Biographical Sketch of Joseph H. Champ

Champ, Joseph H.; vice pres. and gen. mgr. The Bishop-Babcock Co.; born, Cleveland, Oct. 1, 1857; public school education; learned the plumbing trade and worked at it from 1873 to 1883; then went with The Bishop-Babcock Co.; became a member of the company and was elected to present position in 1895; pres. The Julier Baking Co., 1902; pres. the Board of Trustees of St. Clair Hospital; organized the Cleveland. Savings Bank Co.; pres. one year, then sold the business; director of Standard Welding Co., and interested in a number of corporations; K. T., Mason, Mystic Shriner; member Century, Colonial and Euclid. Clubs; and Rush-more Club, St. Clair Flats. Republican.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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