Biographical Sketch of Jas. W. Duckworth

As an illustration of the progressive element of young manhood which has brought Baker county to the front, the subject of this sketch has by his live ideas, keen perception and good judgment of the opportunities within reach here entitled himself to locution. He is a native of Illinois, crossing the plains with his parents, partly by wagon, arriving at Auburn in 1870, when but eight years old. He remained on the home ranch in the valley for five years, and later spent the same length of time in Sumpter. Beginning prospecting shortly after, he in 1887 located the “North Pole” mine, which valuable property he disposed of a year later to a London syndicate. He then followed ranching for six years, but since 1894 has engaged in milling. In 1888 he married Miss Lillie Worley. of Sumpter, and has one child, a boy. He is a member of Baker Lodge No. 47, A. F. and A. M.


Biography, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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