1851 Toronto Canada Directory, Hatters to Millers

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Hatters And Furriers
BASTEDO, JAcoB, hatter, furrier, and cap manufacturer, 9 King st. east, nearly opposite the “Globe” office-buffalo robes, ladies and gentlemen’s fur gloves, gauntlets, &c. always on hand cash paid for fur skins.
Joseph, H. A., 66 Yonge st.
Phipp, George, 73 King st. west.
ROGERS, JOSEPH, hatter and furrier, sign of the Indian Chief, City buildings, 7 King st. east, opposite the new cathedral.
SALT, JOHN, importer and manufacturer of hats, caps, furs and straw goods, 62 King st. east, wholesale and retail.

Hotels And Inns
American Hotel, N. Brouse, corner of Front and Argyle Hotel, Daniel M’Nab, 13 Yonge st., corner
Yonge sts. of Wellington st.
ATHENAEUM HOTEL, and cigar divan, and restaurateur, Henry Beverly, Athenaeum buildings, 57 and 59 King st. west.
BAY HORSE INN, Thomas Best, 96 Yonge st.
BEARD’S HOTEL, Robert Beard, corner of Church and Colborne sts.
CITY slams HOTEL, John Baker, West Market square travelers can have excellent accommodation at moderate prices.
ELGIE’s HOTEL, John Elgie, 18 Yonge st.
Ellah’s Hotel, Mrs. Ellah, 72 King st. west.
FULLJAMES’S HOTEL, Henry Fulljames, 27 Yonge st , corner of Church st.
LOVEJOY HOUSE HOTEL, and livery stables, C. & J. Mitchell, 31 King st. west travelers and others will find excellent accommodation at this establishment, and a great variety of good horses, and well appointed carriages of every description.
MASONIC ARMS HOTEL, J. T. Smith, West Market square, this house is central, and affords every accommodation to travellers.
NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL, G. C. Horwood, Front st., facing the Bay.
Phoenix HOUSE, J. T. Fisher, removed from King st. to the corner of King and Yonge sts., where every luxury and delicacy of the season are supplied on moderate terms.
ROACH’s HOTEL, John Roach, corner of King and George sts.
ROB Roy HOTEL, John M’Arthur, 121 Yonge st., for comfort and convenience, this house is equal to any in the city.
SOBRIETY PALACE. temperance house, Colborne st., near the market, Henry J. Williams good accommodation for travellers and boarders.
WESTERN HOTEL, J. Murphy & Co., Wellington st.
WELLINGToN HOTEL, Russell Inglis, corner of Church and Wellington sts.

Inn And Tavernkeepers
Anderson, Alexander, Front st.
Arnott, James, Palace st.
Bannerman, J., Wellington st.
Barry, A., 2 Colborne st.
Beaty, L., 85 Adelaide st.
Black, George, 113 Queen st. west.
Burns, W., Queen st. west.
Campbell, Robert, 152 Yonge st.
Cook, _______, 129 Queen st. west.
Craig, M. P.. 22 Queen st.
Cutler, Luke. 27 Yonge st
Dewdney, D.. 211 King st. east.
Dill, James, Queen st. east.
Dill, John, 66 Queen st. west.
Diamond, Ann. 35 Front st.
Dillon, A., Front st.
Dingwall. Alexander, 32 Yonge st.
Farran, James, 71 Queen st. west.
Forsyth, F.. Church st.
Galloway. John. Front st.
Goettle, Daniel. 78 Queen st. west.
Hutcheson, Edward, 40 Front st.
Johnson, Alexander, 5 Church et.
Karken, J., 11 Adelaide st.
Kerr, John 113 King st. west.
Kennedy, Ann, 3 Church st.
Kitson, John, 136 King st. east.
Leamon, E.. 89 Adelaide st.
Leary, Patrick, 181 King st. east.
Lewis, L. 110 King st. west.
Lennox, William. 39 Queen st. west.
McBride, William, Yonge st.
McFayden. J., 11 ‘Wellington st.
Mackay, John, Church st.
Maskrey. James 101 King st. west.
Mence, George, 26 Yonge st.
Mink, J., 81 Adelaide st.
Monkhouse, W.. Front st.
Murphy, J., Wellington st.
Murphy, John, Church st.
Montgomery, John, 141 Yonge st.
Noble, William, 172 King st.
O’Neil, T. H., 51 Adelaide st.
O’Connor. D., 33 Adelaide st.
Platt, George, Nelson st.
Platt, John. Nelson st.
Phillips, John. 53 Yonge st.
Purdy, William, Church st.
Richards. John. 99 King st. west.
Robertson and Green, Front st.
Rolph, William. Palace st. Sawdon, W., Queen st. `
Smith, Alexander, 3 Liddell’s buildings, Church st. Stroud St Co., Market square.
Thompson, Samuel, Wellington st.
Trueman, John, 82 Queen st.
Wray, H.. Market square.
Wright, W., 230 King st.

Jewellers And Watchmakers
ELLIS, JAMES E., watchmaker and jeweller, 4 King st.
JACKSON, HENRY, watchmaker and manufacturer of silver plate, 213 King st., east horizontal, duplex, lever, lepine, and all kinds of watches and clocks repaired.
MOORE, JOHN, clock and watchmaker, 121 King st. west watches, clocks, &c. repaired in the best manner and at the shortest notice.
ROSSIN, M., & BROTHERS, watchmakers and jewelers, 30 King st., east
SAVAGE, GEORGE, importer and manufacturer of watches, clocks, gold and silver ware, &c., 54 Victoria row, King st. east wholesale and retail superior plated ware, card and dressing cases, writing desks, work boxes, papier mache ware, &c., and a great variety of fancy goods.
Non Members
Anderson, T. W., 112 Yonge st.
Morphy, Brothers, 98 Yonge st.
Bell, William, 123 Yonge st.
Morrison, W., 9 King st., west.
Belling, John, 101 Yonge st.
Oliver, R. K., working silversmith, 213 King st.
Clarke, John, 101 Yonge st.east.
Clenkinbroomer, C., 75 Richmond st.
McMurray, Thomas, King st., east.
Saxton, John, 17 Church st.

Lamp Store
BRIGGS, J., jun., lamp, oil and trunk store, corner of Yonge and King sts. a general assortment of lamps, trunks, &c., constantly on hand at low prices.

Land Agents And Surveyors
BELL, THOMAS, land agent, City buildings, corner of King st. east, and Church st.
KISSOCK, WILLIAM, land and general agent and notary, Wellington st. farms and wild lands for sale, all business connected with government attended to.
MCINTOSH, NEiL, jun., land and general agent, Albany chambers, King st.
OSBORNE, WILLIAM, land agent, stock broker and conveyancer, 16 King st. west. See card.
PHIPPS, W. B., notary, general and Iand agent and stock broker, 16 King st. west.
RANKIN & ROBINSON, land surveyors, draughtsmen and civil engineers, 92 King st. east.
TOWNLY, ALFRED B., land and general agent, 92 King st. east.
Non Members
Brough, Allan, land surveyor, John st.
Savigny, Hugh, land surveyor, York mills.
Fellows, W. H., land agent, Wellington st.
Townly, A., Queen st. west.
Hawkins, William, land surveyor, King st.

Lime Burner
Lee, J. W., 226 King st., east

Livery Stables
Baker, William, Toronto st.
Bond, J., Shepherd st.
GRANTHAM, J., livery stables, opposite Elgie’s hotel, Yonge st. excellent livery furnished: on moderate terms.
Mink, J., Adelaide st.
Mitchell, C. and J., King st. west.
Wellington Hotel Livery Stables, wellington, st.

Lumber Merchants And Saw Mill Owners
Atkinson, J., York St. Wharf.
Drummond, J. W., 182 Yonge St.
Fleming, J., Richmond St.
Lee, J. W., 226 King st., east.
Manning & Coleman, Lumber Merchants And Steam Saw Mills, Palace St.
Smith, T., Gorrie’s Wharf. Gilbert, J., Bay St.
Tinning, Richard, Lumber Merchant, Saw Mill And Wharfinger, York St. Wharf..

Marble Factories
FIELD, BENJAMIN, & Co., dealers in marble, wholesale and retail, and manufacturers of all kinds of monumental marble work, 123 Yonge st.
SHEPPARD, W. H. & R., manufacturers of monuments, tombs, headstones, sun dials, ornamental work, centre and side tables, &c., Queen st., near Simcoe st.
Armitage, George, Yonge st.
Worthington, John, Bay st. Cochrane, James, Queen st., east.

Merchant Tailors And Clothiers.
BILTON, T., merchant tailor and robemaker, 2 Wellington buildings, King st. east.
BURGESS & LEISHMAN, general clothiers, outfitters, and dry goods merchants, 63 and 65 King st. east, corner of Church st.
EVANS & HAMILTON, wholesale and retail clothing, tailoring and outfitting warehouse, 5 City buildings, King st., east-a large and well selected stock of seasonable ready made clothing constantly on hand at prices that defy competition.
HUGHES & CO., general clothiers, importers and outfitters, Wellington buildings, King st. east.
LAILEY, THOMAS, clothier, wholesale and retail, 111 King st. east, near St. Lawrence hall a well assorted stock always on hand manufactured under his own inspection-prices as low as any in Canada West.
LAWSON, THOMAS, manufacturer of clothing and importer of English, French and American cloths, doeskins, vestings, hats, caps, &c., 35 King st. east.
MABLEY & SONS, wholesale and retail clothiers and merchant tailors, 7 King st. east keep always on hand a large stock of manufactured articles, made under their own inspection, at the lowest prices.
SCORE, RiCHARD, merchant tailor and habitmaker, 74 King st. west keeps constantly
on hand a first rate assortment of West of England cloths of every description,
clergymen’s, judges’, Queen’s counsels’ and barristers’ robes, made in the best style.
STOVELL & BAINES, merchant tailors, 20 King st. east and 158 New Bond st. London every description of official, civil or military clothing.
WALKER, C. & W., wholesale and retail clothing store, and outfitting warehouse, 10 King st. east.
WALKER & HUTCHINSON, wholesale and retail clothiers, outfitters and general dry goods merchants, 26 King st. east branch establishments, corner of York and James sts., Hamilton, and Dundas st., London.
WALKER, GEORGE, merchant tailor and clothier, 3 Wellington buildings, King st. east-keeps a good assortment of broad cloths, doeskins, cassimeres, &c., on hand-the fashions are regularly received and clothing made up in the best style.
YONGE STREET COMMERCIAL EMPORIUM, W. Boone Clark & Co., general tailors and clothiers, 71 Yonge st., 4 doors below Adelaide st.
Non Members
Baine. A., 50 King st. east.
Baker, Charles, 17 King st. east. Bonner, J. O., 75 Queen st. west. Brown, William, 16 Front st. Cameron, D., 166 King st. west. Chidley, H., King st. east.
Coleman, William, 31 Adelaide st. Ferguson. William, 131 Queen st. west., Hostain, J., 22 Queen st. west. Hughes & Co., 61 King st. east.
Ingles, J. J., 56 King st. west.
Iveycock, W., 69 Yonge st.
Lumley, M., 119 King st east.
Mathieson, D., 13 King st. east.
O’Dea, Francis, King st. east.
O’Neil, E., 9 Church st.
Paterson, James, 47 St. Lawrence market.
Parry, Esther, 103 King st. west.
Riddell & McLean. 6 King st. west.

Milliners And Dressmakers
Adams, Mrs., 88 King St., East.
Bloomfield, Mrs., 7 King St., West.
Burns, Mrs. & Misses, 70 King St., West.
Carbert. Mrs., 113 Yonge St.
Evill, Mrs. King St., East.
Fowler, Mrs., Yonge St.
Haas, Mrs., 18 King St., West.
Lyons, Mrs., 101 York St.
Macdonald, Miss, Yonge St.
Machin, Miss, 164 Yonge St.
Mallory. Mrs., Church St.
Millet, Miss, 158 Yonge St.
Potter, Mrs., 40 King St., West.
Smith & Allison, 53 King St., West.
Smith, Mrs., 26 King St., West.

CROCKER, WILLIAM, steam flouring mills and distillery, Palace st.
GOODERHAM & WORTS, steam flour mills and distillery, Trinity st.
HELLIWELL & Co., Jos., 44 St. Lawrence market.
SLEIGH, S., Victoria steam flouring mills, 122 and 124 King st, east.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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