Fairbank, George Lorenzo; merchant; born, Cleveland, Nov. 7, 1874; son of Ammi Palmer and Adelia Harriet Parker Fairbank; common school and commercial college education; married, Cleveland, Sept. 12, 1894; Alcenia Jane Van Tassel; two daughters; at the age of 16, began work as office boy and stenographer for Weidman-Holmes Co.; at different intervals later was stenographer for the receivers of The Valley Railway, E. C. Pope, iron ore and pig iron business, and The Hill Clutch Co.; went with the Struthers Furnace Co. about seventeen years ago, as stenographer, advanced to bookkeeper; later elected sec’y and about seven years ago elected vice pres. of the company, which position he now holds; vice pres. The Struthers Furnace Co. and Struthers Coal & Coke Co., New Salem Supply Co., plastico non-staining cement; vice pres. and treas. Lake Erie Supply Co.; member Runyon & Fairbank Co.; 32nd° Mason; Elk, member Sons of the American Revolution, Cleveland Chamber of Commerce and Lake-wood Chamber of Commerce; member Union, Tippecanoe, and Athletic Clubs, Cleveland, and the Duquesne Club, Pittsburgh, as a side line was engaged as dealer in local stocks and bonds prior to the establishment of the Cleveland Stock Exchange.