Agencies and Schools listed below are what were listed for the state. Slight indent after an Agency list all schools in that jurisdiction.
Coeur d’Alene Reservation, Idaho.
Post-office: Tekoa, Washington
Telegraph address: Tekoa, Washington; Western Union, ¼ mile from agency office; Continental, ¼ mile from agency office, delivered promptly by messenger.
Railroad station: Tekoa, Washington; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rwy.; from Chicago, Kansas City, Butte, and Seattle direct; station ¼ mile from agency office; Oregon Rwy. and Navigation Co., via Spokane, Washington; or Portland or Pendelton, Oregon, direct; station ¼ mile from agency office.
Desmet mission school.
Post-office: Desmet, Idaho.
Telegraph address: Tekoa, Washington; Western Union and Continental; thence tele phone.
Railroad station: Tekoa, Washington; thence stage daily, except Sunday, or hired team; distance, 12 miles.
Fort Hall School, Idaho.
Post-office: Rossfork, Idaho.
Telegraph address: Rossfork, Idaho; Western Union, 1 mile from school; thence messenger, 20 minutes.
Railroad station: Rossfork, Idaho, on Oregon Short Line Rwy.; school is 1 mile south of station.
Fort Lapwai School, Idaho.
Post-office: Lapwai, Idaho.
Telegraph address: Lewiston, Idaho; Western Union, 12 miles from school; thence telephone, 30 minutes.
Railroad station: Fort Lapwai, Idaho, on Camas Prairie Rwy.; school is 1 mile from station; baggage, etc., to North Lapwai, there being no agent at station. Or North Lapwai, Idaho; thence hired team, 4 miles.
Kamiah day school.
Post-office: Kamiah, Idaho.
Telegraph address: Kamiah, Idaho; Western Union, 2 miles from school; thence telephone, 20 minutes.
Railroad station: Kamiah, Idaho, on Camas Prairie Rwy.; school 2 miles from Kamiah; thence hired team.
St. Joseph’s mission school.
Post-office: Slickpoo, Idaho.
Telegraph address: Culdesac, Idaho; Western Union; mail to Slickpoo.
Railroad station: Jacques Spur, Idaho; Camas Prairie Rwy.; thence team, 4 miles.