Biography of S. A. Reel

S. A. Reel, physician and surgeon, farmer, stock-raiser and dealer in stock, Oakland; born in Gibson Co., Ind., May :3, 1829, where he attended school and engaged in farming until 18 years of age, when he taught school and studied medicine for two years in Missouri and Arkansas, when he cut a raft of lumber, which he took down the Mississippi River to New Orleans, and, after disposing of the same, he returned to Indiana, then to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he attended the Eclectic Medical School one term; in the fall of 1852, he located in Pleasant Grove Tp., Coles Co., Ill., where he remained until 1855, being engaged in mercantile trade and studying medicine; he then engaged for two and a half years farming in Hickory and Okaw Tps.; when selling out, he removed to Iowa, living there six months, when he returned to Cumberland Co., Ill., where he engaged in the merchandise trade and milling for six months, then to Indiana, where he remained until August, 1861, when he enlisted as private in the 58th Ind. V. I., serving as private two months, when he was detailed as Steward in the Union hospitals until the following year, when, on account of ill-health, he received his discharge. He then located in Douglas Co., Ill., in 1863, and has since successfully followed the practice of medicine; he erected his fine residence in Oakland in 1868; he also owns 280 acres of land, a part of which lies within the corporation limits. He has taken a deep interest in political matters, first as an Old-Line Whig, supporting the Republican party from its organization until 1876, when he espoused the cause of the Greenback party, and, in 1878, received the nomination from the above party as representative to the State Legislature for the Thirty-second Illinois District and made the canvass, but was defeated. He married May 19, 1853, Eliza Adams; she was born in Coles Co., Ill., April 22,1836, her parents being among the early settlers, locating in 1830; they have five children by this union-John F., Kate Iowa, Lida, Lena Maud and William E.


Biography, Civil War,

Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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