Biography of Fred A. Messman

Last Updated on June 8, 2012 by

Fred A. Messman. The business interests of Broadlands have an energetic and progressive representative in the person of Fred A. Messman, who belongs to the younger generation of men engaged in commercial-enterprises in Champaign County. To a very considerable extent it is this element in any community, especially outside of the large cities, which infuses spirit and zest into the activities of the place. Mr. Messman is a pronounced type of this class of tireless workers, and during his comparatively short career has been identified with agriculture, the buying of grain, and the implement and harness business, to which last named he at present gives the greater part of his attention.

Mr. Messman was born in Ayers Township, Champaign County, Illinois, April 7, 1886, a son of Charles and Minnie (Dohme) Messman, natives of Germany, the former of whom came to the United States at the age of fifteen years and the latter as a child. For a number of years Charles Messman was engaged in farming in the vicinity of Sadorus in Sadorus Township, but at present is retired from active operations and a resident of Broadlands,. where he is held in high esteem as a substantial citizen. He and his wife have been the parents of the following children: Carl, who is engaged in farming in Homer Township; Albert, a resident of Tolono; Amelia, who is the wife of Robert Smith, of Allerton, Illinois; Henry, whose home is in Douglas County; Louisa, the wife of Herman Struck, of Raymond Township, this county; Fred A., of this notice; and Marie, the wife of Otto Struck, of Raymond Township.

Fred A. Messman was given his education in the country schools and until he was twenty years of age remained on the home farm. At that time he became a renter in Homer Township, where for two years he worked a 200-acre farm and subsequently went to Ayers Township, where he rented 260 acres. At the end of three years he was able to buy an eighty-acre farm in Ayers Township, and to this he has since added by industry and good management until today he is the owner of 360 acres, which land is being worked by renters. After engaging actively in agricultural work for some year Mr. Messman became a grain buyer for the Broadlands Grain and Coal Company, although he still retained his farming interests, and in January, 1917, bought a one-half interest in an implement and harness business. He is an exceptionally enterprising young man and thoroughly competent in business transactions. The honesty of his dealings is fully recognized by his fellow townsmen, and although his advent in Broadlands is of recent date, the patronage which he enjoys presages a successful future.

Mr. Messman was married December 25, 1916, to Miss Ida Marity, a native of Douglas County, Illinois. A Republican in his political adherence, Mr. Messman has taken quite an active part in public affairs, having served three years as a member of the town council and being the present assessor of Broadlands. He belongs to the Lutheran Church and has done his full share in supporting worthy and worth while movements.



Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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