Biographical Sketch of A. J. Bradford

A. J. Bradford, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Hinesboro, Douglas Co.; the subject of this sketch was born in Greene Co., Penn., Nov. 12, 1832. He married Miss Susan S. Emory March 31, 1854; she was born in Licking Co., Ohio, Dec. 24, 1836; they had eight children, seven living, viz., Henry M., Mary J., B. Emory, Charles C., S. Edwin, John B. and Perrie; Lineous W. died Oct 10, 1865. He lived in Pennsylvania about sixteen years, when, with his brother-in-law, he went to Ohio and settled in Licking Co. where he remained until 1857, when he came to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. J. Bigelow

A. J. Bigelow, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Fuller’s Point; one of the early settlers; was born in Massachusetts Oct. 10, 1829; came to this State in 1852, and settled in Edgar Co.; he removed to Coles Co. in 1852, where he has since resided; his farm consists of 254 acres, valued at $7,000. He was married to Miss Ada Green, who was born in Massachusetts; they have two children – Levi and Charley E. Since his residence in the township, he has held the office of Supervisor one year and School Director ten years. He was a participant in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. G. Pickett, M. D.

A. G. Pickett, M. D., physician and surgeon, Mattoon; was born in Kenton Co., Ky., in 1826; his early life was spent for the most part in school; he completed a full course in Woodward College, Cincinnati, at which he graduated in 1844; he then entered the Ohio Medical College, and completed the course in 1847; he began the practice of his profession in Ohio, where he remained one year; he then came West to Illinois, and located near Quincy, where he remained till 1861, when he entered the U. S. service as Surgeon of the 50th Regiment I. V. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. F. Shaw

A. F. Shaw, Police Magistrate, Charleston; is a native of Illinois; he was born in Paris, Edgar Co., Feb. 10, 1824; he is a son of Smith and Elizabeth Shaw; his father was born in North Carolina; was raised in South Carolina, and when a young man, emigrated to Tennessee, and from there to Kentucky; he was one of the pioneers of Missouri, from which State he was several times driven by the Indians; he afterward came to Illinois, long prior to its admission as a State, and finally, in 1822, settled in Paris, where he died about sixteen years … Read more