Bailey, Catherine Kay “Kay” Clark Mrs. – Obituary

Catherine Kay “Kay” Clark Bailey, 59, of Denver, a former Baker City resident, died July 5, 2006, at her home. Her memorial service will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Baker City Christian Church, 675 Highway 7. Pastor Roger Scovil of the church will officiate. There will be a reception afterward at the church. Inurnment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Kay was born at Weiser, Idaho, on May 6, 1947, and grew up in Eastern Oregon. She was a 1965 Baker High School graduate and earned her bachelor’s degree from Eastern Oregon College (now Eastern Oregon University) at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. Lyman Lawrence

Lawrence, M. Lyman; vice pres. Ohio Farm Development Co.; born, Cleveland, Dec. 23, 1868; public and high school education; married, Aug. 3, 1891, Olive M. Harp, of Denver, Col.; at the age of 16, went to Colorado; cowboy on the western plains until health was restored; 1889, entered the Peoples National Bank, Denver, and worked up from messenger to cashier; in 1893, returned to Cleveland and connected himself with the Ohio Farmer, owned by his father; had active part in its management; became vice pres. Lawrence Publishing Co.; vice pres. Lawrence-Williams Co.; Mason, since 1892; charter member of Brenton N. … Read more

Biography of Joseph B. Hulse

Joseph B. Hulse, proprietor of the only photograph gallery in Hailey, is a native of Iowa, born in Glenwood, on the 3d of January 1859. The family, of German origin, was planted on American soil at an early period in the history of New England. The grandfather, Joseph Hulse, was a pioneer settler of the state of Ohio, and his son, Henry A. Hulse, the father of our subject, was born near the old home of Abraham Lincoln, in the vicinity of Springfield, Illinois. Having arrived at years of maturity, he married Caroline Maloon and removed to Iowa, whence he … Read more

Biography of Dunham O. Munson, M. D.

Dunham O. Munson, M. D., is one of the leading specialists of Southeastern Kansas. He has practiced at Pittsburg upwards of twenty years, and while the earlier part of his practice was devoted to general medicine and surgery, for the past five years he has given his time exclusively to the diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. He is a man of splendid attainments in his profession and undoubtedly inherits much from his fine old Ameriean ancestry. He was born at Brockport, New York, June 27, 1859, but a part of his early life was spent in Ontario, … Read more

Biography of Hon. Eugene Mortimore Kerr

The records of Muskogee and the state would be incomplete and unsatisfactory were there failure to make prominent reference to Eugene Mortimore Kerr, who has served as a member of both the house of representatives and senate in the general assembly and who in many other ways has contributed to public progress and improvement, while in business circles he has gained a most creditable name and position. Mr. Kerr was born in Granville, Ohio, November 11, 1869, and is a son of E. M. and Elizabeth Triphena (Roberts) Kerr. The father was engaged in the real estate business for many … Read more

Biography of Homer G. Gilmore

HOMER G. GILMORE. In no part of the world is the flouring industry of greater importance than it is in the United States, nor in any other part of the world can the same excellence of quality of flour be produced. This need not be wondered at. Where is there another country possessing so rich and productive a soil, yielding and in plenty the richest wheat? Indeed, the industry and the importance necessarily attached to it are natural resultants of nature’s generosity. In Christian County, Missouri, the flouring industry is a most important one and foremost among those engaging in … Read more

Barnhart, Larry Lee – Obituary

Halfway, Oregon Larry Lee Barnhart, 52, of Denver. Colo., and a former Halfway resident died on April 9, 2004, after a three-year battle with leukemia. At his request cremation was held and there were no formal funeral services. Larry was born Sept. 1, 1951, in Weiser, Idaho, to Wesley Barnhart and Natalie Joy (Patrick) Barnhart. At the age of 12 he moved with his parents to Halfway. He graduated from Pine Eagle High School in 1969. He then spent 10 years in the Air Force, then settled in Denver where he went into business as a computer consultant and Data … Read more

The Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1860-1960

The Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1860-1960

“Pioneer Church: The History of the South Dakota District, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1860-1960” is a meticulously crafted chronicle that delves deep into the roots of Lutheran Christianity across South Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming. Spanning a century, this volume unfolds the vibrant narrative of faith, community, and relentless dedication to the service of God and humanity in a region marked by its pioneering history. Free to read or download.

Biography of Dr. R. J. Pierce

DR. R. J. PIERCE. The medical man is held in the greatest esteem by savage as well as civilized people, and deservedly so, because in his hands are the issues of life and death. All honor is due to the profession of medicine, because it is composed of so noble an army of men, and among those whose skill has shed luster upon the profession is Dr. R. J. Pierce, who is known in medical circles throughout the State, and is universally recognized as a ripe scholar and a practitioner of renown. He was born in Hall County, Ga., August … Read more

Biography of Joseph H. Hutchinson

Joseph H. Hutchinson, lieutenant governor of Idaho, is one of the distinguished young men of the west who by reason of his marked individuality, strong mentality, honorable purpose and laudable ambition has risen to a position of eminence. A native of this section of the country, his interests are closely allied with those of the northwest, and he is deeply interested in all that pertains to the advancement, growth and prosperity of the “Gem of the Mountains.” He was elected to his present office in 1898, an honor well merited and worthily worn. Mr. Hutchinson, who for some years has … Read more

Alexander, Pearl Everette Taylor – Obituary

Pearl E. Alexander, 10201 E. 3rd Ave. Mother of Mrs. Terry Colburn, Denver; sister of Dollie Lickey, Wichita, Kan.; beloved aunt of Lucretia Mathews, Wichita, Kan. Services Friday, 1 p.m., Little Stone Chapel, 17th and Clarkson, Dr. Harold Warner officiating, followed by Rainbow Rebekah Lodge No. 139. [Died June 20, 1978; Interment Hampden Memorial Gardens] Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Biographical Sketch of George N. Ifft

George N. Ifft, of the firm of Ifft & Wallin, proprietors and managers of the Pocatello Tribune, is a native of Butler County, Pennsylvania, born January 27, 1865. He began newspaper work, as a reporter, in Pittsburg, that state, and continued in that capacity and in various editorial relations in other cities, as Washington, D. C, Chicago, Denver, Salt Lake City and San Francisco, until January 1, 1893, when he came to Idaho, locating at Pocatello, and since that time he has been connected with the Pocatello Tribune, as more fully described in our sketch of that paper. Mr. Ifft … Read more

Biography of Benjamin E. Bradley

Benjamin E. Bradley, general manager of the Star of St. Louis and widely known in newspaper circles throughout the country, was born in Lafayette county, Missouri, October 13, 1869, and is a son of Benjamin A. and Martha R. (Briggs) Bradley. The father died August 30, 1919, at the venerable age of eighty-seven years, being then the oldest living native-born resident of Johnson county, Missouri. The family has been represented on American soil through many generations and the forebears of Benjamin E. Bradley have fought in all the different wars from the Revolution, while his son Philip was a soldier … Read more

Biography of Frederick W. Wulfekuhler

Frederick W. Wulfekuhler. There is no such word as luck in the vocabulary of business men who have attained distinction in the busy and competitive marts of Kansas. Long years of experience have convinced them that position and prosperity come only through the medium of persistent application of intelligent methods that require time for their development and full fruition. The highest order of executive attainments and organizing sense must be backed up by public confidence, and a further desirable quality is an intimate and concise knowledge of the field to be occupied, this latter to be gained only by gradual … Read more

Biographical Sketch of R. L. Alsaker

R. L. Alsaker graduated from Loyola University, Medical Department, with the M. D. degree. He located in Denver, Colorado, and practiced his profession there several years. In 1913 he removed to St. Louis, Missouri. He has written extensively on health educational topics, especially for “Physical Culture Magazine.” He is the author of “Maintaining Health” and “Eating for Health and Efficiency.” as well as several smaller books. He is an authority on foods and feeding.

Spears, Grace M.L. Draper Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Grace M.L. Spears, 82, of Baker City died July 23, 2003, at St. Elizabeth Health Care Center. Her funeral will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Pastor Aaron Olgesbee of the Agape Christian Center will officiate. Because of the ongoing construction, those attending the funeral are asked to park on Estes Street. Burial will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. Grace was born on March 1, 1921, at Hyannis, Neb., to Ira S. and Myrtle Lester Draper. She attended school at Fort Morgan, Colo., where she graduated from high … Read more

Biography of Milton G. Cage

Among the practitioners at the Boise bar holding marked prestige among the members of the legal fraternity is Milton G. Cage. A native of Tennessee, he was born in Tipton County, near Covington, that state, January 26, 1862, and is descended on both sides from prominent old families of the south. His paternal ancestors came originally from Wales and established a home in America at an early period in our country’s history. His father, Gustavus Adolphus Cage, was born in Middleton, Tennessee, and married Miss Charlotte A. Green, a native of North Carolina. His father was formerly a planter and … Read more

Biography of Clarence Case Goddard, M. D.

Clarence Case Goddard, M. D. While Doctor Goddard now gives all his time and attention to the Evergreen Place Hospital at Leavenworth, a high class sanitarium for nervous and mental troubles, liquor and drug habits, he had occupied such a disguished position in Kansas medical circles for so many years that hardly any name in the profession is more widely known and more highly honored. In 1911 he was elected president of the Kansas State Medical Society. He served four terms as president of the County Medical Society, had been the president of the District Society, had been a delegate … Read more

Biography of Roderick H. Tait

Roderick H. Tait, president of the Tait & Nordmeyer Engineering Company of St. Louis, was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 31, 1866, and is a son of George and Cynthia A. (Tupper) Tait. The father, now deceased, was a native of Scotland and a cabinet-maker by trade. During the last twenty years of his life he was a resident of Halifax. His wife, a native of Canada, was born in Nova Scotia, and is still living. Their family numbered nine children, five sons and four daughters, of whom Roderick H. was the third In order of birth. In the … Read more

Biography of Jackson Fickle

JACKSON FICKLE. – It is to the pioneer, sturdy, brave, and proud against hardhsip, with a spirit ready to undertake any task or face any danger, that we owe a debt of gratitude for the development of these fertile regions of eastern Oregon, and all too soon that worhty figure is passing from these scenes where he labored so faithfully, and planted the banner of civilization on the hitherto undisturbed plains of nature’s domain. An exemplary member of that deserving and noble band is the gnetleman that it is now our pleasant task to epitomize as to his career in … Read more