Biographical Sketch of Jewell Davis, M. D.

Jewell Davis, M. D., physician and surgeon, Charleston; was born in Athens Co., Ohio, Oct. 27, 1811; he was raised on a farm, and followed that calling until about 1838, when he removed to Middleport, Meigs Co., Ohio, having a few years previously married Miss Cynthia Jones, of that place; they have three children – Mary V. (wife of E. L. Kelly), Curtis L., Teller of the First National Bank, and Reuben J., all of whom are residents of Coles Co. Dr. Davis followed coopering and carriage-making for a while in Middle-port; owing to illness in his family, he was induced to study medicine, studying successively all the various systems of practice -allopathy, homeopathy, eclecticism, bydropathy and chromo-thermalism, and during his forty years’ practice he has confined himself to no particular school, but has seized upon any remedy, from whatever source, which would accomplish his object -the relief of the patient and the cure of disease; his favorite system, however, is the eclectic; Dr. Davis came to Charleston in 1854, and began practice with Dr. A. M. Henry, now of Mattoon, with whom he also engaged in the drug business; after a few years, Dr. Henry disposed of his interest to Dr. H. C. Barnard; he afterward practiced with Dr. H. R. Allen, now one of the proprietors of the National Surgical Institute of Indianapolis, and with Dr. J. B. Denman up to the beginning of the war, since which he has practiced alone; Dr. Davis is also largely interested in bee culture, having about a hundred colonies, and is the inventor of the queen nursery for propagating queen bees.



Chapman Brothers Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Illinois Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1887.

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