Surnames Camp to Cummins

Camp, Joe
(M-97; I. T. D. 10682, 24792-1906). C. J. Standifer, Tuskahoma, Okla.
Choctaw by blood. File: Part I of report of March 3. 1909. This boy is full-blood Choctaw, born about 1889, son of Dickson (or Dixon) Camp, deceased, who is on tribal rolls of 1885 and 1893, Red River County. He was born and has always lived In the Choctaw Nation, having lived with C. J. Standifer since he was about 5 years old. Joe Camp is not on any tribal roll, and hence the commission held it was without authority to enroll him.
Number of claimants In this memorandum, 1.

Carnes, Lucy (minor).
Choctaw by blood. Files: Statement of Rev. J. S. Murrow, made at Murrow Indian Orphans’ Home. November 9, 1908. (See Part I, Exhibit F, report Mar. 3, 1909.) This child appears to be a full-blood Choctaw. She is now at the Murrow Indian Orphans’ Home, near Coalgate. Her age is 6 years. Her father’s name is Louis Games, her mother’s Sophia. This child waa neglected by its parents, and in a drunken row was either thrown or fell into the fire with result that her arm was badly burned and she received scars which will remain with her through life. When she came to the orphans’ home she had absolutely no one to care for her or give her a home, her father having abandoned her. She came from Pittsburgh County and her father now lives In Haskell County, near Kinta. She has not received an allotment, and it is understood by the managers of the orphans’ home that she was never enrolled.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.

Carson, Millard D.
Chickasaw by adoption, birth, and intermarriage. Number of claimants, 1.

Casey, Gladys Elizabeth (minor).
Cherokee by blood. Files: Part III, report March 3, 1909. This child was born March 5, 1903. Her father, Arch Casey, is enrolled as a citizen by blood of the Cherokee Nation, opposite No. 28764. The reason given for failure to enroll the child is that the parents being absent from Oklahoma knew nothing of the rights of new-born members of the tribe to be enrolled, hence no application was made In her behalf.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.

Charlas, Sallie.
Charlas, Minnie.
Charlas, Bettie.
Charlas, Louisa.
Charlas, James.

Mississippi Choctaws. Files: Report of November 15, 1907, from Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes. On February 20, 1907 (I. T. D., 3954-1907), the department, in accordance with an approved opinion of the Assistant Attorney General dated February 16, 1907. directed the commissioner to identify the above-named applicants as Mississippi Choctaw Indians. The commissioner’s decision, in conformity with said direction, was rendered February 23, 1907. These applicants live in Leake County. Miss., and they did not have sufficient time after their identification within which to remove and settle in the Choctaw-Chickasaw country and make proof of such settlement in time to secure their enrollment by March 4, 1907.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 5.

Note.—Not identical with case of Sallie Charles (or Jackson).

Chapman, K. L., et al.
Choctaw or Chickasaw. Number of claimants, 1.

Charles (or Jackson), Sallie.
Choctaw by blood. Files: Memorandum of statements by Mr. Charles Knapp. district agent, Hugo; and Mr. T. C. Humphrey, Ardmore, Okla. Part I. Exhibit F, report March 3, 1900; also statement of William Charley, made November 30, 1908, at Idabel, Okla.. with Part III of said exhibit. From the above sources of information it appears that this woman is about 80 years of age; that she is a full-blood Choctaw, residing from 4 to 5 miles south of Garvin, Okla.; arid that her failure to secure enrollment was due to the fact that she was sick at the time when the commission was receiving applications in that vicinity. Mr. Hunter, ex-candidate for governor of the Choctaw Nation, says that he heard that the woman went to Garfin to be enrolled; that she stayed there several days without being able to get any attention from the enrollment officers; that other claimants and intermarried whites, being more persistent, crowded her away from the officers: and that, being sick, she returned to her home and gave up all efforts toward securing enrollment. Mr. Knapp, district agent, states that this woman has five children and that all of them have been enrolled. Similar information was obtained from her son, William Charles, November 30, 1908.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.
Note.—This is not identical with the case of Sallie Charles et al.

Chester, Bella.
Choctaw freedman. Files: Report of November 15. 1907, from Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes. December 26, 1902, there was received an application for the enrollment of Delia Chester as a Choctaw freedmen. Said Delia Chester was born May 1, 1902, was living September 25, 1902. and is a child of Hester Chester, whose name appears opposite No. 872 upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.

Chisholm. Nathaniel.
Cherokee by blood. Files: Letter of Mr. Ryan; acting commissioner, dated February 3, 1910, to Commissioner Wright. It appears from the above letter that the claimant was born July 15, 1903. Affidavits were executed by his mother. Rosa Chisholm. and by one Alice Spybuck, May 11, 1906. Mr. Ryan says that the mother is a duly enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation and that had these affidavits been filed within the time prescribed by the act of April 26, 1906, it would appear that Nathaniel Chisholm would have been entitled to enrollment under the provisions of said act.
Number of claimants in this memorandum. 1.

Cloud, Jennie.
Kingfisher, Joe

Cherokee by blood. Files: Report of November 15, 1907, from Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes. Case No. 7713. Address, Choteau, Okla. Jennie Cloud, who is a full-blood Cherokee Indian, is a daughter of Nelce Crittenden and Kalo-muskee; she was born in the Cherokee Nation about 33 years ago and has continuously resided therein since her birth to the present time; her name is Identified upon the 1880 Cherokee tribal roll. Goingsnake district, at No. 456, as Sinthy Crittenden, and upon the 1894 Cherokee pay roll, Goingsnake district, at No. 664, as Jennie Kingfisher. Joe Kingfisher, born about 1892 is a son of said Jennie Cloud and one Josiah Kingfisher, whose name appears opposite No. IS653 on the approved roll of Cherokee citizens, being enrolled as a full blood. Said Joe Kingfisher resided in the Cherokee Nation continuously from his birth until his death, which occurred in 1903 or 1904. The application for the enrollment of Jennie Cloud and Joe Kingfisher was made April 15, 1902, but their case was, through an oversight, never passed upon.
Number of claimants In this memorandum, 2.

Colbert, Oliver (age, 61 in 1908).
Colbert. Robert (age, 21 in 1908).
Choctaws and Chickasaws by blood. Files: Part III, report March 3, 1909. The principal claimant named above alleges that his father was a half-blood Choctaw and a half-blood Chickasaw and that his mother was half-blood Choctaw and half-blood Negro. His name now appears, on-the freedman roll, and he has received a patent as such. He says that he has aunts and an uncle on the blood roll; that he was born In the Choctaw Nation and has lived there probably all his life. He understands the Choctaw language and has the appearance of being a half-blood Indian.
Number of claimants In this memorandum, 2.

Consor (given name not reported; minor).
Palmer (given name not reported; minor).
Palmer (given name not reported; minor).
Seminole by blood. Files: Part III, Exhibit F, report March 8, 1909. Mr. Levi Paddy, a full-blood Seminole, stated, November 25, 1908, at office of district Indian agent, Holdensvllle, that he knows, of certain children who were born, as he thinks, at such times as would entitle them to enrollment. Of these, Reuben Consor has one child and Seaborn Palmer two. The parents were prevented from making application for them because the high water impeded the way to such an extent that they could not come to make application.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 3.

Cordray, Clem.
Canoe, Nancy.
Cookinghead, Jesse.
Catcher, Charley
(or Teehee).
Coffey, George
Cherokee by blood. Files: Report Acting Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes, January 13, 1910. addressed to Hon. J. George Wright. Clem Cordray, son of Thomas Cordray, born March 5, 1904: No application of record. Nancy Canoe, 8 years old, daughter of Aisle Canoe, now Swimmer: No application of record. Jesse Cookinghead, son of Sarah Daylight: No application of record. Charlie Catcher (or Teehee): No application for this enrollment appears to have been made, but his name Is on the 1880 and 1896 census rolls, and it seems that he is now living.

______ Christie, child of George and Lucy Christie: No application of record. George Coffee: Application for enrollment was dismissed February 28, 1907, on account of lack of information that he was living on September 1, 1902. A letter has recently been received from him, showing that he Is living at this time.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 8.

Cosar, Susie (minor).
Creek by blood. Files: Part III, report March 3, 1909. This child Is about 11 or 12 years of age. Her parents are full-blood Creeks. Both have been enrolled. Her failure to secure enrollment is chargeable to the fact that her parents affiliated with the “Snake faction,” which opposed enrollment. The examiner who Investigated this case says: “Both the parents of this child appear to be, as their enrollment with undoubtedly show, full-blood Creeks, and their daughter Susie, for whom application Is made for enrollment, is undoubtedly. In my opinion,, a full-blood Creek. She Is apparently between 10 and 11 years of age.” Number of claimants In this memorandum. 1.

Crowder, Mary A. (Memorandum 279), Roswell, Okla.
Choctaw by marriage. Files: Part I of report of March 3, 1909. “This applicant claims as intermarried Choctaw through marriage to Green Crowder, finally enrolled Choctaw by blood. He had been married and divorced prior to his marriage to Mary A. Crowder, but the divorce having been granted in the Choctaw tribal court, and those records having been all sent to Tuskahoma and piled into the vault therein in an indiscriminate mass, and there being nobody in charge thereof to get a copy of the record from, we had to resort to secondary evidence to prove this divorce, and the commissioner denied applicant on February 26, 1907, because no certified copy of the decree of divorce had been filed. Secondary evidence may be introduced if the’ records are destroyed, and these records were as good as destroyed, owing to their condition incident to the breaking up of the tribal government which was to have taken place March 4, 1906. The commission’s decision denying applicant was affirmed March 4, 1907. but it is believed that the same reached the department at so late a date that it could not have proper consideration. Hundreds of persons have been enrolled on evidence less than was submitted in this case. In all justice Mary A. Crowder should be enrolled.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.

Crutchfield, George Washington (minor).
Ritter, David (minor).
Choctaws by blood. Indian Office files, Land 75115-1009. Department flies, 5-51; D-8008. These children are cousins, the former being the son of Ida Crutchfield, and the latter the son of Ella Ritter, deceased. These women were sisters. Ella Ritter died too early to be enrolled, but the name of Ida Crutchfield was placed upon the final rolls approved by the Secretary. Subsequently her name was stricken from those rolls in supposed compliance with an opinion rendered February 19, 1907, by the Attorney General of the United States. Later her name was restored to the rolls, following the decision of the Supreme Court of November 30, 1908, in the Goldsby case (211 U. S., 249). The two children named above have the same natural right to enrollment that Ida Crutchfield has, but they were simply denied enrollment, without prior favorable action, by reason of said opinion.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 2.

Cummins, James.
Elms, Sarah
Number of persons, 2. One-fourth blood Choctaw. James claims residence In Choctaw Nation since 1886. His sister, Sarah Elms, claims to be a native-born Choctaw.

Cummins, Nancy E., Et Al.
Number of persons, 5. One-fourth Choctaw. Residence in Choctaw-Chickasaw country since 1880.
Number of claimants included In this memorandum, 13.

United States Congress. Five Civilized Tribes In Oklahoma, Reports of the Department of the Interior and Evidentiary Papers in support of S. 7625, a Bill for the Relief of Certain Members of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, Sixty-second Congress, Third Session. Department of the Interior, United States. 1913.

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