Biography of W. H. Roberts

W. H. Roberts, farmer, See. 9, T. 13, R. 14 W.; P. O. Kansas; born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, Oct. 17, 1840, where he followed farming until 20 years of age, when he emigrated to Illinois with his parents, and located in East Oakland Tp., Coles Co., on Sec. 6, where his father, Thomas Roberts, now lives; here he assisted his father farming until Aug. 8, 186,2, when he enlisted in the 79th I. V. I., and went forward’ to battle for the Union; going to Louisville, Ky., he joined the army of Gen. Buell, who had been driven back by the rebel army under Gen. Bragg; moving south, his first severe engagement was at Stone River, where the regiment suffered severely in killed, wounded and prisoners, he being wounded and taken prisoner, but was paroled on the field and placed in the Union hospital for two months, then to the Louisville hospital seven weeks, when he was sent to his regiment, at Murfreesboro, Tenn.; from there to St. Louis, and, upon being exchanged, he joined his regiment at Chattanooga; he was afterward engaged in the following severe battles: Buzzard Roost. Resaca and Allatoona; he was with Sherman’s army until after the capture of Atlanta, Ga., when he was sent to Tennessee, where, at the battle of Franklin, the rebels being defeated, he was sent to Decatur, Ala., guarding the river for several weeks, then to East Tennessee, via Chattanooga, where, after scouting several weeks, they were sent to Nashville and mustered out of service, then to Springfield, Ill., where he received his discharge June 23, 1865, having been in service three years, lacking six weeks. He then returned to Coles Co., Ill., and assisted his father farming until the following spring, when he rented a farm, which he worked one year, when he moved upon his present place, which he rented until 1870, when he purchased ninety-seven acres, and has since farmed his own land. He married April 24, 1866, to Mary Reeds; she was born in Edgar Co. Feb. 20, 1844; she is the daughter of J. W. Reeds, who located in Illinois in 1831; they have two children now living by this union, viz., Arminta A., born Dec. 28, 1868, and James B., born July 6, 1875.


Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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