Biography of Fred W. Howell

Fred W. Howell. While the greater part of Champaign County may be included in the agricultural belt, many of the finest farms may be found in Homer Township, where the type of citizenship is high and unusually intelligent. Modern methods prevail, the farmers use the very best farm machinery and are generally open minded, yet practical, as to improved ways of carrying on their important industries. One of these well informed agriculturists is Fred W. Howell, who has lived on his present farm in section 29 since he was eleven years old. He was born in Homer Township, July 23, 1885, and is the only child of his parents, Samuel W. and Savannah (Brown) Howell, natives of Indiana, who are now living at Fort Collins, Colorado.

Fred W. Howell obtained his education in the public schools. He was reared on the farm now owned by his parents and has made farming and stock raising his business. He has 160 acres here, well developed and richly cultivated and has made such substantial improvements that all the surroundings are comfortable and a prevailing air of thrift is immediately noticed.

Mr. Howell was married on February 1, 1912, to Miss Edna Snyder, who was born in Champaign County and is a daughter of Monroe and Flora (Bowen) Snyder. The father of Mrs. Howell was born in Illinois and the mother is a native of Ohio. They reside in Indiana, where Mr. Snyder is a farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have seven children: Mrs. Howell and Roy, who are twins, and the latter is a resident of Urbana, Illinois; Jessie, who is the wife of Floyd Harvey, of Wesley, Iowa; Nellie, who is the wife of Ward Ruddicil, of Homer; and Mattie, Hazel and Herman, all three of whom live with their parents.

Mr. Howell has never been very active in politics nor has he been an office seeker, but he is a careful and interested citizen and has always voted with the Republican party. He is a Mason of many years standing and belongs also to the Loyal Order of Moose.



Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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