Biography of George Schoon

George Schoon, whose fine farm establishment is in section 32 of Kerr Township, has been a resident of Champaign County almost continuously since he was four years of age. He is a native of Germany, and inherits many of the substantial qualities which have made that people famous under every clime of the world.

Mr. Schoon’s parents were Christian and Mary Schoon, and he was one of their two children, John and George. The parents, seeking better opportunities for themselves and for their children, immigrated to America when George was four years of age. Coming to Champaign County, they located near Penfield, and both the boys attended school here and grew up to industrious manhood.

Mr. George Schoon married Miss Mattie Booher. She was born at Blue Grass in Vermilion County, Illinois, a daughter of Benjamin and Frances (Harper) Booher. Her parents were both born at Darlington, Indiana, and settled near Sugar Grove in Champaign County on March 5, 1865. There were thirteen children in the Booher family, Mrs. Schoon being about sixth or seventh in order of birth. With her brothers and sisters she secured her education in the Armstrong school.

Mr. and Mrs. Schoon were married Christmas Day, December 25, 1902. Mr. Booher was a kind and indulgent father, and it was one of his expressed wishes that all his daughters should marry from his home. Thus the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Schoon was made a matter of family celebration, and their wedding was witnessed by many relatives and friends, and altogether it was a scene of pleasure and good wishes which is still a pleasant memory to all participants.

For the first year after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Schoon worked on his father’s farm until the father retired to Gifford. The young couple then continued on the Schoon homestead for a time, but for the past thirteen years Mr. Schoon has been the farm manager for Mr. A. A. Arms near Penfield. He has under his supervision 300 acres of land, and Mr. Schoon is widely recognized as one of the most productive farmers of Champaign County. He has found Mr. Arms a prince of a landlord, kind and considerate of the welfare of Mr. and Mrs. Schoon, and their associations have been both profitable and pleasant, each party endeavoring to do the best for the other and working for mutual interests and sharing the responsibilities of the farm.

Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Schoon, two sons and two daughters, named Lena Alberta, Mary Frances, George Harold and Virgil Oakley. These are four bright, energetic children, all of them students in the Penfield school. Mr. and Mrs. Schoon have also given their daughters culture in music, especially the piano, and the girls have eagerly accepted this opportunity and are progressive and hard working students and show signal ability in their musical culture.

Besides general farming Mr. Schoon has been very successful as a stock raiser, particularly in the raising of horses, which seem to thrive under his management. His barns have sheltered a number of Percheron horses. He and his wife are people who believe in enjoying life as they go along, and besides their teams of horses they own a fine Studebaker car. Mr. Schoon believes in operating an automobile on the sane and safe plan. From time to time he and his family have enjoyed some very pleasant trips. Thus they have brought the joys of life into their country home, and the home is one which the children will hardly desire to leave for the attractions of the city.

On February 6, 1916, Mrs. Schoon’s mother died very suddenly, and her death was a great shock to the family. Mr. and Mrs. Schoon are active members of the United Brethren Church at Penfield and their children are being reared in the same faith and are attentive members of the Sunday school. Fraternally Mr. Schoon is affiliated with the Woodmen of the World and the Knights of Pythias, and Mrs. Schoon is a member of the Eoyal Neighbors. These social orders have proved valuable factors in their lives and means of broadening life’s activities. Mr. and Mrs. Schoon are among the most representative families of Champaign County, and their life’s work has brought them many rich rewards. Mr. Schoon is a true American citizen, loyal to the land of his adoption, and has been fortunate in having his lot cast with Champaign County and in the broad opportunities that have come to him through a capable and efficient wife. Mr. and Mrs. Schoon may be found at their pleasant home northwest of Penfield, where they enjoy the confidence and esteem of their neighbors and have a most pleasing retrospect upon days well spent and duties well performed. In politics Mr. Schoon gives his support to the Republican party, but votes for principles rather than according to the strict dictates of partisanship.



Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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