Biographical Sketch of Cephas Miller

Cephas Miller, farmer, Sec. 3; P. O. Mattoon; was born in Coles Co., Ill., Nov. 6, 1852; engaged with his father in farming, until he married Alice Denman, Feb. 19, 1873; she was born in Jasper Co., Ill., Dec. 19, 1852; they have had three children, viz.: Santa Clara, she was born Jan. 7, 1874; Denman, was born July 16, 1875, died Nov. 20, 1877; Katie, born Dec. 3, 1877. Mrs. Miller’s father was in the late war; enlisted in the 97th I. V. C.; served three months. Mr. Miller’s father, J. W. Miller, is one of the largest landholders in the township. Mrs. Miller’s father, J. B. Denman, was killed in the city of Charleston by a horse running away.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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