Biography of Max Daniel Rosenfield

Max D. Rosenfield is a familiar name in business circles throughout Rock Island, Moline and Davenport as well. He was born in Muhringen, Wurttemberg, Germany, April 4, 1867, his parents being Daniel and Marie Rosenfield. He at-tended the public schools of his native town, He came to America at an early age, and later located in Chicago, where he resided from 1883 to 1901, when he removed to Moline. A branch of the Chicago Brewing Company had been established in Rock Island in 1894, Sam Pells being the first manager. In 1889 this Brewing Company became a part of the … Read more

Biography of Matthew J. McEniry

It is said that the legal profession is one of the most difficult in which to achieve success. It is doubtless true that to be a truly successful attorney requires ability of a high order. We have spoken elsewhere in this work of; the success achieved by the legal firm of McEniry & McEniry, and one of the fruits of that success is a renown that is not merely local but that has spread throughout the northwest. In the article mentioned the life and character of one of the members of the firm, William McEniry, was taken up and discussed … Read more

Biography of Martin Theodore Rudgren

Even in an age which recognizes young men and places responsibilities upon them which in the past have been laid only upon the shoulders of those of more mature years we seldom find one of twenty-eight years entrusted with the complex details of the business end of the administration of a City of 30,000 inhabitants. Such, however, is the confidence placed in Martin T. Rudgren by the people of the City of Rock Island that they elected him City Clerk when he had barely passed his twenty-eighth mile-stone, and that by an overwhelming majority. Events have shown that the trust … Read more

Biography of Martin Schoonmaker

Much has been written in this historical work of the banks and bankers of Rock Island and Moline. However, in estimating the financial strength of Rock Island County the banks and bankers of its smaller municipalities are deserving of very prominent mention, for they are the tributaries of larger financial institutions and have an important part in swelling the stream of the county’s prosperity. To the village bank comes the farmer from the surrounding countryside and deposits the golden fruits of his toil. From the proprietor of that bank its customers may ask and receive sound financial advice. He is … Read more

Biography of Mark Ashdown

Mark Ashdown, deceased, for many years a resident of Port Byron and Coe Townships, was, during his lifetime, one of the best known and respected of the many long time residents of this county. He was born in County Kent, in England. on the third day of June, 1851, and died May 31, 1907. He came to America early and in late years became prominent in local public life as an ardent Prohibitionist and the holder of various public offices in this county at various times. Not until early in 1907 did death finally claim Mr. Ashdown, after he had … Read more

Biography of Mansfield M. Sturgeon

One of the most brilliant and astute attorneys practising at the Rock Island County Bar is Mansfield M. Sturgeon, senior member of the legal firm of Sturgeon. Stelck & Sturgeon, a man whose great ability and profound learning as an attorney has been demonstrated in the trial of many important suits, as well as in sound counsel and legal advice. He was born September 10, 1843, at Letart Falls, Ohio, his parents, being Oliver Hazard Perry Sturgeon and Mary Ellenor (Summers) Sturgeon. The father was born March 14, 1818, at Sistersville, Virginia, the date of the marriage of the senior … Read more

Biography of Major James M. Beardsley

The above named and beloved patriot was of that branch of the Beardsley family which trace their genealogy in America as far back as 1628. Major Beardsley was born October 30, 1833, at Ellington, Chautauqua County (near the reservation of the Six Nations), New York State; died at Rock Island, August 22, 1903. He came to his future home, this city, in the middle 50’s, while still in his teens, and, though young he was, his inordinate intellect, retentive mind and assiduity had enabled him to attain a thorough academic training. Being admitted to the bar, Mr. Beardsley soon won … Read more

Biography of Major Henry Clay Connelly

The record of Major Henry Clay Connelly, both as a soldier and as a civilian, is a brilliant one and will live long after he has passed to another world. His father was James Connelly, a son of Bernard Connelly, who settled in Philadelphia about 1800. He afterwards located in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, where, as a dealer in live stock he became successful. His wife, of English birth, was a Miss Eggleton. She was the first member of the Episcopal Church of England in that county and for many years the only one. James Connelly arrived at man-hood in Somerset … Read more

Biography of Major Charles W. Hawes

Major Charles W. Hawes is probably the oldest male “native” of Rock Island, Illinois, born within the Village of Stephenson, now embraced in the city limits of Rock Island, prior to 1842. His father was David Hawes, a native of Belchertown, Massachusetts, and his mother was Julia M. Babcock, a native of   Ware, Massachusetts, both of Revolutionary stock. (See biography David Hawes) Major Hawes’s father arrived in Rock Island from Massachusetts via St. Louis and the Mississippi River in October, 1835, where Mrs. Hawes joined him later, and Major Hawes was born March 7, 1841. He had the advantage of … Read more

Biography of Luke E. Hemenway

Mr. Luke E. Hemenway, father of Charles, F., was born in Shoreham, Vermont, August 7, 1816. His father was Francis S., born at Grafton, Massachusetts, January 23, 1784, and his mother was Clara Turrill, born in the year 1786. He was a direct descendant of Ralph Hemenway and Elizabeth Hewes, who were married at Roxbury, Massachusetts, July 5, 1634. He received a common school education at Shoreham, Vermont. Leaving home at the age of thirteen, he worked in a store at Bethel, Vermont, until the year 1838, when he removed to Grand de Tour, Illinois, where he married Jane E. … Read more

Biography of L. S. McCabe

L. S. McCabe has been a factor in the commercial history of Rock Island County since 1868. He is a native of Delaware County, New York, and was educated in the common schools and academies of that locality. Coming west in his young manhood, Mr McCabe took up his residence in Rock Island County. He taught school for two terms in the southern part of this county during the time that the Hon. W. H. Gest, the present circuit judge, was county superintendent of schools. In 1870 his business career as a Rock Island merchant was begun, and his steadily … Read more

Biography of Julius Junge

There are few business men in Rock Island or Moline who do not enjoy a personal acquaintance with the genial Julius Junge, vice-president of the Rock Island Brewing Company, a man who, though deeply engrossed in the concerns of a large and growing industry, has found time to cultivate his social nature and to enjoy the pleasures of companionship with his fellow men. He was born in Prussia, March 23, 1848, being a son of Joseph and Johanna (Herschel) Junge. His father served for some years as a soldier in the Prussian Army, but being a man desirous of seeking … Read more

Biography of Judson D. Metzgar

One of Moline’s younger attorneys, who has achieved success in his profession, and who has acquired a lucrative office and probate practice, is Judson D. Metzgar. He was born at Port Byron, Illinois, December 5, 1870, and here his parents, Marcellus R. and Mary E. (Brown) Metzgar, resided until he was ten years of age, when they removed to Davenport, Iowa, where they remained three years, going from thence to Moline, which has since been his home. His early education was obtained in the common schools of Port Byron, the Moline High School of which he is a graduate, as … Read more

Biography of Judge John W. Spencer

Judge John W. Spencer, deceased, one of the pioneers of Rock Island County, was born at Vergennes, Vermont, July 25, 1801. His parents, Calvin and Ruth (Hopkins) Spencer, were natives of the New England Colonies. The father of Judge Spencer was born in Bennington, Vermont, and his mother near Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and were descended from the Puritan English. They reared four sons and a daughter, John W., being the eldest. At this writing the first and second generations here mentioned are long since gathered unto their fathers, and only the grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren remain to perpetuate names made honorable … Read more

Biography of Judge J. M. Gould

In the early days of the west the more favored districts naturally drew to them-selves the men of greatest ambition, foresight, and business sagacity. These sought the fields that held out the most to them in. the way of promise for the future, and settling there, bent their energies to laying the foundation of prosperity for themselves and their posterity. Thus it is that Rock Island County has been fortunate in the character of its pioneers. They were not only of sturdy stock fit to endow their descendants with the physical strength to build up a great community but they … Read more

Biography of Josiah G. Heck

The subject of this sketch, Josiah G. Heck, of Moline, was born in Harrison County, Ohio, May 8, 1840, the son of John and Sarah (Wilde) Heck, and has been a resident of Rock Island County the past sixty-four years. The Heck family is an old one; Phillip Heck, grandfather of Josiah Heck, belonging to a family that was early established in the United States. John Heck, father of Josiah Heck, was born September 10, 1786, in Pennsylvania. In 1833 he emigrated to Harrison County, Ohio, staying eleven years there. There he married Miss Sarah Wilde, and a few years … Read more

Biography of Joseph Huntoon

Joseph Huntoon, deceased, a native of Hanover, New Hampshire, was born April 17, 1812, and came to Illinois in 1837, and settled at Andover Heights. Shortly afterwards he went to what is now called Richland Grove Township, where he was united to Miss Sylvia Tanneg in marriage also a native of New Hampshire, having been born at New Ipswick October 22, 1822. Joseph Huntoon only had a common school education and at an early age learned the shoemaker’s trade. In 1844 he and Mrs. Huntoon took up their residence in Moline and he was the first shoemaker of that place, … Read more

Biography of John W. Roche

Little would the visitor of today suspect that much of the western part of the City of Rock Island, now built up with modern homes, business houses and factories, was once an uninhabitable swamp; worse than that, it was covered with water to a great extent, and when the Mississippi was high a rapidly flowing stream ran through half the present length of the city, and skiffs, rafts and even steamboats passed over the very place where hundreds now live and work on dry, firm mother earth the year around. The work of reclaiming this tract of land has been … Read more

Biography of John W. Potter

Newspaper work is essentially transitory in its nature. The newspaper article that may be read with the most absorbing interest today by thousands is tomorrow forgotten by the eager public as it is then no longer “news” and some more recent event has occurred upon which public attention is centered for a few brief hours. Consequently the newspaper article possesses none of the stability of other literary effort. Rarely is it kept for general reference except in the files of the newspaper office itself. It is read, makes more or less of an impression for a time and is superseded … Read more

Biography of John W. Parker

Among the younger business men of Rock Island County few have demonstrated their ability in as many different fields as has John W. Parker. City bred, and trained originally for commercial pursuits, he has been successful alike in trade, manufacturing, politics and ‘even agriculture. In addition, he has through his own efforts, secured a liberal education, including a fair knowledge of law, although dependent upon his own resources since the age of sixteen. Mr. Parker was born November 1, 1870, at Henry, Illinois, the son of Samuel and Anna Parker. His father was a native of Ohio and his mother … Read more