Biography of Edward F. Groark

EDWARD F. GROARK-Insurance has for many years held the attention of Edward F. Groark, whose usefulness in this realm in Western Massachusetts is widely recognized. With interests centering in North Adams he covers a considerable territory in this immediate section and his work is contributing definitely to the progress of the community. Mr. Groark’s practical ability and progressive attitude are constructive influences in the local progress as well as in his own success. He is a son of Patrick and Margaret (Feign) Groark, esteemed citizens of New Haven, Connecticut.

Edward F. Groark was born in New Haven, September 11, 1878. Receiving his early education in the local public schools he was graduated from the New Haven High School in the class of 1896. Upon the completion of his studies he secured a position in the accounting department of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad offices, in New Haven, and there gained valuable experience in the business affairs. He was still a young man when he entered the employ of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company as their agent in New Haven, then later became assistant manager of their interest at Lowell, Massachusetts. From that point he was transferred to Burlington, Vermont, where he also served as assistant manager, until October of Ig22, when he was placed in charge of the North Adams agency in the capacity of manager. In his rise in this organization Mr. Groark has revealed the qualities of energy and natural ability which have meant much to the progress of the people and of the company in these localities. His usefulness in North Adams is a definite force for the welfare and economic security of the people and he is counted among the worthy and outstanding business executives of the day. Mr. Groark is fraternally affiliated with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; the Knights of Columbus; and his social affiliations include membership in the Berkshire Club. He attends St. Francis’ Church.

Edward F. Groark married, in New Haven, Connecticut, May 22, 5897, Alice Hale, and they are the parents of six children: Alice, a school teacher, at New Haven; John, a graduate of Holy Cross School, who entered Harvard University in September, 1924; Margaret, a senior at New Rochelle; Edward, a freshman at Holy Cross; Charles, a senior at Drury High School, in North Adams ; and Harry, entering Drury High School.



Lockwood, John H. (John Hoyt); Bagg, Ernest Newton; Carson, Walter S. (Walter Scott); Riley, Herbert E. (Herbert Elihu); Boltwood, Edward; Clark, Will L. (Will Leach); Western Massachusetts A History 1636-1925; New York and Chicago: Lewis historical publishing company, inc., 1926

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