A Village situated on the River St. Lawrence, in the west part of the Township of Osnabruck, County of Stormont distant from Cornwall, 18 miles, and from Prescott, 32 miles., Population about 200. Post Office, at present. East Williamsburg.
In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, ;&C.
AULT, J. IL & S., dealers in dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, schoolbooks, stationery, &c.
Ault, J. R. & S., saw mills and brick manufacturers.
Ault, Samuel, & Co., saw and grist mills and potash factory.
Ault, Samuel, Charlesville hotel.
Baker, S., general store.
Barnhart, E., carriage maker.
BRENNAN, JOHN, tailor-makes to order every description of clothing in the best style, and at such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction to customers.
Defoe, Richard. Sr., pottery.
Empey, Ira, blacksmith.
Empey., Gordon, pottery.
Hanes, John E., shoemaker.
Hanes, Joseph, blacksmith.
Loucks, Gordon, shoemaker.
Morgan, Nelson. shoemaker.
Whitney, Richard, blacksmith.
Wyatt, Daniel, tanner and currier.