1851 Prescott Canada Directory

A Town Situated in the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville, on the River St. Lawrence, in the Township of Augusta, C. W. distant from Montreal, 130 miles from Brockville, 12 miles from Kingston, 72 miles usual steamboat fare to Montreal, 20s. usual stage fare to Montreal, 15s. usual Steamboat fare to Kingston, 10s. stage fare to Kingston, 20s. Population about 2400.

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &c.
AVERELL & HOOKER, dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, drugs and medicines, &c., Water st.
BURRITT, MARCUS, barrister and attorney at law, over the Post Office, corner of Centre and Main Sts.
BURRIT, READ, M. P. P., barrister at law, solicitor in chancery and notary public, Centre st.
CRANE, S.., & Co., forwarders, distillery, grist mills, and general store, Main st.
DUNN, WILLIAM, merchant tailor, Centre St. a good assortment of cloths, cassimeres, vestings, &c., constantly on hand; ready made clothing at reasonable prices.
FERGUSON, JOHN. dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., Main st.
GAINFORT, DR. THOMAS, M. R. C. S. L., Main st.
GIBBON, WILLIAM, grocer and provision merchant, and Mayor of Prescott, Main st.
GILMAN, J. S., Commercial hotel, stage house and livery stables, Main st. travelers will find this house comfortable and charges reasonable a livery stable is attached and conveyances are furnished when required.
GORE, J. & J., North American hotel, Main St. having newly fitted up the above well known house, they are now prepared to accommodate travelers and permanent boarders, in a comfortable manner and at reasonable charges.
GRAY, MATHEW, dealer in dry goods, groceries, and crockery, Main st.
HEADLAM, ROBERT, dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, hardware, drugs and medicines, and auctioneer and commission merchant, Main st.
HULBERT, SAMUEL, general foundry, and manufactory of ploughs, steam engines and machinery, Water st.
JOHNSON, J. W., dealer in dry goods and hardware, Main st.
JESSUP, H. J., general trader, Park st.
MCKENZIE, EDWARD, bookkeeper, Main st.
MORAN, PETER, dealer in groceries, hardware, crockery, glass and provisions, Water st.
Moss, S. H., dealer in dry goods, groceries, and hardware, Water st.
PECK, C. H., dealer in dry goods, drugs, medicines, groceries, paints and dye stuffs, corner Centre and Water Sts.
PIKE, HENRY, Exchange hotel, a livery stable attached, Main st.
PRESCOTT TELEGRAPH, WEEKLY, S. B. Merril, publisher, Main st.
REID, ROBERT, cabinetmaker, turner, and general wheelwright, Main st.
SMYTH, ALEXANDER, dealer in dry goods, groceries, &c., Main st.
SMYTH, ALEXANDER, saddler and harnessmaker, Main st.
WALSH, GEORGE, Victoria hotel, Main St. travelers will find this house comfortable and the charges reasonable.
WOOD, GEORGE C., solicitor and attorney at law, Main st.
Non Members
Armstrong, William, preventive officer, Centre st.
Bartrand, Seraphin, blacksmith, Main st.
Bell, R., tailor, Main st.
Blakey, Rev. Robert, Church of England.
Boyd, Rev. Robert, Free Church.
Brady, S. W., general store, Water st.
Brouse, W. H., M. D., Main st.
Brasher, Samuel, tailor, Water st.
Buckly, Timothy, general store, Water st.
Chambers, John, tinsmith, Main st.
Cowan, Joseph, butcher, Water st.
Creighton, Thomas, brewery, Water st.
Duffy, Sylvester, innkeeper, Main st.
Dyon, C., daguerreotypist, Leach’s hotel, Main st.
Elliott, Rev. James, Wesleyan.
Evrengy, Thomas, Farmer’s inn, Main st.
Fraser, Thos., agent for J. W. Johnston, Main st.
Glasgow, Samuel, general store, Main st.
Glasco, John, grocer, Main st.
Harding, George, chemiSt and druggist, Water st.
Higgins, Mrs., dry goods, &c., Main st.
Hillyard, Wm., boots, shoes and leather, Main st.
Horne, A., landing waiter of customS, Centre st.
Hooker & Holton, forwarders, &c., Water st.
Jessup, Dr. H. D., Main st.
Johnson, Mrs. Jane, milliner, Main st.
Jones, A., collector and postmaster, Center st.
Leatch, George, Prince of Wales hotel, Main st.
M’Carthy, D., grocer, Main st.
Manelly, William, distiller, Main st.
Merrill, Stephen B., printer, Main st.
Mundle, Edward, tailor, Main st.
Morrisey, P., innkeeper, Main st.
O’Sullivan, Jeremiah, grocer and mason, Main st.
Patton, John, registrar, county of Grenville.
Payne, CharleS A., distillery, Main st.
Patrick, William, general store, Center st.
Plumb, C., grocer, Water st.
Roach, Rev. E. P., Roman Catholic.
Scott, Dr. W. J., M. D., Main st.
Scott, George, saddler, Main st.
Story, B., grocer, Water st.
Treacy, Michael, general store, Water st.
Weagant, H. G., Surgeon dentist, Main st,
White, Bartholomew, Henry st.
White, B. & Co., leather and finding store,, Water st.
Willard, Charles, general store, Water st.
Woodbury and Gill, tinsmiths, Main st.

The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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