Biographical Sketch of Edgar H. Wilson

Born at Depauville, Jefferson County, New York, January 28, 1874, Edgar H. Wilson came to Moline, Illinois, with his parents, George T. and Mary E. Wilson, in the year 1892. He was educated in Lowville Academy, Lowville, New York. Leaving school at the age of seventeen he entered the service of Grant & Mould, grocers, at Watertown, New York, with whom he remained for three years when the family moved west. Arriving at Moline, Mr. Wilson was employed as clerk in the grocery store of George L. Benson at 1620 Third Avenue; at the expiration of three years he purchased … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. F. H. Gardner

Doctor F. H. Gardner, a physician residing at 507 Fifteenth Street. Moline, Illinois, is a native of the state, having been born at Sublette March 16, 1839. After acquiring a common and high school education he entered the Chicago College of Pharmacy and Medical Department Union of Illinois, from which he graduated. He served briefly as a military man as a member of the Chicago Zouaves, this service extending from the year of 1886 to 1887. Politically he was every hair a Republican, and in 1897 he received the appointment of United States pension examiner, which position he holds to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of De Witt Clinton Dimock

This pioneer Moline business man and sterling citizen was born October 1, 1820, at Wellington, Connecticut. He came west and located at Geneseo, Illinois. in 1840, taking up his residence in Moline in 1843. His activities as a manufacturer began in 1852 when he formed a partnership with Judge John M. Gould for the making of furniture and wooden ware. On the incorporation of the firm of Dimock, Gould & Company, in 1869, he was elected its president. This position he held till 1884, when he retired from the head of the concern, retaining his connection through the office of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles R. Nourse

Born in Missouri, reared in Ohio and now engaged in manufacturing in Illinois, three great states have had to do with the career of the subject of this sketch. Charles Robert Nourse was born in St. Louis, December 27, 1864, the son of Gilbert D. and Almira J. (Keith) Nourse. When eight years of age the family removed to Cleveland and six years later to Springfield. In the public schools of the two Ohio cities the son obtained his early education. In early manhood he became bookkeeper with a manufacturer of children’s carriages at Springfield, and later he became connected … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alexander W. Coyne

That farming in Rock Island County is a profitable occupation is attested by the subject of this sketch, who, though in business for himself but a few years, is now the owner of two hundred and sixty acres of well improved land in section eleven, Bowling Township. He was born in the same Township, the son of William and Margaret (Morrison) Coyne, March 15, 1866. After the usual schooling of the country boy and the practical preparation for life on the farm, he married March 27, 1901, Miss Nora S. Doonan, of Mercer County, Illinois. The latter is the daughter … Read more