Biographical Sketch of Milton Russell Slocum

Slocum, Milton Russell; music dealer; born, Lyendonville, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1859; at the age of 4 years, came to Ohio with his parents; educated, public schools of Osborn; married, Aug. 6, 1889, Minnie M. Walsh, of Elyria, O.; issue, one daughter, Lucile, a talented musician; in 1876, when a mere boy, became salesman in a music store in Dayton, O.; spent many years as a traveling salesman for the music trade; opened music store in Cleveland in 1897, meeting with success; Christian Scientist; member Lakewood Church; member Elks Lodge, No. 18, Marysville Lodge, No. 87, I. O. O. F., Commercial Travelers, No. 1824, and Toledo Traveling Mens Ass in, No. 536; member Ohio Council of the North American Union of Forest City Council, No. 196, of the National Union; has thorough knowledge of piano manufacturing.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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