Ministers Born and brought up in Hopewell District

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by Dennis

Rev. A. Maclean, D.D., Hopewell; Eureka, N. S. Retired from the Ministry.

Donald Macrae, D.D., Hopewell; Died 1909.

Hugh Dunbar, Hopewell; Died 1857. HUGH Ross, Hopewell; Died 1858.

Clarence Mackinnon, D.D., Hopewell; Halifax, N. S. Principal, Presbyterian College.

Albert G. Mackinnon, M.A., Hopewell; Greenock, Scotland. Author of a series of books for young men: “Spiritually Fit”; “Tangible Tests”; “Truths for Today”; “God’s Right of Way Through a Young Man’s Life”. Rev. Clarence and Albert G. MacKinnon are sons of the late Rev. John Mackinnon.

John B. MacLean, B. D., Hopewell, Huntington, Que. Author of “The Secret of the Stream”, thoughtful religious essays on Life and Literature.

A. D. McIntosh, M.A., Hopewell; Souris, P. E. I.

Jas. R. MacDonald, Hopewell. He was for many years a teacher in the public schools in the Province. Graduated from Princeton Seminary 1895, held pastorates in Fairville, N. B., Barney’s River, Caledonia and Sheet Harbor, N. S. He died at Elmsdale, 1912.

John W. Britton, Hopewell; Pugwash, N. S.

Asa J. Crockett, B. A., Hopewell; Hopewell, N. S. Graduated from the Rochester Baptist Seminary.

Donald Ross, D. D., Lorne; Died 1907. At the age of 27 he entered the ministry and for four years was pastor in Seattle, Wash. Twenty-five years were spent in eastern Canada, when he removed to the West. He was a man widely known for his learning and for his faithful work.

John R. Fraser, M.A., Lorne; Uxbridge, Ont.

Albert M. Macleod, B.A., Lorne; Hyde Park, Mass.

Wm. A. Ross, M.A., Lorne; Moncton, N. B. General Secretary Sunday School, N. B. and P. E. I. D.

K. Ross, B. A., Lorne; Sunny Brae, N. S.

John Cameron, D.D., Glengarry; Minister of Dundee, Canada for some time and for many years Parish minister of Dunoon, Scotland, where he died.

Joseph Halliday, Glengarry; Orange City, Fla. Pastor Congregational Church.

MacPhie, John Peter. Pictonians at home and abroad; sketches of professional men and women of Pictou County its history and institutions. Boston: Pinkham Press. 1914.

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