A Town in the County of Wentworth, and Township of Brantford, C. W. Is situated on the Grand River, which is navigable to within 2l miles of the Town, for which distance a Canal has been constructed, so that Brantford, during the season of navigation, has now an uninterrupted water communication with Lake Erie. Brantford is distant from Toronto, 73 miles, from Hamilton, 24 miles usual stage fare, 5s. From London, 65 miles usual stage fare, 15s. During the summer and fall there is steamboat communication direct with Buffalo, three times each week usual fare, 10s. Population about 4000.
In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.
Agencies Of Assurance Companies, Banks, &c.
Bank of British North America, James Christie, agent, Colborne St.
Bank of Montreal, Wm. Muirhead, agent, Colborne St.
Brantford Navigation Co., D. Thorburn, president; John Cameron, secretary, Colborne St. Brantford Building Society, Colborne St.
Brant Mechanics’ Building Society, J. K. Buchanan, secretary and treasurer, Colborne St. Canada Life Assurance Company, W. Muirhead, agent, Colborne St.
Colonial Life Assurance Company, Daniel Brooke, agent, Colborne St.
Gore District Mutual Fire Assurance Company,
A. Cook, president;
Allen Good, secretary and treasurer;
Thomas Rich, general agent, Colborne St.
Merchants Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Buffalo, John Kerby, agent, Colborne St. National Loan Fund Life, and Equitable Fire Assurance Companies, A. Bunnell, agent, Colborne St.
Provincial Mutual Fire Assurance Company, Alexander Kirkland, agent, Colborne St.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
Babcock, Geo., stage owner, Hale’s hotel.
Bacon & CHAVE, cabinet, chair and furniture factory, Colborne St.
Baker, Rev. Thomas, Congregationalist. Bailey, R., gunsmith, King St.
Ballantine, Wm., shoe store, Colborne St.
Barrett, J., wagon maker.
BOWIE, JAMES, M. D. medical hall, Colborne St.
BRANTFORD COURIER, weekly paper, Henry Lemmon, proprietor, Colborne St.
BRANTFORD HERALD, weekly paper, W. Johnston, proprietor, Colborne St.
BRETHOUR, JOHN, importer of staple and fancy dry goods and groceries, Colborne St.
BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL, Job Tripp, corner of Colborne and King St. travelers will find every accommodation and attention, and first rate livery.
BROOKE, DANIEL, attorney at law, solicitor in chancery, notary and conveyance, Colborne St.
Brown, Chas., cabinetmaker, Colborne St.
BROWN, J. G., surgical and mechanical dentist, and daguerrean artist, Wilkes’ brick block, Colborne St.
BROWN, MICHAEL, auctioneer, bookseller, binder and stationer, Colborne St.
BUCHANAN, JAMES KINCAID, land agent, notary, conveyance, &c., Colborne St.
BUNNELL, ALEXANDER, forwarder, produce and commission merchant, Colborne St.
BURLEY, LUTHER, Brantford saloon, Colborne St. New York oysters, lobsters and sardines, and cigars of the best quality, always on hand.
BURWELL, ALEXANDER, surveyor and draftsman, Darling St. attends promptly to conveyance and land agency business, upon moderate terms.
Byrne, Rev. C., Wesleyan.
CAMERON & RUBIDGE, barristers and attorneys at law, Colborne St.
CAMERON, JOHN, secretary Brantford Navigation Company, Colborne St.
Cartan & Dee, dry goods, Colborne St.
cheap for cash.
CHEESEMAN & STUBBS, dealers in groceries, wines, liquors, crockery, &c., Colborne St. tallow, soap grease and ashes taken in exchange.
Christie, Edmund, grocer, Colborne St.
CHRISTIE, JAMES, agent Bank of British North America, Colborne St.
CLEGHORN, ALLEN, importer of and wholesale and retail dealer in every description of shelf and heavy hardware, Colborne St.
CLEMENT, JOSEPH B., postmaster, office, Market St.
CLIFFORD, DANIEL, cabinetmaker, Colborne St. every description of furniture constantly on. hand or made to order in the best manner, and on reasonable terms.
Cocker, John, tailor, Colborne St.
COCKSHUTT, IGNATIUS, importer of dry goods, groceries, hardware, crockery, &c.Colborne St.
COLE, S., sash, blind, and agricultural factory, west end of Brantford bridge manufactures Eddington’s patent Glasgow ploughs, chain pumps, fanning mills and straw cutters.
COLMER, WILLIAM, saddler, harness and trunk maker, Colborne St. a choice assortment of bits, bridles, spurs, whips, &c., and an extensive stock of saddlery always on hand.
COMERFORD, JOHN, dealer in groceries, wines, liquors, provisions, &c., Checkered store, Colborne St.
consignments of all kinds, and orders for wheat and flour attended to.
COWHERD, THOMAS, manufacturer of plain and japanned tin ware, Colborne St. jobbing done to order with punctuality, and upon moderate terms.
CRAIG, JOSEPH, dealer in groceries, provisions. china, glass, &c., Colborne St.
CREYK, JAMES, watchmaker and jeweler, Colborne St. particular attention paid.
Culver, J. M., carriage maker, West Brantford.
DALRYMPLE, ROBERT & WILLIAM, cabinet, chair and sofa factory, Colborne St. manufacture every article in their line of business, upon very reasonable terms.
Daly, Thos., grocer, Colborne St.
Delany, Michael, grocer, Colborne St.
DIGBY, ALFRED, M. D., Wellington St.
Donovan; Michael, dry goods, Colborne St. Dove & Holmes, plasterers, Colborne St.
Drummond, Rev. Alex., Free Church.
Dunbar, J., cabinetmaker, West Brantford.
DUNCAN, CORNELIUS, tailor and clothier, Colborne St., opposite the Bank of B. N. A. gentlemen’s clothing, and ladies’ riding habits, furnished to order, with neatness and dispatch.
Duncan, Miss, milliner, Colborne St.
Dunham, Geo., baker, Colborne St. Elliott, Samuel, grocer, Colborne St.
Dunne, J., grocer, Colborne St.
ELLIOTT, J. & W., sculptors, marble masons, &c., Colborne St.
EVANS, MRS., milliner and straw bonnet maker, Colborne St.
EVANS, THOMAS, bookseller and stationer, Colborne St. a good stock of periodicals
Farrell, j., innkeeper, West Brantford.
Fennessy, M., grocer, Colborne St.
Fletcher, William, carriage painter, West Brantford.
Florance, Wm., grocer, Colborne St.
Ford, A. B., tinsmith, Colborne St.
Gardener, Thomas, innkeeper, Queen St.
GARDHAM, JoHN, tailor and clothier, Colborne St. every description of clothing furnished, at reasonable prices.
GARDHAM, MRS., milliner, Colborne St: keeps always on hand a select stock of fashionable millinery.
GILKISON, ARCHIBALD, barrister and attorney at law, Colborne St.
Glass, A., baker, Colborne St.
GLASSCO, THOMAS, wholesale and retail hatter and furrier, Colborne St. cash paid for all kinds of fur skins.
Glen, T., tailor, Colborne St.
GOOD, ALLEN, secretary Gore District Mutual Insurance Company, Colborne St.
GOOLD, BENNETT & CO., iron and brass founders, manufacturers of stoves and stove habits, &c., made to order in the best style, and on reasonable terms.
HALE & STAYNER, livery stables, King St. and Hale’s hotel good horses and carriages.
HALE, JONATHAN, commercial hotel and general stage house, corner of Colborne and Market St. for civility, attention and comfort, this house will be found second to none.
HAMMILL, R. & J., sculptors; marble dealers, &c., Darling St.
HARDY, H. A., barrister at law, and solicitor in Chancery, Wilkes’ block, Colborne St.
Heaney, Thomas, carriage maker, Dalhousie St.
Heaton, John, grocer, &c., Colborne St.
HELLIWELL, C. L. & Co., booksellers, binders and stationers, Colborne St.
Henwood, Dr., Wellington St.
HIGINBOTHAM, ANDREW, chemist and druggist, corner of Colborne and King St. paints.
Holwell, Thomas, tailor, Colborne St.
HOWELL, GARRET, Jr., dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, boots and shoes.
Hurst, Wm. B., grocer, Colborne St.
JOHNSTON, W., printing office, Colborne St.
Jones, Rev. P., Wesleyan.
Kerby, Jas., merchant, Colborne St.
KERBY, JOHN, grocery, wine, liquor, and produce merchant, miller, distiller, tallow chandler, wool carder, and cloth dresser, Colborne St.
KIRKLAND, ALEX., dealer in dry goods, groceries, &c., wholesale and retail, Colborne St.
LEMMON, HENRY, printing office, Colborne St.
Lightbody, Rev. Thomas, Congregationalist.
LINES, WM., wholesale and retail grocery, wine, liquor, and provision dealer, Colborne St.
Loney, Wm., grocer, Colborne St.
Long, Wm. Jr., saddler, Colborne St.
Long, Wm., boots and shoes, Colborne St.
M’KAY, DUNCAN, saddler, harness and trunk maker, Colborne St.
M’KERLIE, D., barrister and attorney at law, Colborne St.
MAIR, JAMES TORRANCE, dealer in groceries, wines and liquors, Colborne St.
Marter, Peter, M. D., King St.
MASON, DR. JOHN J., M. R. C. S. L., Dalhousie St.
Matthews, Wm., boots and shoes, Colborne St.
McCartney, Wm., grocer, Colborne St.
McKerlie. D., barrister, Colborne St.
McMichael, Jas., saddler, Colborne St.
McTurk, Alex., cabinetmaker, Dumfries St.
MELLISH & RUSSELL, builders, carpenters, and contractors, Colborne St. estimates for every description of architectural work furnished.
MONTEITH, ROBERT, Brantford hotel, Colborne St. the house has good accommodations, and an excellent yard and stabling.
MONTGOMERY, JOHN D., tailor and clothier, Colborne St. keeps always on hand, or makes to order, every description of clothing, at reasonable prices.
MONTGOMERY, JOHN, tailor and clothier, Colborne St. a large stock of ready made clothing constantly on hand at very low prices.
MOORE, JOHN HENRY, importer of dry goods, groceries, hardware, &c., &c., Colborne St.
MORTON & Co., stoneware factory and pottery, Dalhousie St. this is the only stonre.
MORTON, , general hardware merchant, Colborne St.
MUIRHEAD, WILLIAM, agent, Bank of Montreal, Colborne St.
Norton, G., pump maker, Hale’s hotel.
NORWOOD, J. T., hair dresser and perfumer, basement of Hale’s hotel, Colborne St.
O’Dwyer, Rev. Patrick, Roman Catholic.
Park, Robert, boots and shoes, Colborne St.
PRIOR, HENRY, bowling saloon, King St. oysters, cigars, wines, liquors, &c., of the best quality, always on hand.
PRUYN & CLARK, dealers in groceries, wines, liquors, &c., Colborne St.
Quinlan, James, grocer, Colborne St.
QUINLAN, JOSEPH, dealer in groceries, liquors, china, glass, &c., Colborne St.
Rackham, John, carriage maker, King St.
Recht, Joseph, watchmaker, Colborne St.
REID, ALFRED, dealer in boots, shoes, leather, and findings, Colborne St. cash for hides.
ROBINSON, CHARLES, barrister and attorney at law, Post Office buildings, Market St.
Robson, Thomas, grocer, Colborne St.
Roy, E., & Co., importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in dry goods, groceries, &c.
Ryan, Michael, cabinetmaker, Colborne St.
Scott, J., grocer, West Brantford.
SIMPSON, F., dealer in boots, shoes, and leather, wholesale and retail, Colborne St.
Simpson, Wm., dry goods, Colborne St.
SKINNER, JIRA, M. D., west end of Colborne St.
Smith, Mrs. M., grocer, Colborne St.
Spencer, Wm., brewer, Colborne St.
Sproule, Robert, dry goods, Colborne St.
Stapleton, John, boots and shoes, Colborne St.
START, JOHN, barrister and attorney at law, Colborne St.
Start, Wm., attorney, Colborne St.
STEELE, JOHN, manufacturer of pot and pearl ashes, saleratus, cloths, and blankets, distiller, lumber merchant, &c., Colborne St.
STEWART, PETER S., importer of and wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, and. groceries, Colborne St.
Stowe, Joseph, general store, Colborne St.
Stratford, W. H., chemist & druggist, Colborne St.
STROBRIDGE & BOTHAM, importers of staple and fancy dry goods, groceries, and hardware, Colborne St.
Taylor, Thomas, baker, Colborne St.
Thompson, G., grocer, West Brantford.
Tupper, John M., carriage maker, King St.
Usher, Rev. James C., Church of England.
VANBROCKLIN, P. C., & Co., iron and brass founders, machinists, tin and coppersmiths, produce agents, and lumber merchants, Colborne St.
Vanderlip, Frederick, innkeeper, Colborne St. very low prices.
WADE, HENRY, dealer in dry goods, groceries, hardware, glass, crockery, &c., Colborne St., Market square.
Wade, Miss, milliner, Market St.
WALKINSHAW, JAS., tailor and clothier, Colborne St.every kind of clothing.
WALLACE, JAMES, distiller, grocery, wine, liquor, and provision merchant.
WATTS, CHARLES, distillery, &c., corner of Colborne and Dumfries sts.
Westfall, J., lumber merchant, Hale’s hotel.
Westlake, Geo., lumber merchant, Colborne St.
Weyms, James, boots and shoes, Colborne St.
WEYMS, ROBERT, grocer and innkeeper, Colborne St. cash paid for hides.
Whitham, Matthew, baker, &c., Colborne St.
WHITHAM, WILLIAM, portrait, sign and ornamental painter, and picture frame maker, Market St. glass for picture frames constantly on hand.
Wilkes, John A., mill owner; Colborne St.
WILKES,GEO. S., produce and forwarding merchant, Colborne St.
WILSON, ANDREW, manufacturer of boots, shoes, and leather, Colborne St. cash paid for hides.
Winterbotham, Rev. J., Baptist.
WOODYATT, JAMES, tailor and clothier, Colborne St. executes all orders in his line of business upon reasonable terms, and with neatness and dispatch.
Wright, Joseph, boots and shoes, Colborne St.
Wrinn, John, grocer, Colborne St.
Yardington, Henry, innkeeper, Darling St.