Biography of George C. McKndsey

Last Updated on August 6, 2012 by

George Crawford McKndsey, Sheriff of the County of Halton, and son of William and Jane(Crawford)McKindsey, was born in this county, March 29, 1829. Both parents were from Ireland. His father, who’s a merchant, died in 1844; his mother, who is a sister of Hon. George Crawford, deceased, Brockville, is still living, her home being with her son in Milton. He received a common school education, and luckily had an excellent teacher, and made good progress in his studies; was a clerk one year in the store of his father, on whose demise he went to Montreal, and is in a wholesale establishment three years, returning to the County of Halton in 1848, and opening a general store in the village of Hornby, where he was in trade four or five years. While there, as soon as of age, he was appointed Justice of the Peace.

In July, 1855, Mr. McKindsey was appointed Deputy Sheriff, and removed to Milton, having been a resident of this town for a quarter of a century. In the Autumn of 1858, he was appointed Sheriff, which office he still holds. He is also a Commissioner of Queen’s Bench to take affidavits. He is a first class business man, prompt and efficient in performing his official duties, and courteous and obliging as a neighbor.

Mr. McKindsey’s in the Town Council of Milton, nine or ten years; was at one period a Trustee of the Grammar School Board, and held a Lieutenant’s commission under the old militia system; was President of the Halton Agricultural Society one year, and has been thoroughly identified with public improvements and enterprises generally of the county. He’s one of the foremost men in moving for a railroad to connect Milton with the outside world, and rejoices in seeing two such roads running through the town.

October 19, 1859 Miss Teresa Crawford, daughter of John Craw ford, Postmaster at Brockville, became the wife of Sheriff McKindsey, was the mother of two children, a son and daughter, and died November 21, 1878. The son, George Crawford, died in his 8th year. Effie Edgeworth, aged seven, being the only member of his family that he has left.



Ontario Canada,

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