Michael Todd of Hartford County CT

Last Updated on January 7, 2013 by

Michael Todd4, (Michael3, Michael2, Christopher1) born Aug. 10, 1729, died May 6, 1776, married first Aug. 10, 1749, Eunice, eldest daughter of Capt. James and Mary (Hitchcock) Peck, of New Haven, Ct., who was born Feb. 14, 1731-32, died Nov. 1765; second Sept. 15, 1766, Mary, eldest daughter of John and Hannah (Smith) Rowe, of East Haven, Conn., who was born March 22, 1744, died about 1789. She married second(???)Holt.

Mr. Todd fulfilled his fathers desires as expressed in his will and testament and graduated from Yale college in 1748. He afterward became an extensive merchant in New Haven, Conn. His estate was inventoried at œ2083. In his will he appointed his son Michael, the executor and guardian of the three youngest children.

Children by Eunice Peck:
215. Michael, b. June 11, 1750, d. Nov. 3, 1750.
216. Michael, b. Sept. 24, 1752, was lost at sea while on a voyage from the West Indies, about 1797.

Children by Mary Rowe:
217. Eli, b. July 22, 1769, d. Nov. 17, 1833, m. first Aug. 9, 1796, Rhoda Hill, of Farmington, Conn., who d. March 1825; second Catherine Hill, a sister of his first wife, Nov. 1828; graduated from Yale college in 1787. He was a physician; President of the Med. Soc. of Conn. in 1813. He lived at Farmington, Conn. until 1819, where he held a very large practice. He was one of the most prominent men of his time. In 1819 he removed to Hartford, Ct. where he was selected as the first Supt. of the Retreat for the Insane, he being very largely instrumental in locating the institution there. “He was the most perfect man I ever knew.” He was very eccentric; used to play the violin on his lonely country rides.

“Dr. Todd, a native of New Haven, and a graduate of Yale College in 1787, was settled for many years in Farmington, where he acquired an extensive practice. In 1819 he removed to Hartford. He was a dignified man, with a handsome and benevolent face, his keen, large eye lighting up his whole countenance. His carefully chosen language was expressive, earnest, and convincing, and he had a large measure of personal magnetism. He was especially familiar with the medical literature of insanity and the European modes of treatment and care of the insane. He viewed the subject hopefully; but his feelings were so enlisted that his report on the sufferings of the insane, as they were then cared for in the State, is said to have moved nearly all his auditors to tears when it was read before the Connecticut Medical Society. A retentive memory enabled him to make good use of his extensive reading in matters outside of his profession. He possessed the rare ability of convincing his patients of his deep interest in their welfare, and manifested his sympathy often in unlooked-for ways; and with his remarkable powers in conversation he sought to divert their minds from their discomforts.”

From the Memorial History of Hartford County Connecticut, by J. Hammond Trumbull.
218. Polly.
*219. Eunice.



Todd, George Iru. Todd Family in America. Gazette Printing Company. 1920.

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