Assiniboin Indian Clans, Bands and Gens

Many tribes have sub-tribes, bands, gens, clans and phratry.  Often very little information is known or they no longer exist.  We have included them here to provide more information about the tribes.

Chabin (from ge ‘mountain’). A division of the Assiniboin. Maximilian, Trav., 194, 1843.

Eagle Hills Assiniboin. A band of Assiniboin of 35 lodges living in 1808 between Bear hills and South Saskatchewan r., Assiniboia Canada. Henry Thompson Jour., Coues ed., ii, 523. 1897

Gens de Pied (French: foot people). A former band of Assiniboin in 33 lodges w. of Eagle hills, Assiniboia, Canada. Henry (1808) in Coues, New Light, ii, 491, 1897.

Itscheabine. A division of the Assiniboin, numbering 850, including 250 warriors, in 100 tipis, when seen by Lewis and Clark in 1804, at which time they roved on the headwaters of Mouse (Souris), Qu’Appelle, and Assiniboine rs., in the United States and Canada. In 1808, according to Henry (Coues, New Light, n, 522, 1897), they were at enmity with the Dakota, Shoshoni, and with some of the Arikara and other tribes, but were friendly with the Cree. They lived by hunting, conducting trade with the Hudson’s Bay, Northwest, and N. Y. fur companies, whose posts were 150 m. N. of Ft Mandan. They are said to have paid little attention to their engagements and were great drunkards. In 1853 they numbered 10 lodges under chief Les Yeux Gris. (F. W. H.)


Hodge, Frederick Webb, Compiler. The Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. Bureau of American Ethnology, Government Printing Office. 1906.

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