Champ, Edna Ewing – Obituary

God, in his wisdom, has called from our midst another precious one, it being Mrs. Nettie Champ wife of [William] Wallace Champ, who died at her home near Burney on Tuesday morning, March 6, 1888, of consumption, after long and patient suffering. Nettie was an affectionate and devoted wife, and those who knew her best loved her most. Death seems always sad to us as did it to her. While in the spring time of life and surrounded by friends and relatives, Nettie’s young soul took its flight to Heaven, yet we must not be selfish in this for “God’s … Read more

Champ, William J. – Obituary

Willie J. Champ, last Thursday [August 21, 1902], of typhoid pneumonia. Father died several years ago. Willie, born 25 Sept 1881, in Winlock and soon afterwards parents moved two miles east of Winlock where family has since lived. He worked and managed farm till two years ago when Mrs. Champ married W. A. Large. Since then Willie has been attending school in Olympia, leaves mother, stepfather, two brothers and a stepsister. Funeral at home Saturday, Rev. Ludwick of Castle Rock conducted. Burial in Winlock Masonic Cemetery. The Winlock Pilot, August 29, 1902 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Champ, Charles Darwin – Obituary

Charles Champ, 36, known among Harbor loggers as “Big Charlie,” dropped dead at the door of the cookhouse of Camp 10, Humptulips Logging Company, immediately after the evening meal at the camp yesterday. Death was ascribed to heart trouble. Champ had engaged in woods work in the Harbor country for the last 10 years, coming here then from Winlock. His mother and brothers and sisters reside in Winlock. A nephew lives in Hoquiam, and an uncle, Willis, resides in Aberdeen. The body is at the local Whiteside parlors pending completion of funeral arrangements. [Interment Winlock Cemetery, Lewis Co.] Aberdeen Daily … Read more

Champ, James William – Obituary

James William Champ, a resident of Centralia, died Friday, Sept. 17, in Centralia General Hospital at the age of 103. Champ was born Jan. 5, 1897, on Lacamas Prairie in Winlock.. He was a retired farmer and logger. He is survived by a sister, Violet Lampitt of Palo Alto, Calif., and several nieces and nephews. A graveside service was held Monday at the Winlock Cemetery with the Rev. August Banaksy officiating. Fir Lawn Funeral Chapel of Toledo was in charge of arrangements. Daily Chronicle Centralia, September 20, 1982 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Champ, Elvira ‘Ella’ Ackley – Obituary

Mrs. Ella A. Champ, 73, resident here for 30 years, died Saturday night at a local hospital following an extended illness. Mrs. Champ was born at Hillsboro, Oregon, and had resided for a time at Winlock before coming to Aberdeen. The family home is at 308 West Market Street. Surviving are her husband, Willis Champ, at the residence, two sons, Clifford Champ, Tacoma, and Jay C. Champ, Aberdeen; daughters, Mrs. Elmira Curtis, Aberdeen; Mrs. Mae Olsen, Aberdeen; Mrs. Retha Lonquest, Portland; Mrs. Florence Leland, Seattle; Mrs. Goldie McCoy, San Francisco, and Mrs. Geraldine Folkins, Spokane; sisters, Miss Jennie Ackley, Winlock, … Read more

Champ, Jay D. – Obituary

Jay D. Champ, 79, of Spanaway, died Saturday [December 10, 1983]. Mr. Champ, a retired lumber worker, was born in Winlock, Lewis County, and came to Spanaway 20 years ago. Surviving is a sister, Florence Leland of Seattle. Powers Funeral Home, Puyallup, is in charge. [Interment Fern Hill Cemetery, Aberdeen, WA.] Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Champ, Melissa C. McEwen – Obituary

Mrs. Wm. Champ died at her home [November 16, 1888] near Winlock Saturday morning last after a short illness. Mrs. Champ was one of the pioneers of Lewis County, coming here before the day of railroads and palace cars, or even steamboats, and has seen the development of the county from its infancy. Many a weary and discouraged immigrant has found shelter and encouragement under her hospitable roof, and many a one will cherish her memory kindly for good deeds nobly done. She leaves a large family of grandchildren and a husband to mourn her loss, who are given the … Read more

Champ, John Hagar – Obituary

John Champ, aged 53 years, died at Winlock, Monday morning [December 6] following an illness of several months. Mr. Champ was a well-known early resident of Winlock and served the town as marshal on various occasions. He had lived at Winlock about 35 years. He is survived by a wife and six children, four daughters and two sons. [My research shows six daughters and four sons survived him] Chehalis Bee Nugget, December 10, 1915 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Champ, Mary Layton – Obituary

Death came to Mrs. Champ, 87, Wednesday [November 22, 1944] at her home, 802 South Gold Street, in Centralia. She was born on Layton Prairie, March 18, 1857, and had resided here the past 16 years. Surviving are five children, 12 grandchildren, and 23 great-grandchildren. The children are James Champ and Mrs. Louisa Gowen, Centralia; Mrs. Catherine Snodgrass and Mrs. Viola Lampitt, in California, and Mrs. Dora Baker, in Arizona. Funeral services have been set for Saturday at 1 p.m. at the Pontious-Cattermole chapel. The Rev. Erle Howell will officiate, and burial will be in the Winlock Cemetery. Contributed by: … Read more

Champ, Clifford – Obituary

Clifford H. Champ, 79, of 9924 Waller Road, died Saturday [February 7, 1976]. Born in Winlock, he came to Tacoma in 1921 from Hoquiam. Mr. Champ was a crane operator for St. Paul Lumber Co. until his retirement in 1962. He was a member of the First Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Edna; a son, Stanley of Tacoma; a brother, Jay of Tacoma; two sisters, Mrs. Retha Longuet of Portland and Mrs. Brace (Florence) Leland of Seattle; two grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. Mountain View Funeral Home is in charge. [Clifford was born September 12, 1896. His parents were … Read more

Champ, Thomas J – Obituary

Thomas J. Champ, age 68, died in Decatur County [February 1916]. Born in Decatur County, 14, September 1847, to Caleb and Martha Champ. Married 19 January 1871 to Mary A. Townsend [1847-1929], 5 children, 3 survive: Willard Monroe, Caleb Arnold and William W. brothers: Virgil, James, and Marion Champ. Sisters: Mrs. Childress and Mrs. Ida Mitchell. Buried St. Omer Cemetery. Shelby Democrat, 10 February 1916 Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Champ, Lizzie – Obituary

Miss Lizzie Champ, daughter of Robert Champ, near Milford, died on Sabbath [September 7, 1889], and was buried on Monday. Milton Parsons, with Siling & Woolley, who were employed as undertakers, report that while deceased was but eleven years of age, it necessitated a six foot casket, she being five feet ten inches in height. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Champ, Clarence – Obituary

Clarence Champ, 89, of 127 S. Excelsior, retired manager of the Butte General Electric Co. office, died Wednesday [November 13, 1974] at a local hospital. Born Nov. 19, 1894, in Winlock, Wash., Mr. Champ attended Washington schools and graduated from Washington State University with a degree in electrical engineering. He later went to Schenectady, N.Y., where he took the GE test training course before entering the Navy during World War I. After the war, he spent a short time in the GE Chicago office before being transferred to Butte in 1919. He became manager of the office in 1924. Mr. … Read more

Champ, William – Obituary

Large funeral state pioneer-William champ dies at Winlock and funeral held on Sunday-Baptist church would not hold nearly all the mourners-organized many Masonic lodges in the west. Sunday afternoon from the Baptist Church at Winlock were held the funeral services of William Champ of that city who died Saturday. The church would not begin to hold the people who were present to pay their respects to the memory of this old pioneer who came west and who first located in Olympia in 1860. Born in Kentucky in 1825-he would have been 88 year old in about one month-Mr. Champ joined … Read more

Champ, Margaret – Obituary

Child Killed In Accident Buried At St. Omer Margaret, the nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Champ of Indianapolis, was crushed to death under the wheel of a heavily loaded wagon near her school building in that city, last Thursday evening [April 13, 1918]. The little girl had been sick all winter and had been going to school but a few days. She and a girl by the name of Knight who lived close together were starting from school when the other girl’s father came along with a wagon. Quite a number of children were in the street but … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph H. Champ

Champ, Joseph H.; vice pres. and gen. mgr. The Bishop-Babcock Co.; born, Cleveland, Oct. 1, 1857; public school education; learned the plumbing trade and worked at it from 1873 to 1883; then went with The Bishop-Babcock Co.; became a member of the company and was elected to present position in 1895; pres. The Julier Baking Co., 1902; pres. the Board of Trustees of St. Clair Hospital; organized the Cleveland. Savings Bank Co.; pres. one year, then sold the business; director of Standard Welding Co., and interested in a number of corporations; K. T., Mason, Mystic Shriner; member Century, Colonial and … Read more

Champ, Cora A. Eells – Obituary

Mrs. Cora A. Champ, aged 78 years, and a resident of the Winlock community for the past sixty-four years, passed away at her home in Winlock Tuesday morning, October 13, following an illness of two weeks. She was born March 3, 1864, in Spring Valley, Minnesota, and came to WA Territory with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Eels, in 1879, settling near Toledo. She was married May 1, 1881 to John H. Champ whose parents came by covered wagon from Indiana in 1861. Mr. Champ died in 1915. They were the parents of ten children, only three of whom … Read more

Champ, Wallace Arnold – Obituary

Wallace Arnold Champ died Monday, Feb. 6, in St. Helen Hospital at the age of 82. A lifetime resident of Winlock, Champ was born there on March 17, 1901. He was preceded in death by his wife, Della, on Jan. 9 [same year]. Survivors include a son, Arnold Champ of Minneapolis, Minn.; a daughter Doris Ojala of Winlock; a sister, Erma Holten of Longview; six grandchildren; three great grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews. By request off Champ, no funeral will be held. Remembrances may be donations to the Winlock Ambulance Fund. Arrangements are under the direction of Cattermole Funeral … Read more

Champ, Edyth Marie Wallis – Obituary

Mrs. Ralph J. Champ, 59, succumbed Sunday [October 2, 1955] at her home on route 1, Winlock. Mrs. Champ, born Sept. 22, 1896 in Arlington, Wash., is survived, in addition to her husband, by a daughter, Mrs. Lynne Pope, Algona; sister, Mrs. R. D. Campbell, Winlock; three brothers, Robert Wallace [Wallis], Spokane, and William and Hugh Wallace, Arlington, and three grandchildren. The deceased was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m., at the John W. Boone Chapel in Chehalis with the Rev. George Shuman officiating. Cremation will follow. [Interment in Winlock Cemetery] … Read more

Champ, Scina – Obituary

Miss Scina Champ, daughter of Robert Champ, of Burney, Ind., died of typhoid fever on last Monday [March 30, 1887]. She had only been sick for about fifteen days. She was fifteen years of age and a member of the Mission Baptist church, of Burney, having joined last winter under the preaching of W. A. Pavey. During her sickness she exhibited great faith in God’s promise and spent much time in sacred song. The anxious parents and friends crowded around her, but were powerless to prevent the angels from claiming her as one of their future companions. She leaves behind … Read more