Biographical Sketch of Cephas Miller

Cephas Miller, farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Mattoon; was born in Coles Co., Ill., Nov. 6, 1852; engaged with his father in farming, until he married Alice Denman, Feb. 19, 1873; she was born in Jasper Co., Ill., Dec. 19, 1852; they have had three children, viz.: Santa Clara, she was born Jan. 7, 1874; Denman, was born July 16, 1875, died Nov. 20, 1877; Katie, born Dec. 3, 1877. Mrs. Miller’s father was in the late war; enlisted in the 97th I. V. C.; served three months. Mr. Miller’s father, J. W. Miller, is one of the largest landholders … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Carson Porter Reed Rodgers

Carson Porter Reed Rodgers, merchant, Farmington; P. O. Campbell; the subject of this sketch was born in Coles Co., Ill., Nov. 1, 1840, and lived with his parents until 26 years of age. He then married Catharine Winford Ridley Oct. 30, 1866, who was born in Gallatin Co., Ky., Oct. 30, 1847, and died April 14, 1869; he afterward married Martha Jane Veatch March 8, 1874, who was born in Washington Co., Ill., Oct. 26, 1837, and has had three children, two of whom are living, viz., Isaac Walter, Kate Winford; deceased–Martha H. Mr. Rodgers was Assessor one term, Township … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. T. E. Woods

Capt. T. E. Woods, editor Mattoon Journal, Mattoon; was born June 2, 1837, near the present village of Stockton, Coles Co., Ill.; his education was secured in subscription and common schools, and for a short time he attended an academy; he usually walked or rode from two to five miles each morning to attend school; at the age of 17, he began teaching school, and followed that occupation till he reached his majority; he was Deputy Postmaster at Mattoon during 1855 and 1856; he then edited and published the Mattoon Gazette from 1857 to 1860; during the year 1861, he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Capt. David McKinney

Capt. David McKinney, farmer; P. O. Arcola; the subject of this sketch was born in Butler Co., Ohio, March 22, 1837. He married Miss Catharine Rork Jan. 25, 1866; she was born same place; they have six children, viz., Ida May, Oron W., Charles N., Jessie, Otto and Ruey he lived in Ohio until he was 21, when he came to Illinois and settled in Coles, now Douglas Co., near Arcola; in December, 1861, he enlisted in the 54th I. V. I., he being Orderly of Co. I, and after seven months’ service he was made Second Lieutenant, and after … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. P. Davis

C. P. Davis, farmer; P. O. Hutton; was the eldest of nine boys, and was born in Lawrence Co., Ind., Sept. 13, 1829. In 1829, while he was still an infant, his parents, John C. and Elizabeth Davis, moved to what was then Clark Co., and settled in what is now Hutton Tp., of Coles Co., and first having lived in different localities in the township, about the year 1840, settled on Sec. 34, where they lived up to the time of their death, Mr. Davis dying Nov. 30, 1871, Mrs. Davis’ death having occurred January, 1862. Mr. Davis was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. P. Brandenburg

C. P. Brandenburg, farmer; P. O. Hutton; was born in Clay Co., Ind., Aug. 24, 1828; his parents, Solomon O. and Alezan, were among the first settlers of this county, having settled in the year 1829, on Sec. 14 of Hutton Tp.; his father died in 1861, and his mother went to reside with his brother William H., and died in May, 1875; Mr. Brandenburg lived with his parents up to the age of 17, when he went to Wisconsin and engaged in hauling lead during the summer for eleven seasons, returning to his father’s during the winter months; his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bush Bros.

Bush Bros., farm and stock; P. O. Charleston; David, John and Nelson; David was born in Northampton Co., Penn., March 1, 1832. He married Miss Elinor Stiff Jan. 28, 1864; she was born in Perry Co., Ohio; they have five children – four living, viz., Lillie D., John H., Eliza M. and Mary F.; he lived two years in Pennsylvania, when, with his parents, he moved to Ohio, and, in 1838, they came to Illinois and settled in Edgar Co., where they lived until 1849, when they came to Coles Co., and settled about two and a half miles west … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin McMorris

Benjamin McMorris, farmer; P. O. Hutton; was born in Loudoun Co., Va., March 25, 1813; his parents moved to Frederick Co., Va., when he was a year old; his father died in the year 1818, and Mr. McMorris lived with his mother until he was 21 years of age, when they moved to Coshocton Co., Ohio; six years after, his mother returned to Virginia and died there in the year 1852. In the spring of 1836, Mr. McMorris married Rachel McLaughlin, and, three years afterward, moved to Coles Co., and settled in Sec. 9, Hutton Township, where he at present … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin G. Glenn

Benjamin G. Glenn, farmer, Sec. 17; P. O. Mattoon; owns sixty acres; was born in Lawrence Co., Ill., June 10, 1832, and lived with his parents until 23 years of age. He was married to Elizabeth Jeffries March 22, 1855; she was born in Coles Co., Ill., in 1834; died Feb. 19, 1862. He was then married to Elizabeth Wheatstone March 19, 1869; she was born in Coles Co., Ill., and has had six children, viz., Margaret E., Ethel L., Joseph J.; three infants (deceased). Mr. Glenn was Justice of the Peace two years, Supervisor one term, and School Director … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin D. Hamblen

Benjamin D. Hamblen, farmer; P. O. Etna; is the son of Francis and Martha B. Hamblen; was born in Mt. Pleasant, Hardin Co., Ky., March 17, 1840; moved with his parents Dec. 24, 1852, to Moultrie Co., and then to Coles Co., March 13, 1868; is the owner of 120 acres of land, valued at or near $5,000; was Justice of the Peace five years; also School Director and Road Overseer. Was married to Sarah M. Newport, the daughter of Benjamin and Ellen Newport, of Coles Co., Ill.; names of children – boys, Henry F. (born Oct. 3, 1870); girls, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Basil C. Wheat

Basil C. Wheat, Paradise; is the son of James O. and Margaret Wheat; was born in Jackson, Miss., March 27, 1853; moved to Coles Co., Ill., March 12, 1863; is the owner of fifty-five acres of land, valued at $2,500. Was married to Mary D. Alexander, of this township, Sept. 25, 1870; the names of the children are James O., born Feb. 28, 1873; Margaret A., deceased; Nora J., born Oct. 29, 1874; Cora M., born March 29, 1876; Henrietta, born Aug. 24, 1878. Mr. Wheat’s father, James O. Wheat, is still living, and is practicing medicine in this township. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of B. B. Shinn

B. B. Shinn, farmer; P. O. Mattoon; owns 142 acres; was born in Montgomery Co., Ohio, March 10, 1824; was brought up a farmer. He married Margaret Barcalow Jan. 1, 1845; she was born in Butler Co., Ohio July 14, 1824; they have had three children; only one (G. B.) is now living; he was born in Bartholomew Co., Ind. Oct. 20, 1851. He married Cornelia M. Ricketts Feb. 11, 1872; she was born in Charleston March 19, 1853; is a daughter of Joshua Ricketts, Esq., of Ashmore Tp.; they have had three children, two of whom are now living … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Azariah Jeffris

Azariah Jeffris, farmer, Sec. 15; P. O. Mattoon; owns 660 acres; was born in Coles Co., Ill., April 29, 1836, and lived with his parents on the farm in this county until 24 years of age. Was married March 10, 1860, to Ann M. Hackley, who was born in Grayson Co., Ky., March 2, 1841, and moved on the farm where he now resides. Mr. Jeffries has three children, viz., Zaraba, Shelton and Laura. Has been Commissioner of Highways three years in this township, School Trustee three years, School Director nine years, Representative of Coles Co., Ill., one term, Supervisor … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Aris Galbreath

Aris Galbreath, farmer; P. O. Rardin; was born in Nicholas Co., Ky., Jan. 20, 1812. His parents removed to Scott Co., Ind., when he was 2 years of age, where he lived until 18 years of age, when he emigrated with his mother to Illinois and located in Edgar Co., in the Fall of 1830, where he engaged as farm laborer for two years at $8 per month; in 1832, he located in Ashmore Tp., Coles Co., Ill., working one year for $100, out of which he saved money to enter 40 acres of land, which he improved one year, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew Walton

Andrew Walton, farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Coles Co., III., Oct. 20, 1850; he was the son of George L. Walton, who emigrated to Coles Co. in 1844, and located in Morgan Tp.; he died in 1857. Mrs. Walton died in 1870; the children are all deceased with the exception of the subject of this sketch, who is the only surviving member of the family. After the decease of his father he worked as farm laborer until 1878, five years of which was with J. B. Williams, and four years with Watson Collins, feeding stock, etc. His marriage with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew J. Craig

Andrew J. Craig, farming and stock; P. O. Charleston; the subject of this sketch was born in Morgan Tp., Coles Co., Ill., Sept. 11, 1846. He married Miss Sarah I. Zink Sept. 27, 1872; she was born in Grand View Tp., Edgar Co., Ill., Aug. 9, 1848; they have three children, viz., Luther Z., Franklin H. and Arthur E. He was born on the farm and lived there until 1856, when, with his parents, he went to Sims Tp., in Edgar Co., and lived there until he was 21, when he came to his present place, and has lived here … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew H. Allison

Andrew H. Allison, farmer, deceased, Sec. 8; P. O. Campbell; owned 300 acres of land, which was left to the heirs; was born in Mecklenburg Co., N. C., Sept. 20, 1823; came from Tennessee to this county when 13 years of age, where he resided until his death, which occurred Nov. 15, 1864. He was married to Eveline Dryden Dec. 30, 1845; she was born in Bedford Co., Tenn., June 7, 1822; they have had eight children – Mary Ann, Emily Frances, Thomas L., William D., Nancy C., John N., Henry C. and Andrew B. Mr. Allison was School Director … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew Gossett

Andrew Gossett, farmer; P.O. Hutton; was born in Coshocton Co., Ohio, Aug. 8, 1836; when he was 4 years of age, his parents, Luke and Jane, moved to Coles Co. and settled on Sec. 15, Hutton Tp., where they have resided ever since. Mr. Gossett married Miss Polly Kiser (daughter of William Kiser, of Hutton Tp.) Nov. 1, 1860. The March following, they moved to his farm on Sec. 23, where he now resides, upon which he has made all its present improvements; he has been School Director five years; he owns 190 acres of land. His wife was born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Amzi Alexander Walker

Amzi Alexander Walker, farmer, Sec. 14; P. O. Larna; owns 240 acres; he was born in Bedford Co., Tenn., May 2, 1830, and lived with his mother on the farm until 23 years of age. He married Elizabeth Johnston April 21, 1853, who was born in Coles Co., Ill., Sept. 29, 1823, and moved on to the farm where he now resides; they have had five children, three of whom are living, viz., Nancy M., William I. and Mail E.; deceased-I. C. and one infant. Mr. Walker was elected Justice of the Peace one term, when he resigned and was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ambrose Y. Hart, Jr.

Ambrose Y. Hart, Jr., farmer; P. O. Paradise; is the son of Miles H. and Catharine C. Hart; was born in Effingham Co., Ill., Nov. 15, 1834; moved to Coles Co. Feb. 12, 1836; is the owner of fifty acres of land, valued at $2,000. Is Justice of the Peace, and has been for twelve years; also Town Clerk, School Treasurer and Commissioner of Highways. Was married to Nancy Sexson of Coles Co. Jan. 22, 1857; the result of this marriage is -David S., John M.; deceased, Miles O., Willie A., Catharine C. and Ada. Mr. Hart was in the … Read more