Biography of Holland V. Sanders

Last Updated on August 6, 2012 by

Holland Venton Sanders, Town Clerk of Port Hope since 1857, is a son of Emanuel and Sarah (Venton) Sanders, and dates his birth in the parish of Cookbury, Devonshire, England, September, 1823. His parents and grandparents belonged to the yeomanry of Devonshire, the family living in the same house more than a century; his mother died when he was about six years old; lie was reared in habits of industry; received a common English education; at sixteen years of age went to Buckland Brewer, in his native county, and served his time at the watch and clockmaker’s trade, and in 1813 came to Canada, settling in Port Hope: here he worked at his trade for some time in the store of Richard Barrett, who kept a general assortment of goods, and who finally persuaded Mr. Sanders to give up his trade and become his clerk and book keeper.

About 1851, our subject went into business for himself, trading in dry goods, clothing, &c., until the commencement of 1857, he receiving the appointment of Town Clerk on the 19th of January, and still, as already intimated, holding that office. At the end of twenty one years, so prompt and faithful had he been in the discharge of his official duties, that his fellow citizens made up a purse of gold between one and two hundred dollars and presented it to him, with a neat presentation speech by Mayor William Craig. Other members of the Council also spoke, making it a very enjoyable occasion, long to be remembered by Mr. Sanders.

Mr. Sanders is a Notary Public, Secretary of the School Board, Government Agent for the granting of marriage licenses, and holds one or two other minor offices, making himself useful in various ways.
The wife of Mr. Sanders was Miss Margaret Trick, daughter of William Trick, many years a contractor and builder in Port Hope, they being joined in marriage in October, 1851. They lost their eldest daughter, Sarah Venton, a blooming girl of much promise, at nineteen years of age, and two other children in infancy, and have eight living. Their names are, William Holland, Caleb Emanuel, Edith, Gertrude, John Wesley, Henry Bell, Louise, and Walter Venton. The family attend the Canadian Methodist Church.



Ontario Canada,

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