Biography of Samuel H. Montgomery

Among the names of Rock Island County’s citizens none is better known and none held in more honor and respect than that of Montgomery. The elder Montgomery’s were among the oldest settlers of this county, and early acquired large holdings in farm proper-ties. Their children have been prominently identified with the business and farming interests of Rock Island County for more than a quarter of a century. It is of one of the sons of those pioneers, Alexander E. and Margaret Montgomery, the life history of the former appearing upon another page of this work, that this sketch is to … Read more

Biography of Rufus Walker

Rufus Walker, one of the most extensive fuel dealers in Moline, was born in Williamstown, Orange County, Vermont, December 10, 1839, his parents being Rufus and Susan Walker. Eleven children, seven boys and four girls, were born to this couple. The father, who was a shoemaker by trade, died December 22, 1839, when the subject of this sketch, the youngest of the large family, was only twelve days old. The seven sons all learned the same trade as the father, that of shoemaking. Rufus Walker obtained a common school education in Williamstown, and in November, 1860, he left his native … Read more

Biography of Robert Ward Olmsted

A good mental and physical equipment, unflagging energy, and temperate habits have been leading factors in the elevation of Robert Ward Olmsted, from a poor boy, dependent upon his own resources, to the honored position of judge of Rock Island County. Born on a farm in Edgington Township, Rock Island County, Illinois, May 6, 1868, he became almost, if not quite, self-supporting at the tender age of thirteen, and though employed early and late for the greater part of each succeeding year of his youth, he cultivated studious habits, and by close application to his books, both in and out … Read more

Biography of Robert Wagner

One of Rock Island’s native sons, a man upon whom devolves to a large extent the management and control of a great and growing industry, is the subject of this sketch, Robert Wagner, president of the Rock Island Brewing Company. He is the son of George Wagner, the story of whose life and rise in the world appears elsewhere in this book, and Frederica Wagner. He was born in Rock Island, June 15, 1866. During his boyhood he attended the city’s public schools and private German schools, fitting himself for entrance in the University of Iowa, at Iowa City. After … Read more

Biography of Robert S. Montgomery

For a period of over 35 years the subject of this sketch was one of the leading farmers of Rock Island county. His farm was one of the largest and best under the highest state of cultivation, while the improvements upon it were among the finest and latest in design. Not only was the owner a leader in agricultural, but he was likewise foremost among his fellow men, in church, in politics and in society. His sons and daughters, following the example he set for them, grew into useful men and women and went out to fill responsible positions in … Read more

Biography of Robert J. Montgomery

Robert J. Montgomery, the Moline manufacturer, was born May 20, 1864, on a farm near Orion, Henry County, Illinois. His parents were Alexander E. and Margaret Montgomery. When but eight years of age the family removed and took up residence on Rock Island Arsenal, where the son grew to manhood. After completing a course in the Moline public schools our subject learned the tinner’s trade at Rock Island Arsenal, but being ambitious to enter business for himself, he formed a partnership with his brothers to operate a machine shop. under the firm name of Montgomery Brothers. This was done in … Read more

Biography of Robert E. Little

Robert E. Little, for ten years postmaster of the Village of Milan, is one of the successful native sons of the County. He was born on a farm in Bowling Township May 22, 1861. His parents, William and Elizabeth (Rea) Little, were both of Irish birth, the former’s natal day being December 7, 1815, and the latter’s August 16, 1819. They were married in their native land and immigrated to America and to Rock Island County in 1844. The farm on which they settled and which they occupied till death was entered by them from the Government. Mr. Little passed … Read more

Biography of Rev. Thomas Mackin

Reverend Thomas Mackin was born in County Armagh, Ireland, January 4, 1841, the son of Daniel and Ann Mackin. His rudimentary education was received in the Government schools of his native land, and upon his completion of the course afforded there, he turned to teaching as a means of livelihood, and to pave the way for the attainment of wider educational advantages. In 1861 Thomas Mackin came to America, settling in Leland, Illinois. Here his brother James, was engaged in the dry goods, commission and land business. It was during war time and they did an extensive business. Thomas, however, … Read more

Biography of Rev. R. F. Sweet, D. D.

The old axiom which tells us that kind deeds and gentle words live forever is one which not only inspires the mind with its sublimity, but its truth is so often brought home to us, and so forcibly that it affords a solace we do not always feel. A noble life invariably begets its full measure of love and veneration, and even though myriads of kindness done and self-sacrificing efforts are lost to earth the hand-maidens of the Great Seer of Heaven have the fullest knowledge of them all. All men who have been so graciously endowed with that most … Read more

Biography of Rev. George W. Gue

A man who, while never a permanent resident of Rock Island, yet lived in the city long enough to leave a permanent impress there and to be remembered with gratitude by many, was Reverend George W. Gue, for several years pastor of the First. Methodist Church, and builder of the present house of worship of that congregation. Honored in various ways by his church he bore his preferment well and earned the love and respect everywhere of those with whom he came in contact. Mr. Gue was born in Neville, Clermont County, Ohio, February 27, 1840, and died at Portland, … Read more

Biography of Rev. Christopher Mennicke

One of Rock Island’s most revered and honored ministers of the gospel, a man who has grown old in the service of his God and his church, is Rev. C. A. Mennicke, pastor of the German Evangelical Lutheran Immanuels Congregation. He was born September 17, 1834, at Friedrichsschwerz, a small place near Halle, in Prussia, his parents being Andreas and Carolina (Winter) Mennicke. He received his early education in the institutions of Halle, Germany. An uncle, Professor F. Winter, whose home was in America, wrote to the young student and urged him to come to this country. He left Germany … Read more

Biography of Philemon L. Mitchell

In recalling to mind those men who in an early day laid the foundation of Rock Island’s present commercial and financial stability, one’s memory instinctively turns to an individual who, during his lifetime, was instrumental in organizing and conducting one of the largest banking houses in Rock Island County, and who was a tower of moral and financial strength in the community, Philemon L. Mitchell, deceased. He was born October 16, 1812, at Limington, Maine, and died at his home in Rock Island January 23, 1895. His parents were Isaac and Martha (Libby) Mitchell. The father was a native of … Read more

Biography of Peter Fries

Man whose personality was strongly A impressed on Rock Island County, was Peter Fries, distiller, banker, and man of affairs. Mr. Fries was born May 4, 1822, on the family estate known as “Guss-Hof,” situated on the River Main, in Bavaria, Germany. He died July 20, 1902, in Rock Island, Illinois. His father’s name was Johann, his mother’s, Gertrude (nee Brand), of Reistenhausen. Johann Fries was the owner of the Guss-Hof, the estate which had descended from father to son for many generations, and was situated near Stadt Prozelten. Peter Fries, the subject of this sketch, was the youngest of … Read more

Biography of Patterson S. McGlynn

Patterson S. McGlynn, one of the proprietors of the Daily Dispatch, was born in Connecticut in 1850, of Irish parentage. He was educated by his father to read and write and to be appalled by the multiplication table before being sent to country schools in Iowa, commencing at Washington in the State named, “graduating” to a printing office when he was thirteen years old, and then at the age of sixteen going back to school in the old stone school in Davenport, where his printing-office education raced him through to graduation to the high school. But his education may be … Read more

Biography of Otto Huber

Among the younger generation of Rock Island’s prominent business men whose names are deserving of special mention for what they have achieved in their chosen vocations in life, stands that of Otto Huber, who is the present secretary and treasurer of the Rock Island Brewing Company, a Rock Island industry whose formation, growth and present scope, has been related elsewhere in this book. Mr. Huber was born in Rock Island January 19, 1866, and attended schools in that city until he was ready to enter the Illinois State University at Champaign, where he spent three years. Afterward he studied two … Read more

Biography of O. Frederick Anderson

One of Moline’s progressive and popular citizens, who, by his own unaided efforts and individual worth, has gone forward step by step until he now holds the position of cashier in one of that City’s leading banks, is O. Frederick Anderson, a man who merits the respect and regard of all who know him. He was born in Trehorna, Sweden, July 1, 1866, the home of his parents, Alfred Anderson and Ama Greta (Johansdotter) Anderson, the former of whom died January 25, 1881, and the latter is still living. October 27, 1868, Mr. Anderson, with his parents, came to America, … Read more

Biography of Nicholai Juhl

One of Rock Island’s best known and most busily employed building contractors is Nicholai Juhl, the subject of this sketch. In the large and continuous building growth which Rock Island has undergone during the past few years, he has taken a conspicuous part, some of the largest and handsomest edifices that have been erected being his creation. He was born March 3, 1853, in the province of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, his parents being Peter and Martha (Peterson) Juhl. Neither of Mr. Juhl’s parents ever came to the United States, and both are now deceased. Mr. Juhl’s early education was obtained in … Read more

Biography of Mrs. Mary Fay Hawes

Mrs. Mary Fay Hawes, wife of Major Charles W. Hawes, and a member of the board of supreme managers of the Royal Neighbors of America, is an admirable type of the purposeful woman of the day. She proves in her own person that the American woman may exert a powerful influence in the enlargement of woman’s sphere without loss to any of the attributes of true womanhood. Mrs. Hawes was born in Fulton, Illinois, July 22, 1866, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Fay, and the eldest of a family of nine children, all living at this date. … Read more

Biography of Morris Rosenfield

One of Rock Island’s most prominent and respected citizens during his life-time spent in that city, and whose memory is cherished and revered by all who knew him, was Morris Rosenfield, the subject of this sketch. He was born in Wurttemberg, Germany, December 18, 1841, and died January 28, 1899, at Tuebingen, Germany, where he had gone in hopes that he might regain his shattered health. The Rosenfield family was one of the most respected in the little city of our subject’s birth, his father being one of the most enterprising and prosperous citizens of Wurttemberg. As an instance of … Read more

Biography of Miss Myrtle E. Dade

By her work as beneficiary recorder of the Royal Neighbors of America, the woman’s auxiliary to the Modern Woodmen of America, the largest fraternal insurance society in the world, Miss Myrtle E. Dade has shown herself a woman of rare business and executive ability. A quality no less rare, she has demonstrated her ability to efficiently supervise a considerable body of women without friction and in a manner which has accomplished wonderful results. So systematically has the work in her offices been handled that other similar societies have paid her the compliment of adopting many of the devices which she … Read more