Alabama Civil War Battlefield Map

Civil War Battlefield Maps

Last Updated on August 26, 2013 by Dennis

The following Civil War battlefield maps geographically depict the major battles of the War between the States. While most states, having limited major battles have only one map to show, some like Virginia have as many as five. The battles are grouped using the CWSAC classification system and assigned the CWSAC reference number.

[box]CWSAC reference: A unique reference number assigned to each site. These were developed to aid computerization, because of the large numbers of battlefields in a few states and the duplication of names. The two letters at the beginning of the reference number signify the state, corresponding to the battlefield’s location. The three digits are the unique and arbitrary number for the site within that state. Some numbers are missing, because sites were added or deleted from the list of 384 principal battlefields as significance was determined.

Class A and B battlefields represent the principal strategic operations of the war. Class C and D battlefields usually represent operations with limited tactical objectives of enforcement and occupation.

  1. 45 sites (12%) were ranked “A” (having a decisive influence on a campaign and a direct impact on the course of the war);
  2. 104 sites (27%) were ranked “B” (having a direct and decisive influence on their campaign);
  3. 128 sites (33%) were ranked “C” (having observable influence on the outcome of a campaign);
  4. 107 sites (28%) were ranked “D” (having a limited influence on the outcome of their campaign or operation but achieving or affecting important local objectives).

The 384 principal battles occurred in 26 states. States with fifteen or more include: Virginia (123), Tennessee (38), Missouri (29), Georgia(28), Louisiana (23), North Carolina (20), Arkansas (17), and Mississippi(16).[/box]

Civil War Battlefield Maps

Civil War, Map,

Collection: Civil War Battlefield Maps.

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