Idaho Indian Agencies and Schools

Agencies and Schools listed below are what were listed for the state.  Slight indent after an Agency list all schools in that jurisdiction.

Coeur d’Alene Reservation, Idaho.
Post-office: Tekoa, Washington
Telegraph address: Tekoa, Washington; Western Union, ¼ mile from agency office; Continental, ¼ mile from agency office, delivered promptly by messenger.
Railroad station: Tekoa, Washington; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; from Chicago, Kansas City, Butte, and Seattle direct; station ¼ mile from agency office; Oregon Rwy. and Navigation Co., via Spokane, Washington; or Portland or Pendelton, Oregon, direct; station ¼ mile from agency office.

Desmet mission school.
Post-office: Desmet, Idaho.
Telegraph address: Tekoa, Washington; Western Union and Continental; thence tele phone.
Railroad station: Tekoa, Washington; thence stage daily, except Sunday, or hired team; distance, 12 miles.

Fort Hall School, Idaho.
Post-office: Rossfork, Idaho.
Telegraph address: Rossfork, Idaho; Western Union, 1 mile from school; thence messenger, 20 minutes.
Railroad station: Rossfork, Idaho, on Oregon Short Line Rwy.; school is 1 mile south of station.

Fort Lapwai School, Idaho.
Post-office: Lapwai, Idaho.
Telegraph address: Lewiston, Idaho; Western Union, 12 miles from school; thence telephone, 30 minutes.
Railroad station: Fort Lapwai, Idaho, on Camas Prairie Rwy.; school is 1 mile from station; baggage, etc., to North Lapwai, there being no agent at station. Or North Lapwai, Idaho; thence hired team, 4 miles.

Kamiah day school.
Post-office: Kamiah, Idaho.
Telegraph address: Kamiah, Idaho; Western Union, 2 miles from school; thence telephone, 20 minutes.
Railroad station: Kamiah, Idaho, on Camas Prairie Rwy.; school 2 miles from Kamiah; thence hired team.

St. Joseph’s mission school.
Post-office: Slickpoo, Idaho.
Telegraph address: Culdesac, Idaho; Western Union; mail to Slickpoo.
Railroad station: Jacques Spur, Idaho; Camas Prairie Rwy.; thence team, 4 miles.

History, Schools,

Department Of The Interior. Routes To Indian Agencies And Schools, Office Of Indian Affairs, Corrected To April 1, 1910. Washington: Government Printing Office. 1910.

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