Biographical Sketch of Cephas Miller
Cephas Miller, farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Mattoon; was born in Coles Co., Ill., Nov. 6, 1852; engaged with his father in farming, until he married Alice Denman, Feb. 19, 1873; she was born in Jasper Co., Ill., Dec. 19, 1852; they have had three children, viz.: Santa Clara, she was born Jan. 7, 1874; Denman, was born July 16, 1875, died Nov. 20, 1877; Katie, born Dec. 3, 1877. Mrs. Miller’s father was in the late war; enlisted in the 97th I. V. C.; served three months. Mr. Miller’s father, J. W. Miller, is one of the largest landholders … Read more