Biographical Sketch of Isaac Vail

Isaac Vail, proprietor of livery, feed and sale stable, Charleston; was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Nov. 29, 1833; in 1839, his father removed with his family to Chautauqua Co., N. Y., and after residing there ten years, to Erie Co., Penn., thence the next year to Steuben Co., Ind., and, in 1851, to Coles Co.; his father located 800 acres of Government land in Hickory Tp., four miles north of Charleston, at a cost of $700. Three years later he removed to Livingston Co., where he is a prominent farmer. Mr. Vail left home in 1852, driving an … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Taylor

Isaac Taylor, farmer, Sec. 20; P. O. Campbell; was born in Rutherford Co., Tenn., March 16, 1829, and lived with his father on the farm, engaged with his parents in farming until married to Eliza J. Erwin April 12, 1860; she was born in Coles Co., Ill., Oct. 5, 1841; they have eight children, viz., Marian W., Willie E., Oscar E., Margaret E., Perry S., Isaac V., Balas B. and Cary A. Mr. Taylor was School Director fifteen years and has held the office of Assessor one term. He is a Primitive Baptist. Mr. Taylor is liked by all who … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac N. McPheron

Isaac N. McPheron, farmer; P. O. Mattoon; is the son of Alexander and Sarah McPheron, of Alabama; was born Nov. 20, 1825, in Alabama; moved to Coles Co., Paradise Tp., Jan. 15, 1877. Is the owner of 89 acres of land valued at or near $3,500; held no public office in this township. Was married to Matilda Shook Feb. 11, 1846; names of children – boys, Samuel B., John A., Oscar P., Allen, Logan; (deceased, boy, Leuellen); girls, Carrie A., Alice, Flora T.; deceased, girls. (Roxanna and Henrietta R.); his father is dead; died in Mattoon Jan. 26, 1873, in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac N. Craig

Isaac N. Craig, retired farmer; P. O. Charleston; one of the early settlers of Coles County; was born in Montgomery Co., Ky., Sept. 25, 1810; his father removed with his family to Illinois in 1828, and purchased a farm in Clark Co.; Isaac N. remained at home on the farm until 1831. On the 14th of April, 1831, he was married to Miss Catherine Henson, of Edgar Co., Ill., who died May 1, 1841, leaving five children, three of whom are living – La Fayette, Elizabeth – Mrs. Harmon Gregg – and Harriet, wife of Harvey Fowler; Mr. Craig, after … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac B. Mitchell

Isaac B. Mitchell, dealer in groceries and provisions, Charleston; is the youngest son of James A. and Esther Mitchell; he was born in Charleston, Ill., Jan. 6, 1841; he remained on the farm until the age of 15 years; the next four years he spent in the Charleston Academy, where he prepared for the Sophomore class in college, intending to pursue a college course; but, in 1861, owing to circumstances, he abandoned the idea and engaged in farming. In April, 1862, he enlisted in Co. A, 68th I. V. I., for three months. He continued farming until 1865, teaching school … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac B. Craig

Isaac B. Craig, attorney at law, Mattoon; was born in Coles Co., Ill., April 28, 1854; he was brought up upon the farm, and his early experiences were those of a farmer’s son; with a good education acquired at the common schools, he began the study of his profession in March, 1873, with his brother and O. B. Ficklin; in the fall of 1873, he entered the law department of the Michigan University; he graduated in the spring of 1875, and, in June, 1875, was admitted to practice at Mt. Vernon, Ill.; he began the practice of his profession in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ira B. Jackson

Ira B. Jackson, insurance agent, Mattoon; was born in Madison, Jefferson Co., Ind., Oct. 31, 1851; in 1855, his father removed with his family to Illinois, and settled in Sangamon Co., near Springfield; his early life was that of a farmer’s boy; he acquired a good common-school education; at the age of 18, he engaged in the business of photograph artist, which he followed two years; in 1872, he completed a business course in the Commercial College, at Terre Haute, Ind.; in 1874, he engaged in the grocery trade with Fallin Bros., under the firm name of Fallin Bros. & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hugh Daugherty

Hugh Daugherty, farmer; P. O. Oakland; born in Coles Co., Ill., Jan. 25, 1830, in which county he has always lived; he is the son of John Daugherty, one of the earliest pioneers of Illinois, who emigrated from North Carolina and located in Illinois about the year 1828; he died about the year 1860, in East Oakland Tp., Coles Co.; the subject of this sketch, assisted his father farming until 17 years of age, when he was employed as farm laborer for two years, when he commenced farming, renting for a period of five years, when he purchased forty acres, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry E. Alexander

Henry E. Alexander, farmer; P. O. Paradise; is the son of Ebenezer and Dorcas Alexander; was born in Tennessee, Obion Co., Sept. 2, 1827; moved with his parents to Coles Co. Dec. 20, 1828. Is the owner of 210 acres of land valued at or near $8.000; School Director two or three terms. Was married to Mary B. Curry, of Coles Co., June 10, 1852; names of children – boys-James E., William D., George O. (Edward F., deceased); girls, Mary D., Margaret J. (Nancy E., deceased); Edward F. died June 16, 1865; Nancy E., Aug. 1, 1878; his father, Ebenezer … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry D. Jenkins, M. D.

Henry D. Jenkins, M. D., Arcola; one of the early settlers; was born in Bourbon Co., Ky., Dec. 30, 1822; came to this State and settled in what was then Coles Co. in 1855; his farm, being now located in Douglas Co., where he first settled, and which was at the time of his settlement all Coles Co., consists of 310 acres. The Doctor is a graduate of the Transylvania University, located at Lexington, Ky.; since his residence in this county, he has practiced his profession as physician but very little; his pursuits have been that of a farmer and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Cecil

Henry Cecil, farmer, Sec. 10; P. O. Charleston; owns 215 acres worth $40 per acre; he was born in Mercer Co., Ky., Feb. 15, 1826; lived on the farm, engaged with his father in farming until 21 years of age. Was then married to Hannah E. Robinson Oct. 7, 1847; she was born in Shelby Co., Ky., July 23, 1827; they have had seven children – Keziah F., Margaret J., Henry H., Mary R. E., Adda, Daniel E., and John I., who is dead. Mr. Cecil held the office of School Director six years, and Constable three years; Mrs. Cecil’s … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Bell

Henry Bell, farmer; P. O. Hutton; was born in Randolph Co., N. C., in the year 1819; his parents Pierce and Rebecca moved to Preble Co., Ohio., in the year 1820, and after remaining about fifteen years, moved to Rush Co., Ind., where they lived for about fifteen or twenty years; in 1850, they came to Coles Co. and settled on Sect 16, where his father died at the age of 88, his mother dying the year afterward. Mr. Bell moved to his present farm on Sec. 15 Feb. 14, 1856, containing 80 acres. In 1843, he married in Indiana … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey B. Ashmore

Harvey B. Ashmore, farmer and stock-raiser; P. O. Ashmore; was born in this township Nov. 1, 1849, being a son of Hezekiah J. and Elizabeth Ashmore. When about 15 years old, he engaged in mercantile business in Ashmore, in which he continued about two years. He then engaged in dealing in stock, which he has followed ever since. In 1871, he settled on his present farm adjoining the village of Ashmore, containing 510 acres of land, with fine improvements. He also owns another farm of 80 acres two and a half miles northwest of the village. Mr. Ashmore is largely … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. W. Magee

H. W. Magee, attorney at law, Mattoon; was born in Coles Co., Ill., in October, 1847; his father came from Cynthiana, Ky., and settled in Coles Co., Ill., in 1832; here he engaged in farming; he relates that his father labored a whole year for Joseph VanDeren for $96; when H. W., was 2 years of age, his father moved to the western portion of Missouri, and was there during the border troubles; in the fall of 1857, he returned with his family to Coles Co., and settled in what is known as ” Dead Man’s Grove ;” in 1872, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. D. Moore

H. D. Moore, farming and stock; P. O. Mattoon; the subject of this sketch was born in Adams Co., Ohio, Nov. 14, 1840. He married Miss Elizabeth A. Bayliss October, 1861; she was born in the same place, and died in the fall of 1865. His present wife was Miss Sarah M. Thomas; they were married in April, 1867; she was born in Adams Co., Ohio, Nov. 15, 1846. They have eight children, viz., Minnie A., Florence A., Cora B., Eliza M., Laura R., Emmie, Alfred N. and Charles B. He lived in Ohio twenty-one years, and then, in 1861, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. C. Watson

H. C. Watson, time-keeper and clerk M. M. L & St. L. shops, Mattoon; was born in New Madrid, New Madrid Co., Mo., July 27, 1827; his father was a Scotchman and was one of the early Western pioneers, having come West as early as 1805. Having obtained a good common school education, in 1844, he became a student in Prof. J. B. Anderson’s high school, in New Albany, Ind.; this he attended one year; in 1845, he attended St. Vincent’s College at Cape Girardeau; in 1848, he matriculated in Bethany College, Va., and remained one year; on his return … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. A. Pemberton

H. A. Pemberton, farmer, Sec. 18; P. O. Oakland; one of the pioneers of Coles County; born in Washington Co., Va., Aug. 22, 1822; he emigrated with his parents when quite young, and located in Coles Co., Ill., in November 1831, upon the place where he has since lived during the a period of nearly half a century; he is the youngest son of Stanton and Sarah Pemberton; his father died in 1838; seven years after his settlement here, and his mother died in 1850; after the death of his father, he and an older brother managed the place until … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gunther Weiss

Gunther Weiss, of the firm of Weiss & Frommel, proprietors of the Charleston Woolen-Mill, Charleston; was born in Leutenberg, Sharzburg, Rudolstadt, Germany, July 6, 1823; he attended school till the age of 14, and was then apprenticed to learn the weaver’s trade; in 1845, he came to the United States, landing in Galveston, Texas; on the breaking-out of the war with Mexico,. he volunteered in the 18th Tex. V. I., and served under Gen. Taylor; in the spring of 1848, he went to Cincinnati, where he remained until 1852, when he went to Terre Haute, Ind., and began business as … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Granville F. Raper

Granville F. Raper, farmer; P. O. Arcola; is a native of Owen Co., Ind., where he was born Jan. 28, 1836. He married Miss Mary H. Roberts Aug. 5, 1855; she was born in Greene Co., Ind., Sept. 13, 1832; they had nine children, six living, viz., James A., California J., Laura S., William O., Albert H. and Granville S. He lived twenty-one years in Indiana, when he moved to Hancock Co., Ill., and engaged in farming; remaining there three years, he returned to his old home in Indiana and lived there two years; he then came to Illinois and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Godfrey Weber

Godfrey Weber, deceased, late of Charleston; born in Oberslingen, Kingdom of Wurtemberg, Germany, Dec. 24, 1820: his father was a vineyardist, and his early years were passed among the vine-clad hills and sunny slopes of his native land. He was married in August, 1848, to Miss Frances Muller, who was born in Wisgoldingen, Wurtemberg, Germany, May 27, 1824; they immediately emigrated to America, and settled near Louisville, Ky., and engaged in gardening and wine-growing; two years later, he removed to Clark Co., Ill., and located on a farm near Westfield, to which town he afterward removed, and worked in the … Read more