Title page of Kedzies and their Relatives

Kedzie Family Genealogy

The Kedzies Family Genealogy tells of the migration of the Kedzie family from Scotland to this country, and gives a list of their relatives and descendants. The list of relatives and descendants provides names, dates and places of birth, marriages, occupations and deaths, so far as they could ascertain.

From Hawick, Roxburghshire, Scotland, in the spring of 1795 the family of Adam and Margaret Kedzie came to the United States, sailing from Greenock on the Clyde. After a brief stay in the city of New York the family settled in Stamford, Delaware County, New York.

In this family were four sons and four daughters. Two of the sons, George and Adam, lived and died in the place of their first settlement. The others removed – William to Michigan in 1823, and James to Ohio in 1838. The daughters married men by the name of Grant, Jones, Graham and Mabie, as recorded in the section on the genealogy.

Title page of Kedzies and their Relatives
Title page of Kedzies and their Relatives

The Kedzies subsequently ranged far and wide, so that the name is now borne by residents in New York, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Kansas, Colorado, and Canada. Their relatives are still more widely scattered as can be seen in the genealogy section.

Surnames: Abell, Anderson, Bates, Boettcher, Cowan, Dilraver, Ferris, Gatlin, Gillis, Gould, Graham, Grant, Green, Hall, Hitchcock, Hughes, Hyde, Jones, Kedzie, Lynch, Mabie, McElvie, McMurdy, McNaught, Montgomery, More, Nash, Peck, Penfield, Rennick, Riggan, Rogers, Sanford, Slaughter, Smith, Steele, Stone, White, Wise, Wood, and Youngman.



[box]Source: Kedzie, A. S. & F. S. <cite>Kedzies and Their Relatives</cite>: Kedzie, Grant, Jones, Graham, Mabie, and their Descendants. Grand Haven, Michigan: Herald Power Print. 1882.[/box]


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