Biography of James G. Cranston, M.D.

James Goldie Cranston, the leading physician and surgeon at Arnprior, was born in Madrid, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., March 21, 1837. His parents were William and Jane (Goldie) Cranston, both from Roxborough, Scotland. His mother died in the State of New York, and when he was eight years old, his father, with two daughters and three sons, came to Canada West, and settled in Haldimand County, where he died in 1855.

Dr. Cranston finished his education in the arts at the Grammar School in Toronto; entered the Toronto Medical School, then under the presidency of Dr. Rolph, spending two years there in study; in 1856-57, took also a course of studies in the Buffalo Medical College, walking the hospitals and attending lectures; in the spring of 1860 was graduated M.D., from the University of Queen’s College, Kingston, and after practicing a short time near Hamilton, settled in the county of Renfrew, which is still his home. He had a fair amount of business from the start, and soon built up a remunerative practice, which he continues to hold, with increasing reputation for skill and success in his profession. His standing in the profession is first-class, and he is vice-president of the Rideau and Bathurst Medical Association.

Dr. Cranston identifies himself with local interests, and does all he can to advance them; has been chairman of the Board of Education for eight or nine years, was a member of the village council from 1876 to 1879, and has been president of the Agricultural Society the last three years, and a director since 1873. Such public spirited citizens are very valuable to any community.

The Doctor is a Reformer, a Master Mason, a member of the Church of England, and a man of excellent character, holding a high position in the community.

In 1860 he married Miss Louisa A. Shillito, of Niagara, and she died in 1873, leaving six children, all of whom are surviving.



Ontario Canada,

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