Biography of John Francis McCabe

John Francis McCabe. A man of broad usefulness and influence in the community was taken away in the death of John Francis McCabe. He stood high among all classes of people, was industrious, quiet in his manner, seldom attracting much attention beyond the borders of his own neighborhood, but wherever known was recognized for his sterling merits and his efficiency in everything he undertook.

Mr. McCabe was born in Logan County, Illinois, a son of John and Ann (Spencer) McCabe. His parents were natives of Ireland, coming to America when young and marrying in this country. When John F. was a year and a half old they located in Champaign County. There were only two sons in the family, James E. and John F.

The McCabes were among the pioneers of Champaign County and acquired an estate of 520 acres. All of this was developed, cultivated and beautified through the efforts of the family. The home is in section 10 of Harwood Township and it is one that does credit to those who contributed to its development.

John F. McCabe married Mary Agnes Quinlin. She was born at Farmer City in DeWitt County, Illinois, a daughter of Michael and Mary (McKevitt) Quinlin. Her father was born in Ireland and her mother in Ohio and they were married at Lincoln, Illinois. Mrs. McCabe was the second of nine children. With her brothers and sisters she attended the public schools.

After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. McCabe started out as farmers on the old McCabe homestead. Into their home were born eight children. One of them, Paul, died at the age of six years. The others are John J., Michael M., William Vincent, Francis E., Mary Ellen, Anna and Grace. Mr. and Mrs. McCabe from the first endeavored to give these children the best of home training and a substantial education. They attended the Burbank district school, and for the past three years John, Michael and Vincent have been students of the Donovan Memorial School at Rantoul. They attend the school daily, driving from the country to Ludlow and from there going by interurban.

Death has been a frequent visitor in the McCabe family. John McCabe, Sr., passed away in October, 1901, and his wife has also entered into rest, passing away January 25, 1916. On March 18, 1916, John F. McCabe, after a brief illness of one week of pneumonia and appendicitis, passed away. He was still young, with a promise of great accomplishment and achievement still before him, but had endeared himself to his family and a large community by his ability and kindness.

Mrs. McCabe since her husband’s death has bravely taken up the duties of existence, and has been both father and mother to her children. She possesses unusual executive ability and having decided to remain on the old homestead has proved a splendid manager. This home is one made sacred to the McCabe family by many associations, and while looking after the many details of the farm Mrs. McCabe is also carefully rearing her family of children. They attend the Catholic Church at Ludlow.



Stewart, J. R. A Standard History of Champaign County Illinois. The Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago and New York. 1918.

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