Treaty of November 17, 1876

To The Honorable The Minister Of The Interior.

Sir, –I recommended in my dispatch of the 7th June, that measures should be adopted to secure the adhesion of the Indians, who had not been met with when Treaty Number Five was concluded, and was requested by you to entrust the duty to Mr. Graham, of the Indian Department here, or to the Hon. Thomas Howard, Mr. Graham was unable to leave the office. I therefore entrusted the matter to Mr. Howard and J. Lestock Reid, D.L.S. I gave these gentleman written instructions, a copy of which will be found appended to the report of Mr. Howard, in which I directed them to meet the Island Indians and those of Berens River together, and then to separate, Mr. Reid proceeding to Norway House and Mr. Howard to the Grand Rapids of the Saskatchewan and the Pas, this course being necessary to enable the work to be accomplished during the season. I have pleasure in informing you that these gentlemen discharged their mission most successfully and satisfactorily, as will be seen from the following reports, which I enclose, viz:

A. Joint report of Messrs. Howard and Reid as to the Island Indians of Lake Winnipeg and those of Berens River.

B. Report of Mr. Howard as to the band at the Grand Rapids, and as to his negotiations with the Indians at the Pas.

C. Report of Mr. Reid with regard to the Norway House Indians.

D. Report of Mr. Howard, submitting the accounts of the expenditure incurred in carrying out my instructions.

1. It will appear from these reports that the Commissioners obtained the assent of the scattered bands among the islands and shores of Lake Winnipeg, and had them united in a band with one Chief and his Councilors.

2. That the Indians of the Grand Rapids of the Berens River accepted the treaty, being received as part of the band of Jacob Berens, and that the latter band wish their reserves to be allotted them and some hay lands assigned.

3. That the Norway House Indians contemplate removal to Fisher’s River, on Lake Winnipeg.

4. That the Indians of Grand Rapids have removed, as they agreed to do last year from the point where they had settled on the Saskatchewan, and which had been set apart as the site of a town.

5. That the Indians of the Pas, Cumberland, and Moose Lake gave their adhesion to the treaty and, subject to the approval of the Privy Council, have agreed upon the localities for their reserves.

6. That the bands at the Grand Rapids, the Pas, and Cumberland are in a sufficiently advanced position to be allowed the grant for their schools.

I forward herewith the balance sheet of Mr. Howard for the receipts and disbursements connected with the completion of the treaty and the payments, as also the various vouchers in support thereof. I placed the charge of the financial arrangements in the hands of Mr. Howard, on whom also fell the longest period of service in the work entrusted to the Commissioners.

I also forward by parcel post, registered, the original of the assents to the treaty of the various bands.

To prevent complications and misunderstandings, it would be desirable that many of the reserves should be surveyed without delay, and, from Mr. Reid’s connection with the treaty, and his fitness for the work, I think that he would be a suitable person to be employed in the duty.

I would remark in conclusion, that I requested Mr. Provencher to obtain the assent to the treaty of the band at the mouth of the Black River, and that be informs me that he obtained their adhesion and has so reported to you. The having obtained the assent of the whole of the Indians within the region treated for so far, is a most satisfactory feature of the year’s operations.

I have, &c., Alexander Morris, Lieut. Governor.

Fort Garry Canada,

Collection: Indian Treaties Acts and Agreements. Web. © 2016.

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