1851 Simcoe Canada Directory

The County Town of the County of Norfolk, is situated in the Townships of Woodhouse and Townsend, C.W.in one of the finest agricultural districts of Western Canada distant from Hamilton, 46 milesfrom Toronto, 96 miles from London, 69 miles usual stage fare from Hamilton, 10s. from Port Dover, 2s. 6d. Population about 1600.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Public Officers
Salmon, William, judge of the surrogate and county courts.
Rapelje, H. V. A., sheriff.
Boulton, Hon. H. J., M. P. P. for Norfolk.
Rapelje, Barret, deputy sheriff.
Rapelje, A. B., clerk first division court, and deputy clerk of crown.
Wilson, W. M., clerk of the peace and county court, and registrar surrogate court.
Hunt, L. H., county warden.
Campbell, D., crown lands agent.
Walsh, F. L., county registrar.
Groff, Henry, county treasurer.
Ryerse, E. P., revenue inspector.
Fuller, S. B., clerk of county council.
Ford, N., town reeve.
Barber, A. S., high constable, and bailiff first division court.
Walker, Joseph, jailer.
Mulkins, T. J., postmaster.
M~Gill, William, town clerk.
Wilson, J. G.,
Polley, J.,
Walsh, T. W.,
Stanton, F. G., town councilors.

Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banks, &C.
Gore Bank, D. Campbell, agent.
Gore District Fire Insurance Company, H. Groff, agent.
Equitable Fire and National Loan Fund Life Insurance Companies, Henry Groff, agent.
Britannia Life Assurance Company, C. W. Covernton, agent.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
ANDERSON, W., tin and coppersmith, and dealer in plain and japanned ware.
AUSTIN, J. S. & J., smiths, carriage and waggon factory.
BEEMER, H. C., wholesale and retail dealer in copper, tin and sheet iron wares.
BENJAMIN, WILLIAM, carriage and team harness manufactory every description of whips, trunks, &c., &c., of the best quality.
BLAKE & KENT, brewers.
BROWN, M. C., saddler and harnessmaker saddlery, whips, trunks, bits and bridles of the best quality constantly on hand.
BURTON, E., attorney and conveyancer.
CABLE, J. W. & J., smiths, coach and carriage factory.
CURTIS, JOHN, dealer in dry goods, groceries, &c.
DARLING, G. D., clock and watch manufacturer.
DREDGE, GEORGE, Mansion House hotel travellers will find good accommodations and reasonable charges at this house.
FALLS, O. H., dealer in groceries, provisions, glass, paints, crockery, oils, leather, &c. FLEWELLING, BENJAMIN, Exchange hotel a comfortable house and moderate charges.
FORSE, J. H., North American hotel travelers will find every accommodation at this.
house on reasonable terms.
FULLER, S. B., land and general agent.
GRAHAM, WALTER, attorney at law.
GROFF, HENRY, barrister, attorney and notary, &.c.
GUNDRY, J., chemist, druggist, bookseller and stationer paints and perfumery always on hand.
HASKIN, D. M., bookseller and stationer a choice stock always on hand at low prices.
HUNT, T. C., general outfitting and dry goods establishment.
LONG POINT ADVOCATE newspaper, R. M. House, publisher and printer.
LYONS, J. A., dealer in all kinds of shelf goods, hardware, groceries, crockery, leather, boots and shoes, &c..
MITCHELL, J., chemist, druggist and surgeon dentist, Apothecaries’ hall.
MORGAN, William, saddler and harnessmaker a good stock of first class articles always on hand or made to order.
MULKINS & LAMSON, dealers in dry goods, groceries, &c.
NORFOLK MESSENGER, newspaper, C. B. Clancy, publisher and printer.
POLLEY, JOHN, iron founder, stove manufacturer and agricultural implement factory.
POWELL, G. W., Norfolk House hotel, and stage house.
RITCHIE, FORD & JONES, millers, distillers and general merchants.
SIMCOE STANDARD, newspaper, J. Abbot, publisher and printer.
SOVEREEN, L. G., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, glass, drugs, carriage trimmings, and shoemakers’ findings.
STANTON, F. G., barrister and attorney at law.
VAN NORMAN & JOHNSTON, Norfolk iron works, steam engine builders, saw and grist mill machinery of all kinds, cooking and heating stoves, scrapers and cultivators.
VAN NORMAN, J., barrister and attorney at law.
WALLACE, JOHN, dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, &c.
WESTON, WILLIAM, tanner cash paid for hides.
WILSON, W. M., notary and conveyancer, master extraordinary in chancery, and agent in the county division courts.
WILSON, J. C., miller and distiller.
Non Members
Algeo, J., temperance house.
Bell, Rev. J., Church of England.
Breese, J., tailor.
Clancy, A., milliner.
Clark, Rev. J., Congregationalist.
Covernton, C. W., M. D.
Crouse, J. B., M. D.
Decow, S., smith.
Evans, Rev. F., rector of Woodhouse.
Fish, L., boots and shoes.
Ford, H., M. D.
Ford, J. H., innkeeper.
Gardner, Samuel, sculptor.
Harris, J. W., boots and shoes.
Harson, J., hatter.
Hunt, J., tailor.
Leverick, J., baker.
MacKay, H., tailor.
Martin, J., boots and shoes.
Moore, C., innkeeper.
Murphy, A., boots and shoes.
Murphy, J., boots and shoes.
Murray, J., smith.
Owen, Abner, saw mill.
Powell, T. W., innkeeper.
Reynolds, C. D., innkeeper..
Rose, Freeman, grocer.
Ryerson, Rev. W., Wesleyan Methodist.
Salmons, J., M. D.
Sim, J., baker.
Stevens, R. M., tailor.
Walker, J., b gunsmith.
Wells, L., cabinetmaker.
Werrel, Mrs., milliner.
Williams, Israel, tanner.
Wilson, J., grocer.
Woodward, D., grocer.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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