Biography of Adoniram Judson Twogood

Adoniram Judson Twogood is one of the original founders and members of the Southern California Colony Association, and among the pioneer settlers in Riverside. Mr. Twogood is a native of Onondaga County, New York, dating his birth in 1831. He was reared to farm labor and educated in the public schools. In 1855 he emigrated to the great West and located in Benton County, Iowa. He was among the pioneers of that county, and was prominent in developing its agricultural and other resources. He engaged in farming until the war of the Rebellion roused his patriotism and he abandoned his quiet life and entered the military service of the United States. He enlisted as a Sergeant in Company I, Sixth Iowa Cavalry, in 1862. At that time the Indian outbreaks in the northwest required the strong arm of the military in suppressing them and protecting the settlers. His regiment was among the troops sent on that duty, and he participated in the hard campaigns that followed. He served his full term of enlistment, and was honorably discharged in 1865. After his discharge he returned to his Iowa home and late in the year established his residence in Belle Plain. There he, in partnership with his brothers, established a business under the firm name of Twogood Bros., dealers in agricultural implements, grain dealers, and general commission merchants.

In 1866 he was united in marriage with Miss Alice Coddington, a native of Michigan. He was successful in his business pursuits, and in 1870 became interested in the scheme of founding a model colony in Southern California. He joined the association and visited the lands selected in Riverside. Being much pleased with the location, and having a strong faith in the future of the Riverside colony, he decided to establish his home among them.

In June 1871, he moved his family to Riverside and purchased, in connection with his brother, D. C. Twogood, a twenty-acre tract on Prospect Avenue. He immediately commenced the clearing and preparing of his lands, and in 1872 entered heartily into horticultural pursuits, planting largely with walnuts and almonds. At that early day experience alone could decide what would prove the most profitable of horticultural enterprises, and many mistakes were made and time and labor lost in settling the question. Nothing daunted, he corrected his errors by rooting out his deciduous trees and planting oranges. He was a thorough and successful horticulturist, and soon had one of the model orange-groves of Southern California. As illustrative of his success in orange growing, and showing what a mine of wealth lies hidden in the soil of Riverside, it is worthy of note that his original orange-grove of fourteen acres in 1888 produced a crop that was sold on the trees for $10,000. Sit acres of this was in seedling trees fifteen years old from the planting; six acres in budded trees ten years old, and the remainder in trees three or four years old. The twelve acres of older trees in 1886 produced a crop that sold for $9,000. Mr. Twogood’s residence is on Fourteenth Street, at which point he has a five-acre tract. Upon this he has erected a model home,-a two-story residence of architectural beauty and finish, in which he has combined the comforts and luxuries that characterize a modern home. The well ordered grounds abounding in beautiful lawns, ornamental trees and rare floral plants, attest the culture and refinement of the occupants. His acres contain a fine orange grove and a large variety of deciduous fruits. He is successful in his enterprises and ranks among Riverside’s wealthy citizens. He has not confined himself exclusively to horticultural pursuits. His well-trained business qualities have been exercised in the successful prosecution of various enterprises that have built up Riverside and vicinity. He was one of the founders of East Riverside, and an original incorporator of the East Riverside Land Company, and the East Riverside Water Company. He is a director in both these, and treasurer of the land company. He is also a member of the firm of Twogood & Herrick, general managers of the latter company.

Mr. Twogood has always taken a great interest in the growth and prosperity of Riverside and in the establishment and support of schools and churches. He is a member of the Baptist Church and a trustee of the same. He was a member of the first Board of City Trustees, and prominent in establishing the municipal government. In political matters he is a Republican. He is a member of Riverside Post, No. 118, G. A. R. He has a family of two children, living, viz.: Louie M. and Fred W. Mr. Twogood’s parents were natives of New York, and representatives of old families in that State. His father, Simeon Twogood, spent his life in agricultural pursuits. Mr. Twogood’s mother, before marriage, was Miss Harriet Hoag.


Biography, Civil War,

The Lewis Publishing Company. An Illustrated History of Southern California embracing the counties of San Diego San Bernardino Los Angeles and Orange and the peninsula of lower California. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1890.

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