Biographical Sketch of Thomas B. Yates

Thomas B. Yates was born near Culpepper, Rappahannock county, Virginia, February 3, 1836. He lived with his parents until he was twenty and received a common school education. On leaving home, in 1856, he came to Gallatin and engaged in school teaching until 1860 when he was elected superintendent of schools for Daviess county. On account of the troubled condition of the schools in 1861, they being suspended, he resigned and engaged in farming. In 1865 he removed to Chillicothe and engaged in the drug business, in which he continued until 1874. In that year he returned to Gallatin and with Dr. A. M. Dockery organized the Farmers’ Exchange Bank. In 1876 he represented his congressional district in the National Democratic Convention held at St. Louis.

April 29, 1859, Mr. Yates was united in marriage to Miss Mary S. Peniston, a native of Daviess county. They have six children; namely, Robert, in the drug business at Jameson; Edward, a law student under Judge Hicklin; Ida, Fannie, Lizzie and Homer, at home.

Mr. Yates is a member of Gallatin Lodge No. 106 of A. F. & A. M., and of. the Gallatin R. A. Chapter, No. 11, of Gallatin. He is a gentleman highly esteemed for his many good qualities, and wields a large influence in the affairs of Daviess county.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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