, in Todd County, Ky. His parents were Thomas and Nancy (Pittman) Hale. The father was a native of North Carolina, and died in March, 1855, aged about sixty years. The mother died about the year 1826. Mr. Hale began for himself at the age of nineteen years; he rented for many years, then bought 183 acres, and since has bought 157 acres; he at present owns 340 acres, and is clever and well-to-do. He was married, February 6, 1848, to Martha E. Utley, daughter of James and Fanny (Grace) Utley. The latter … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Tutt

JOHN W. TUTT, merchant and farmer, was born November 23, 1846, in Todd County, Ky., where he has resided all his life. His father, James F. Tutt, was born in 1814, in Woodford County, this State, and is still living. He is the son of James L., born 1777, and he the son of Lewis, an Englishman, who was the grandfather of Gov. John M. Palmer, of Illinois. Subject’s mother is Mary (Fletcher) Chiles. Her children are: Arthur C., William J., John W. (subject), Georgia A. (Beazley) and Samuel L. John W. obtained a classical education. He was married, in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Riley

JOHN W. RILEY. This gentleman, who is a son of James Riley and Mary A. (Rose) Riley, was born in Logan County, Ky., June 18, 1855. He was reared on his father’s farm in his native county, where his parents are still living; was educated in the Browder Institute, and is now devoting himself to the pursuits of agriculture with marked success. He came to Todd County in 1878, and the following year purchased of John L. Atkins the farm on which he now lives; his farm, one of the best stock farms in the county, consists of 254 acres … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Murphy

JOHN W. MURPHY was born August 26, 1846, in Todd County, Ky. His parents are William and Nancy (Shelton) Murphy, both natives of this State and still living. The father is a member of the Baptist and the mother of the Christian Church. The mother was previously married to Joseph Allison, who departed this life in November, 1836. By him she had four children. Our subject began for himself at the age of twenty-one. His start was one horse. Farming has always been his business. He is now comfortably situated and owns 100 acres of land located one mile from … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Lewis

JOHN W. LEWIS, merchant at Elkton, Ky., was born in Robert-son County, Tenn., November 19, 1829, and is a son of William V. Lewis and Clarkie Lewis (nee Bell). – He was reared to the age of seven-teen in his native State, after which he spent a few years in Illinois, coming thence to Elkton, Ky., in October, 1851. For about eight years he was employed as salesman in mercantile business, and in 1859 opened a stock of goods for himself, since which time he has been in active business life in Elkton. He is now located on the north … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Grissam

JOHN W. GRISSAM, produce merchant, was born April 11, 1832, in Christian County, Ky. His parents were J. W. and Sarah W. (Wells) Grissam. The father was a native of South Carolina; he managed the farm for many years and served the county for some years in an official capacity; he was Deputy Sheriff’, Tax Collector and Constable, all under the old Constitution. It was generally conceded that he gave good satisfaction in his official work. He departed this life December 7, 1861, at the age of sixty-four years; he with his wife were for many years worthy members of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John W. Fulcher

JOHN W. FULCHER was born September 13, 1826, in Goochland County, Va.; removed with his parents to Lexington, Ky., in 1831, and to Todd County in 1832, where he still resides. His father, Dr. Alexander Fulcher, was born in Richmond, Va., 1791; was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died at this place in 1853., He was the son of Philip Fulcher, of Virginia, who served seven years in the war of Independence, and died about 1828. Alexander’s wife was Sallie B., daughter of Tavnor W. Wisdom, of Spottsylvania County, Va., born in 1796, and died in 1873. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Stephens

JOHN STEPHENS. Among the most intelligent and best read men in the precinct may be mentioned the worthy old gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born August 18, 1827, in Simpson County, Ky; his parents were Wallace and Mary (Beasley) Stephens, both natives of Virginia. The father was a farmer and died in 1852, aged eighty-seven years; the mother died in 1846, aged sixty-two years. Both parents were active and life-long members of the Baptist Church. John began for himself at the age of twenty-three years; he settled first on a farm in Simpson County; this farm consisted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John S. Downer

JOHN S. DOWNER, son of Benjamin Sr. and Elizabeth (Slaughter) Downer, was born in Woodville, Culpeper Co., Va., June 19, 1809; married Miss Elizabeth W. Cabaniss (daughter of George L. and Catherine Cabaniss), at Princeton, Ky., November 19, 1832; died while on a visit to his son, L. A. Downer, of Barren County, Ky., February 10, 1873. Subject’s mother was a daughter of Col. John Slaughter, of Revolutionary days. John S. was one of eleven children who arrived at maturity, and when but a child was brought by his parents to Christian County, Ky. At an early age he evinced … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John R. Finch

JOHN R. FINCH was born in Caswell County, N. C., in 1820, and came with his parents to Todd County, Ky., in 1839, where he still retains his residence. His father, Adam Finch, the son of John, was born in Charlottesville, Va.; was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died here in 1860, at the age of eighty-five years. His wife, Jennie (Ruder), died in 1870, aged eighty years. To them were born Richard, subject, Elizabeth (Massie) and William. Subject’s educational advantages were limited, but he is a constant reader of current literature. He has never married. Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John McL. Roach

JOHN McL. ROACH was born June 16, 1843, in Todd County; he is the fourth child of a family of seven born to John and Pamela Ann (McLean) Roach. The father was born August 13, 1807, and in 1812 came with his father, Gabriel Roach, to this farm. In about 1840 the father bought out the remaining heirs of the estate, and engaged in farming with marked success till the time of his death, which occurred January 22, 1872, leaving his three children in comfortable circumstances. John inherited 140 acres, and bought out his brother’s interest; he now owns about … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John M. Rice

JOHN M. RICE, farmer and miller, was born in 1845, in Muhlenberg County, Ky. His parents, M. M. and S. A. Rice, were born in Kentucky. The father is a farmer, living in Muhlenburg County, at the age of sixty-six years. He is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The mother died in 1872, at the age of forty-five years. She also was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. These parents had four boys and five girls, eight of whom are now living and members of the church. Our subject on arriving at majority, began for him-self at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John J. Pogue

JOHN J. POGUE was born June 18, 1851, in Logan County, Ky.; he is a son of James R. and Sarah (Johnson) Pogue. The father was born in Sumner County, Tenn., and is now living on his farm in Logan County. The mother was born in Logan County; she died December 2, 1882, aged sixty-two. Our subject was raised on his father’s farm, and in 1881 he commenced to learn the blacksmith’s trade, which he has since foil owed. August 15, 1882, he came to his present locality, where he has since carried on this business. Mr. Pogue is a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Holland

JOHN HOLLAND, retired, was born February 4, 1799, in Cabell County, W. Va. He is the fifth in a family of eleven children born to Michael and Aggie (Ward) Holland. The father was a millwright and farmer; he died in 1825, aged about sixty-five. The mother died in 1810, aged about forty. John and a brother are the only survivors of this family. John came to Todd County in February, 1820, and located in Sharon Grove, where he remained two years, after which he moved to Pond River and remained one year. He then returned to Sharon Grove and there … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Wood

JOHN H. WOOD, the son of Hardin J. Wood, was born in Todd County, Ky., May 26, 1855, where he still has his residence. He was married, October 21, 1874, to Miss Lillie A., daughter of Dabney O. and Mary E. (Dickinson) Day, of this county, from which union sprang one child-Dasie-born September 8, 1877. Mrs. Lillie A. Wood died January 2, 1881. After good advantages at the select schools of the country, subject was a student at Franklin College for a period of four years. He transacted his father’s business until married, when he engaged in farming, having 258 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Hinkle

JOHN H. HINKLE, one of Todd County’s intelligent and enterprising young farmers, was born December 12, 1849, in White County, Tenn. He is the third of four children, two boys and two girls, born to Isaac N. and Martha C. (Holland) Hinkle, natives of Georgia and White County, Tenn., respectively. The father was of German and the mother of Welsh-English descent. The father moved first to Tennessee and then to Christian County, Ky., about the year 1854. Two years later he moved to Todd County, where he was very successful. He died in 1874, at about the age of sixty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John F. Snadon

JOHN F. SNADON is a resident of Hadensville Precinct, and lives upon the farm where he was born October 22, 1826. His parents, George and Sallie (Cross) Snadon were natives of Rockingham County, Va.; came to Todd County in 1822, and settled upon the farm where John F. Snadon now resides. The property originally consisted of some 900 acres, but has since been reduced to 570 acres by the sale of a part of its area. Here Mr. Snadon lives as a gentleman farmer, employing some four to eight hands. The Snadon mansion is a typical Southern home of culture … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Davis Tandy

JOHN DAVIS TANDY. The subject of this sketch was born January 23, 1837, in Todd County, Ky., where he still retains his residence. His father, Nathaniel Mills Tandy, was born in 1810, in Christian County; he removed to Todd County, Ky., in 1834, where he died in 1881. He was the son of Mills Tandy, who was born in Virginia in 1780; moved to Barren County in 1808, where he remained six months; moved to Christian County in 1809, and died in Christian County, Ky., in 1861. His father was Henry Tandy, of Virginia. Subject’s mother, Mary E., daughter of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Brown Bivin

JOHN BROWN BIVIN was born December 2, 1828, in Muhlenburg County, Ky. He is a son of Henry and Elizabeth (Jenkins) Bivin. The father was a native of Maryland, and died in 1876, aged seventy-four. The mother was born in Virginia, and is now living with her son-in-law in this county. When about one year old, J. B. came with his parents to Todd County, Ky., and was reared on his father’s farm, where he remained until the age of twenty-one. He lived on a rented farm; four years later he bought a farm of 100 acres, where he lived … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joe C. Russell

JOE C. RUSSELL, grocer, Elkton, Ky., is a native of Todd County, and a son of Jesse Russell, deceased, and the third of his family of four sons. He . is justly entitled to the term native, as he was born and bred in Elkton, which has constantly been his” home. He early began a mercantile career, first as salesman and manager of his father’s store. In December, 1878, he opened a business house for himself, and is now engaged in a thriving grocery trade on Clarksville Street, south side of public square, in Elkton. Mr. Russell was married in … Read more