Biography of Thomas M. Lathrope

We regret that space forbids a more extended and minute account of the career of the estimable gentleman and worthy pioneer that has been named at the beginning of this article, but we desire to especially mention that in capabilities he stands among the leading men of the county, while his endeavors have always been attended with energy and skill and also it is becoming to here state that when the demon of fratricidal strife had rented the fair land in twain and our banner of liberty’s throne was trailing in the dust our subject was one of the noble … Read more

Biography of Henry W. Beecher

The list of the real pioneers of Wallowa County would be sadly incomplete, as also the enumeration of the leading citizens of today, were there failure to add that of the worthy gentleman, and capable and patriotic citizen, whose name is at the head of this article and who is one of the prominent agriculturists of our county having wrought here since the earliest settlements and in addition to this, he is one of the immortal number who stepped to the front ranks when the call came from Columbia to her sons for strong arms to defend her honor. Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles C. Beggs

No grander monument can be placed at the head of the grave of any man than the noble work that the pioneers did in this section of the country, when they fought back the bloodthirsty hordes of savages and invaded the wilds of nature, to reclaim for homes and civilization’s abode these regions which was done at the expense of much trying labor, great hardships, perils of serious nature and self-denial all the way through. Among this worthy class and deserving of special honor for his faithful life and excellent achievements, is the esteemed subject of this memoir, to whom … Read more

Biography of James W. Chenoweth

Capable, progressive and conscientious, the subject of this memoir is worthy of representation in any volume that purports to detail the lives of its leading men, and it is with pleasure that we are enabled to give space here to mention the salient features in his interesting career. Mr. Chenoweth was a man of broad views and a good public spirit, while his abilities and energy were commensurate with the stanch integrity and intrinsic moral worth which he constantly manifested in his course of uprightness and worthy achievement. On April 10, 1860, James W. Chenoweth was born near Bedford, Taylor … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Marshall C. Davis

Before Wallowa county had a separate political existence the subject of this sketch was in this section, redeeming from the savage and the unbroken wilds of nature the country and laboring for the development of the same, and constantly he has so demeaned himself that the confidence of all who know him is freely given him, while his characteristic qualities of uprightness, integrity and excellent capabilities for the business affairs of life have been displayed, and he justly stands today in the prominent place that he occupies and enjoys the prestige that his worthy career has gained. In Hancock County, … Read more

Biography of Lincoln Austin,

This enterprising and representative business man and property owner of Flora is a member of the firm of Clark & Austin, which does a general merchandise business in Flora carrying a complete and well selected stock and gaining a patronage from the adjacent country that betokens a lucrative business. Lincoln was born in Adams County, Illinois, on September 21, 1866, being the son of Moses and Mary L. Austin. Our subject had one brother, Clarence F. of Paradise. On July 25, 1870, his father contracted a second marriage, the lady being Nancy Hester, a native of Missouri and the nuptials … Read more

Biography of Lorenzo Bacon

Who can estimate the labor performed, the hardship endured and the deprivations to those that first opened up this section of the country for their fellows and for the advent of civilization? All praise to men and women who leave pleasant homes in the east, cross the weary plains to settle in the wilds of nature and build homes for themselves. Of this worthy number, especial mention must be made of the distinguished gentleman whose name heads this paragraph, and who was one of the earliest settlers, if not the first settler, on Lost Prairie, in the northern part of … Read more

Oliver March & Co.,

Oliver March & Co., proprietors of the Dodge City Steam Flouring Mills. These mills were erected in the fall of 1879. Size 60×90 feet, three stories and basement, built of wood at a cost of $20,000. Capacity is 15,000 pounds of flour in twenty-four hours. They employ four men. Oliver Marsh and son became proprietors in 1882. Mr. Marsh first came to Central City, Anderson Co., Kan., with his family in 1857, built a hotel and opened a general store. In 1859 he became a licensed Indian Trader with J. A. Coffey, at Humboldt, Kan., and remained until 1864, when … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sitler, H.L.

H. L. Sitler, came to Dodge City, Kans., in 1868, and engaged in freighting for the United States government, and contracting, until 1876. He then engaged in the stock business, and continued until 1882. He is one of the stockholders of the Dodge City Bank. He has since the spring of 1882, retired from business. He was born in Crawford County, Pa., August 24, 1827, and lived in that county until 1865. He enlisted in the fall of 1861, to Company I, Second Pennsylvania Cavalry, and participated in all the battles of his command, and was made a prisoner at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Spencer, W.J.

W. J. Spencer, clerk in dry goods house of Wright, Beverly & Co. He serves as shipping and receiving clerk. He came to Kansas in 1863 as a private of Company G, Second Colorado Cavalry and assisted to establish Fort Dodge. He enlisted in July, 1862, in Company I, Second Colorado Cavalry, and served one year in Colorado. He participated in the battle against Rebel Gen. Price, and did much service on the frontier. Was mustered out in June 1865. He then engaged in freighting for the government, and clerked at Fort Larned, Kan, until 1870. He then clerked in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Anthony, A.J.

A. J. Anthony, stock-raiser, first came to Lawrence in 1857, and engaged in staging until 1863; he then became conductor and express messenger on the Southern Overland Stage Line from Kansas City, Mo., to Santa Fe, N. M., until August, 1867. He then located at a ranch twenty miles west of Dodge City, where he kept a few cattle and a provision store. A year thence he moved to Fort Dodge and engaged in the sutler business until 1874, when he located on a stock-ranch three-fourths of a mile west of where Dodge City now stands, where he has been … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sturm, Henry

Henry Sturm, wholesale and retail dealer in all kinds of liquors. He also has a soda factory, where he manufactures all kinds of soda and mineral water and Champagne cider. The building cost $2000 and is 20×30 feet. He employs four men. He has a warehouse 20×75 foot, where he keeps a stock of Joseph Schlitz Milwaukee Lager Beer. His stock of liquors invoice at $3,000. He also keeps a billiard and saloon parlor. He has two icehouses, respectively 20×30 feet and 30×50 feet, and has 400 tons of ice stored to supply the city. He first came to Junction … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Beamer, P.W.

P. W. Beamer, general blacksmith, wagon and plow maker, was born March 12, 1846, in Jackson, Ohio; was raised in Adams and Pike counties, Ill.; served apprenticeship at the above trade in 1858-1859 to fall of 1860. Enlisted in the spring of 1861 in Company K, Sixteenth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and participated in all the battles of his command, which was under Generals Pope, Rosecranz and Grant. Re-enlisted as a veteran in December, 1863, and participated in the campaigns under Sherman until the war closed; was discharged as First Sergeant at Springfield, Ill, July 1865. Was married to Miss … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sutton, M.W.

M. W. Sutton, attorney at law, of the firm of Sutton & Wenie. Mr. Sutton first came to Wellington, Sumner Co., Kan., in May, 1872, and practiced law until December of same year, when he went to Medicine Lodge, Barber County, and continued his profession until June 1,1876, thence located permanently in Dodge City, where he has since practiced law. He was County Attorney for Barber County two years and resigned; County Attorney for Ford County from November 1, 1876 until March 1882. He was born in Orange County, N. Y., 1848, and was raised in Tompkins County, living there … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cox, George B.

George B. Cox first came to Larned, Kansas, in 1872 and opened a hotel and ran the same until he came to Dodge City and began the erection of The Dodge House in the fall and winter of the same year. This hotel is 30×125 feet deep, and contains thirty-eight rooms. It was erected and furnished at a cost of $11,452, and opened to the public January 18, 1873. It was run by the firm of Cox & Boyd until January 10, 1883, when Mr. Cox bought the whole interest. He was born in Butts County, Ga., September 10, 1836, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wenie, Frederick T.M.

Frederick T. M. Wenie, of the firm of Sutton & Wenie, attorneys-at-law. He is also engaged in the insurance, real estate and collection business. He first came to Dodge City, Kansas, in 1879, and clerked in the Quartermaster’s store at Fort Dodge until April 1, 1880, when he came to Dodge City and entered the law office of M. W. Sutton as a law student, and was admitted to the bar of practice at the June term of court in 1882. He was appointed City Attorney of Dodge City in April 1883. He was born in Oneida County, N. Y., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Draper, M.R.

M. R. Draper, manager of the Dodge City branch of the York, Parker & Draper Mercantile Company. The company was incorporated under the laws of Missouri in 1881, with a paid-up capital of $150,000. Now have a surplus of $150,000. They deal in general merchandise and livestock, and carry a general average stock of merchandise of $25,000 in Dodge City, Kansas, and opened trade in the latter city in 1881. They also have a branch house at Caldwell, Sumner County, Kansas. Their rooms are 25 feet wide by 110 feet deep, and a warehouse 25 x 75 feet. They have … Read more

Wright, Beverly & Co.

Wright, Beverly & Co., dealers in a general stock of merchandise and men’s outfitting goods, opened business in 1877. They employ eight clerks and carry a general stock of $40,000. Individual names of the firm are R. M. Wright and H. M. Beverly. H. M. Beverly came to Kansas in 1870 and engaged in the cattle business at Abilene, afterward at Ellsworth, Great Bend, and finally Dodge City. He has followed the Texas cattle trade for a number of years. He was born in King George County, Va., in 1826, and was raised in Henderson, Ky. He enlisted with Texas … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Emerson, George S.

George S. Emerson, dealer in general merchandise, opened trade in Dodge City in the spring of 1880, and carried on the start a stock of $6,000. He now carries a stock of $14,000 and employs six clerks. He engaged in the stock business in 1876, establishing a ranch in Clark County; has since sold his stock interests. He first settled on the Saline River, Saline County, Kansas, in 1869, where for a number of years he engaged in the stock business. Then went into the business of shipping buffalo bones in a large way, which he continued in connection with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Zimmerman, F.C.

F. C. Zimmerman, dealer in a general line of hardware, guns, ammunition, crockery and glassware, stoves, pumps, lumber and building material, agricultural implements and wagons. He opened business in 1872, being one of the first traders in Dodge City. He first carried a stock of $3,000 in firearms and ammunition only. He now carries a stock of $15,000 and employs three men. He has a fine residence one mile west of Dodge, with 240 acres of land. He was born in Prussia, Saxony, Germany, 1883. When he was only twenty-six years old, he was foreman for Gastrine Renett, gunsmith, Paris, … Read more