Biographical Sketch of Asahel Blakeman Avery

(VIII) Asahel Blakeman, son of Peter Rockefeller and Elizabeth (Blakeman) Avery, was born in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, May 16, 1834, and died in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, September 19, 1894. He came to the town of Phelps as a boy of fourteen and engaging in farming there, he became and was for many years one of the representative men of the region. He married Julia, daughter of Ashbel and Emily Horsford, of Phelps. Children: Minnie L., born in 1864, died in 1884; Elizabeth, born in 1873, married Elmer Miller; Willis, referred to below; Frank A., referred to below. (IX) … Read more

Biography of Albert Sherwood Childs

(VIII) Albert Sherwood, second son of Benjamin and Laura (Sherwood) Childs, was born in Phelps, New York, September 18, 1852. His education was concluded at Canandaigua Academy under the direction of Professor Clark, and he acquired a knowledge of farming at the homestead. He was not destined, however, to devote his energies exclusively to tilling the soil, as, at his father’s death, in 1878, he was called upon to assume the management of the tile plant, and accepting the responsibility he proceeded to enlarge the business, thereby increasing its importance as a local industry. By adopting the latest improved machinery … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dolphin Stephenson

(II) Dolphin, son of Harvey Stephenson, was born in the town of Galen, New York, in 1812, died in 1883. He came to Phelps with his father, where he was engaged in legal practice for many years, being at the time of his death the oldest attorney in the county. He served as postmaster of Phelps for many years, and was elected as a member of the assembly. He was also appointed by the government to represent it at Panama, and remained there for some time. A portion of his life was also spent in California. He was married in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick P. Stephenson

(III) Frederick P., son of Dolphin and Jennie (Porter) Stephenson, was born in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, July 18, 1869. His elementary education was received in the public schools of his native town. Mr. Stephenson married, in 1904, Jeannette Ve Le Munyon.

Biographical Sketch of Charles Sheldon

Charles, son of Richard Sheldon, was born in Waterbury, Vermont, March 16, 1813. He was educated in the common schools. He came to Phelps, Ontario county, when a young man. Afterward, he decided to locate in what was then the west and he went on foot to Illinois where he took up a large tract of land, but he eventually sold out and returned to Phelps. He engaged in farming there the remainder of his life. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Phelps and superintendent of the Sunday school for many years. He married Sarah Crittenden, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Peter Garlock

(III) Peter, son of Abram and Catharine (Cook) Garlock (q. v.), was one of nine children and was born in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, October 6, 1832, died February 17, 1904. Twenty-seven years of his life were spent in Arcadia, New York, and he then made his permanent and final home in Phelps. In 1863 he commenced the distilling of cider brandy and peppermint oil, about two and one-half miles southwest of Newark, New York, continuing this plant for the distilling of cider brandy until about 1893, when he discontinued. In 1879 he built a cider mill in Phelps, … Read more

Biography of Louis A. Cooper

America, as has been frequently remarked, is the home of self-made men, and in no line is this trait so apparent and so beneficial to the country at large, as in the agricultural field. It would seem as if in this branch the very best that is in a man is brought to the surface, for the very freedom which surrounds these workers, enables their natural abilities to develop to the fullest and best extent. One of the finest specimens of this sort of manhood, is to be found in the person of Louis A. Cooper, manager of the Geneva … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lee Vosburgh

(III) Lee, son of Arnold and Olive (Coe) Vosburgh, was born in Hillsdale, Columbia county, New York, July 26, 1863. He attended the public schools in the town of Phelps, New York, removing there with his parents in 1871 ; two years later they removed to Clyde, New York, and after another two years returned to Phelps and located on their former farm. In 1892 Mr. Vosburgh took charge of this farm and it has since that time been under his sole management. The results which he has achieved in agriculture have been of an eminently satisfactory character, and he … Read more

Biography of Michael Needham

Michael Needham, founder of this family, was born in Burr, county Tipperary, Ireland, in 1834, died in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, July 3, 1909. He emigrated to America as a boy and settled in Phelps, where he obtained employment as a maltster. Sometime later he went to Chicago, Illinois, where he spent several years as head maltster of one of the large malt houses there. He then returned to Phelps, and for forty years was in the employ of the New York Central railroad there. He was a trustee of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Francis, at Phelps. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cassius C. Sheldon

Cassius C., son of Charles Sheldon, was born in Bureau county, Illinois, April 2, 1844. He was but four years old, however, when his parents returned to Phelps and he was educated there in the public schools. He has always followed farming. He is an active member of the Methodist church at Seneca Castle. He is a prominent member of the Seneca Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, and has been a trustee for thirty years. He married, in 1865, Frances Fiero, of Gorham. They have one son, Charles E., born in 1867, a farmer, married Clara Francs and has one son, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lieutenant Lester P. Thompson

(IV) Lieutenant Lester P. Thompson, son of Joshua Thompson, was born September 3, 1840, in Lima, New York. He married, and shortly after the birth of his son, Robert F., he removed to Phelps. New York, where he followed the occupation of a manufacturer of agricultural implements and resided there until shortly before his death, April 25, 1889. He rendered faithful service to his country during the rebellion, serving in the Fifth and Seventh United States Regular Infantry. He became prominent in Grand Army and political circles: a born leader of men, he wielded a powerful influence in that great … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Watson E. Stubbs

(II) Watson E., son of William and Elizabeth (King) Stubbs, was born in Oneida county, New York, 1837. He was educated in the public schools of the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, and assisted his father in the cultivation of the home farm from a very early age. He was thus engaged until he was about twenty-eight years of age, when he took up carpentry, which he followed for about nine years. In 1886 he established himself in the lumber trade, organizing a retail and wholesale business in Geneva, New York, for lumber and all the materials connected … Read more

History of Ontario County, New York, part 1

History of Ontario County, New York

“History of Ontario County, New York: With Illustrations and Family Sketches of Some of the Prominent Men and Families” is a comprehensive historical compilation, organized by Lewis Cass Aldrich and meticulously edited by George Stillwell Conover. Published in 1893 by D. Mason & Co., Syracuse, N.Y., this monumental work illuminates the rich tapestry of Ontario County’s past. Recognizing the voluminous nature of the original single volume, it has been thoughtfully divided into two parts for convenience and accessibility. Part 1 encompasses the historical and biographical narrative of Ontario County, laying the foundation for the genealogical treasures contained in Part 2.

Biography of Robert F. Thomspon

(V) Robert F. Thompson, son of Lieutenant Lester P. Thompson and Sarah Jane (Foster) Thompson, was born in Canandaigua, New York, July 31, 1870. He received his preliminary school training in Phelps, followed by a course of study in Canandaigua Academy, from which he was graduated. He studied for his chosen profession in the law department of Michigan University, from which he received his degree of Bachelor of Laws, and then took a post-graduate course, receiving the Master’s degree in 1893. He was admitted to the bar, December, 1894, in Ontario county, New York, and at once entered upon practice … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Chauncey Brooks Collins

(II) Chauncey Brooks, son of Thaddeus Collins, was born in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, 1809, and was a farmer. He was a member of the New York State Militia in 1831, and served as quartermaster of the regiment commissioned by Enos T. Throop, John A. Dix adjutant general.

Biographical Sketch of Harvey Stephenson

Frederick P. Stephenson, a well known resident of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, is descended from a family which for many generations has displayed courage and patriotism in defence of the rights and liberties of their country. Calvin Stephenson, a pioneer settler and a soldier of the revolution, had six sons who took part in the war of 1812: James was taken a prisoner and died near Montreal, Canada; William served gallantly throughout the war, then joined the regular army and lost his life on the western plains; Luther served in the contest at Raisin river and in the battle … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Moreau Harger

Charles Moreau Harger, Kansas editor and old time resident of the state, is known to thousands of people outside Kansas through his writings in magazines and through his active participation in several movements recognized as of national scope. He was born in Phelps, New York, in 1863, came west to Dickinson County in 1879 with his parents, and had resided in Abilene since that date. He was educated in a classical school. For several years he was a farmer and rancher, then teacher, being principal of the Hope City schools in 1887-88. He then became a reporter on the Abilene … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Cornford

(III) William H.. fourth son of Thomas and Urina (Harmer) Cornford, was born in England, September 8, 1835. He accompanied his parents to America, in early childhood, began the activities of life as a carpenter’s apprentice and having learned that trade he followed it as a journeyman in Phelps for some time. At the breaking-out of the rebellion in 1861, he went to the front with the Seventy-sixth Regiment, New York Volunteers, and after completing his first term of service he reenlisted in the Ninth Michigan Volunteers, with which he served until the close of the war. In 1868 he … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Garlock

(IV) Charles H., son of Peter and Maria (Van De Vort) Garlock, was born in Arcadia, Wayne county, New York, May 7, 1864. His education was acquired in the public schools and in the Newark Union School, and he was engaged in various occupations until he had attained his majority. At the age of twenty-one years he went to South Dakota, and accepted a position in the hardware store of his brother, Thomas, remaining with him two years. He then went to Denver, Colorado, in which city he opened a cigar and confectionery store, in which the was successfully engaged … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Garlock

Charles H. Garlock, who has for many years served as trustee of the village of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, and is prominently connected with the financial and commercial interests of the county, is a descendant of one of the early Dutch settlers of this country, his greatgreat-grandfather having come to America from Holland. Another of his ancestors was Peter Cook, who was a native of New Jersey. Mr. Garlock was elected president of the village of Phelps, in March, 1911.